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OPINION JANUARY 24, 2025 | The Indian Eye 10
India’s Foreign Secretary Meets the
Acting Foreign Minister of Afghanistan
to Discuss Bilateral Relations
New Delhi remains concerned about the presence of terrorist groups in Afghanistan with agendas targeting India
and has consistently urged the Taliban to ensure that Afghan soil is not used for activities against India. The meeting
also discussed enhancing sports cooperation, particularly in cricket, a sport held in high regard in Afghanistan
n 8 January 2025, India’s
Foreign Secretary, Vikram
OMisri, held a meeting with
Afghanistan’s Acting Foreign Min-
ister, Mawlawi Amir Khan Muttaqi,
in Dubai, UAE. Since the Taliban’s
return to power in Kabul, India’s ap-
proach to Afghanistan has remained
focused on gradual engagement, pri-
oritizing the well-being of the Afghan
people while urging the Taliban to
adopt inclusive governance. Howev-
er, this meeting represented the first
high-level interaction of its kind. The
talks primarily addressed bilateral re-
lations and regional developments.
According to India’s Ministry
of External Affairs, the two sides as-
sessed the ongoing Indian humanitar-
ian assistance programme and Mut-
taqi thanked the Indian leadership for
“continuing to engage and support the
people of Afghanistan”. Recognizing
Afghanistan’s developmental needs,
“it was decided that in addition to
the ongoing humanitarian assistance
programme, India would consider en-
gaging in development projects in the
near future.”
Besides, both countries agreed to
promote “the use of the Iranian port
of Chabahar for trade and commer- Indian Foreign Secretary Vikram Misri meets Afghanistan Acting Foreign Minister Malawi Amir Khan Muttaqi, in Dubai on January 8th (ANI)
cial activities, including for the pur-
pose of humanitarian assistance for
Afghanistan.” Also, in response to the Taliban to ensure that Afghan soil is assistance. In June 2022, New Delhi 1.5 million doses of Covid vaccines,
request from the Afghan side, India not used for activities against India. re-established its diplomatic presence 11,000 units of hygiene kits for a drug
agreed to provide “further material The meeting also discussed enhanc- in Afghanistan by deploying a “Tech- de-addiction programme, 500 units of
support for Afghanistan in areas such ing sports cooperation, particularly in nical team” at the Indian Embassy winter clothing and 1.2 tons of statio-
as refugee rehabilitation and health.” cricket, a sport held in high regard in in Kabul, primarily for the coordina- nery kits.
In this meeting, the Afghan side “un- Afghanistan. tion of humanitarian assistance in the India’s Union Budget for 2023–
derlined its sensitivities to India’s se- India was among the largest post-Taliban era. 2024 and 2024–2025 also made special
curity concerns” and agreed to contin- contributors of aid and assistance As part of its humanitarian assis- provisions for a $25 million develop-
ue regular contacts at various levels to to the Afghan Republic, providing tance to Taliban ruled Afghanistan, ment aid package for Afghanistan,
address mutual concerns. about $3 billion between 2002 and India has dispatched several ship- which has been welcomed by the Tal-
New Delhi remains concerned 2021. However, following the regime ments that included 50,000 tons of iban.
about the presence of terrorist groups change in 2021, funding for develop- wheat, 300 tons of medicines, 27 tons In view of the post-Taliban reali-
in Afghanistan with agendas targeting mental projects was suspended, and of earthquake relief aid, 40,000 liters ties in Kabul and its security consid-
India and has consistently urged the efforts shifted towards humanitarian of pesticides, 100 million polio doses, Continued on next page... >>