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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JANUARY 24, 2025 | The Indian Eye 16
BAPS Charities organizes Relief and Recovery
for wildfires and destruction in Los Angeles
OUR BUREAU Los Angeles City Council Distribu-
tion Center, NoRes Gourmet, Holy
Los Angeles, CA
Assembly Church, West Angeles
s the Palisades, Eaton and Church, Tarzana Fire Station, Snoop
other fires continue to devas- Dogg’s Snoopy Clothing Store Distri-
Atate communities across the bution Center, Los Angeles County
Los Angeles area, the BAPS Swam- Altadena Drive, Friendship Church,
inarayan Hindu Mandir through its Altadena Girls, East Valley YMCA,
charitable arm BAPS Charities, has Westchester Los Angeles City Coun-
stepped forward to provide critical cil Distribution Center.
relief and recovery support to thou- Multiple fires across the Los An-
sands of displaced families. In collab- geles area have devastated commu-
oration with local authorities, emer- nities, leaving thousands of families
gency response teams, and mutual without homes, power, or access to ba-
aid organizations, BAPS Charities is sic necessities. In response to this un-
ensuring that aid reaches those who precedented disaster, BAPS Charities
need it most. has mobilized its resources to provide
Among the dedicated volunteers critical relief and recovery support.
leading the charge are Yogin Patel The affected regions are in des-
and his wife, Hetal Patel—evacuees perate need of food, clean water, es-
from Pasadena themselves. Despite sential and hygiene supplies, and shel-
being displaced by the fires, they have ter. As survivors begin to rebuild their
channeled their energy into helping lives, BAPS Charities stand with them,
others in need. “We know firsthand delivering aid and offering hope.
how overwhelming it feels to leave BAPS Charities is aiming to
everything behind,” said Yogin Patel. provide a helping hand to those who
“That’s why we wanted to give back. need it most with the donations. The
Volunteering with BAPS and BAPS donations can help provide, food and
Charities has allowed us to turn our essential items for displaced families
personal challenge into a way to sup- and first responders, water and hy-
port others.” support shelters and organizations in Pasadena/Altadena area. giene supplies, and monetary support
Hetal Patel shared, “Even though their efforts. To further amplify efforts, “The road to recovery will be to post-fire recovery efforts for victims
we are facing uncertainty, it gives us BAPS Charities has conducted a “Wild- long, but standing together as a com- and first responders.
strength to be part of something big- fire Donation & Volunteer Drive” on munity makes it possible,” said Yogin BAPS Charities volunteers have
ger. Every supply delivered, every per- Saturday, January 11, 2025, at its Los Patel. “The BAPS Hindu Mandir and already mobilized much needed es-
son helped, is a step closer to rebuild- Angeles headquarters at the BAPS BAPS Charities embody that spirit of sential supplies to distribution cen-
ing our community.” Hindu Mandir in Chino Hills, CA. unity and service, and we’re proud to ters and donated to relief hubs in the
Since the fires erupted, within In addition to procuring items, be part of this effort.” Highland Park/South Pasadena Park
24 hours BAPS Charities launched community members donated thou- Donations were made across 15 area and the Pasadena Convention
its #SOCALSTRONG relief efforts sands of high-priority items. Since sites in the Los Angeles, Pasadena Center. BAPS Charities is working
and deployed teams of volunteers to January 9th, the BAPS Swaminarayan and Altadena area. Donation sites in coordination with local authori-
procure and deploy essential supplies Hindu Mandir through its charitable include: It’s Bigger Than Us, Pasade- ties, mutual aid organizations, and
to resource hubs, evacuation centers, arm BAPS Charities, has donated a na Convention Center, Nativo, The emergency response teams to ensure
and first responders. BAPS Charities number of items to 15 shelters and re- Good Karma Los Angeles, Dena Do- that the most needed aid is delivered
also dispatch volunteers to the field to source centers in the Los Angeles and nation Center, Inner City Struggle, where it is needed most.