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NATION                                                               JANUARY 21, 2022  |     The Indian Eye                     9

        the Courts observation.           tar Pradesh party General Secretary   Gandhi said that development in a   health, Uttar Pradesh is at the very
            The division bench asked for   Priyanka Gandhi on Saturday said   state cannot happen by inaugurating   bottom. The situation is worse in
        the decision of the government. On   that Congress has cancelled its elec-  airports before elections. “Unem-  terms of women’s health. If we come
        behalf  of  the government,  the  Ad-  tion rallies due to the increase in   ployed youth, farmers, women, poor   to  power,  we  will  fill  all  the  vacant
        ditional advocate General appeared   COVID-19 cases.                are all troubled. Development  did   posts  of  doctors  in  the  state.  Free
        before the Court and made his sub-    Taking a dig at the BJP, Priyanka   not reach up to them.” “In terms of   treatment of up to Rs one lakh will
        mission that the government has is-                                                                   be given to each family. Each health
        sued notice  to  respondent and the                                                                   center will have separate doctors for
        government took all steps to ensure                                                                   women”, she added.
        that padayatra is not taken out.                                                                          Meanwhile,  BJP  leader  Amit
            While in Uttarakhand, Union                                                                       Malviya has taken a dig at Akhilesh
        Minister  of  State for Defense  and                                                                  Yadav  over  his  remarks  that  the
        Tourism, Ajay Bhatt, on Monday as-                                                                    Election Commission should provide
        sured that there will be no connectiv-                                                                funds to help strengthen digital plat-
        ity issue during digital rallies in Ut-                                                               forms of parties so that they can com-
        tarakhand because Bharatiya Janata                                                                    pete with BJP and said that virtual
        Party (BJP) is fully prepared for it.                                                                 rallies need dedicated workers and
            The MoS further mentioned the                                                                     organization “which the Samajwadi
        connectivity or network issues in Ut-                                                                 Party lacks”.
        tarakhand and said that the party will                                                                    Malviya said Akhilesh Yadav
        try to connect in small groups where                                                                  talking of lack of resources appears
        such problem arises.                                                                                  “ridiculous” and “he is talking like
            “We will try to connect with                                                                      this as his people’s money is being
        the areas with  low  connectivity  in                                                                 caught (by probe agencies)”. “Digital
        small groups. If we will not be able                                                                  rallies do not need lot of money, you
        to reach any area via digital rallies,                                                                need dedicated workers but they (Sa-
        then we will find some other way and     Samajwadi Party (SP) chief Akhilesh Yadav addresses a press conference    majwadi Party) do not have organiza-
        will surely connect every area of the   over the notice issued by the Lucknow Police to follow COVID-19 protocols, at the party office   tion, nor workers, nor style of work.
        state,” he said.                                          on Saturday. (ANI Photo)                    On March 10, it will be known they
            In UP, Congress leader and Ut-                                                                    do not have workers also,” he said.

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