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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JANUARY 13, 2023 | The Indian Eye 24
AAPI’s 16th Annual Global Health Summit
Inaugurated in Visakhapatnam
OUR BUREAU issues affecting the Indian subconti-
nent such as Diabetes, Cardiovascular
Visakhapatnam, India
Diseases, Women’s and Children’s
he 16th annual Global Health- Health, Infectious Diseases and Men-
care Summit (GHS) organized tal Health.” Highlight of this Summit
Tby the American Association of is to reaffirm NRI Physicians’ com-
Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) mitment towards improving health
was inaugurated with a beautiful ren- care and create model programs for
dition of Vande Mataram and the management of various diseases and
lighting of the traditional lamp by the to improve outcomes universally, he
Chief Guest, Smt. Vidadala Rajini, added. The Summit will be focusing
Honorable Minister for Health, Fam- on mental health, reduce the stigma
ily Welfare & Medical Education and for seeking mental health services,
several other dignitaries, AAPI lead- working on Physicians burnout, he
ers and local organizers of the Summit added. In addition, AAPI is keen to
at Hotel Novotel on the seashore in collaborate with various state and fed-
Visakhapatnam on January 6th, 2023. eral government programs to enhance
Attended by nearly 500 delegates the quality of healthcare delivery,
from the United States and India, making it affordable, efficient, and
the GHS 2023 is being jointly orga- equitable, especially helping with the
nized by AAPI and the local orga- management of various diseases, im-
nizing committee at Visakhapatnam proving health outcomes universally,
from January 6th to 8th, 2023. This training the trainer sessions involving
Global Health Care Summit, with learning modules in different special-
participation from leading medical ties, and tele-consultations.
professionals, thought leaders, heads “We are sure that the Summit
of several health industry sectors, and will offer a rewarding experience not
policy-makers assumes importance only on intellectual but on aesthetic
especially in the context of the waning front as well, as the scenic beauty of
pandemic that has shaken the entire Visakhapatnam and the many plac-
human race and has been instrumen- es around will be worth going during
tal in helping everyone realize that the your trip. The organizing committee
predicament is common across all the is immensely pleased to be at your
continents. maternal and child health, oncology, care sector by mapping the public service,” said Dr. Ravi Raju, Chair of
Shri. YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, gastroenterology, neurology, cardiol- healthcare and preventive healthcare GHS (India) 2023.
Honorable Chief Minister of Andhra ogy, they will be very relevant to learn system through effective interven- Describing some of the objec-
Pradesh, in a message delivered to the from the successful practices abroad.” tions, she said. tives of the GHS, Dr. Prasad Chala-
AAPI delegates at the GHS, urged Chief Guest at the Summit, Smt. While presenting a robust picture sani, Chair of GHS (USA) 2023 said.
the members of “the American Asso- Vidadala Rajini, Honorable Minister of how the state of Andhra Pradesh “We hope to create an intellectually
ciation of Physicians of Indian origin for Health, Family Welfare & Medical has become a role model in healthcare charged platform for experts to share
to give back something to the society, Education, said, “The Global Health- delivery with higher rate of investment their experiences on some of the com-
which has given them an opportunity care Summit is an important opportu- on healthcare, the Health Minister of mon professional issues that still re-
to pursue medical education and be- nity for all the healthcare professionals Andhra Pradesh said, “Thank you main a challenge in spite of all the ad-
come successful in India and abroad.” to learn from each other and enhance all for being here. And thank you for vancement. The exchange of expertise
Shri. Jagan Mohan Reddy ex- fellowship. I’m grateful to have this taking time and conducting such big and transfer of technology by the best
pressed confidence, stating, “I’m sure opportunity to attend and learn from summits over here. And likewise, it’s brains is bound to offer positive and
this platform will bring together best all of you,” she said. “I believe that by a learning session for all of us. And all innovative solutions to some of the
in the healthcare field from profes- working with you, we can improve the of your ideas will be taken into consid- problems faced by humankind.”
sionals, who will provide innovative health and wellbeing of the people eration by the government of Andhra Among the many initiatives that
solutions for the challenges being in the state. The government has the Pradesh, and let’s all work together emerge from GHS 2023, a notable ac-
faced by all.” Lauding the world-re- ability to design the best policies on and be a part of the growth story of tion plan will be for AAPI to collabo-
nowned specialists from the Unit- healthcare, while delivering the best us today.” rate with the Government of Andhra
ed States, who have assembled in of the patient’s treatment eventually Others who spoke on the occa- Pradesh to initiate an ambitious pro-
Visakhapatnam, Shri Jagan Reddy falls into the hands of the physicians.” sion and felicitated AAPI and the lo- gram to address mental health and
said, “I am informed that many spe- She praised AAPI delegates for their cal organizers of the Summit included, wellness of students in high school in
cialists from the US are attending the “dedication and passion to deliver the Shri. Gudivada Amarnath, Honorable Andhra Pradesh. Some of the oth-
conference, whose expertise will be best patient care. Thank you all once Minister for IT. er initiatives that will be announced
very much useful since their ideas on again. The nation is indebted to you Dr Ravi Kolli, President of AAPI during the GHS 2023 include: effec-
technology and advances in various for your leadership, and for helping in his opening remarks, while describ- tive treatment modalities on non-com-
fields in solving health related issues our vulnerable people.” The state has ing the objectives of the Summit, said, municable medical diseases, reducing
in India. While this conference is fo- already started taking measures to im- “The Global Healthcare Summit aims the infant and maternal mortality and
cusing on mental health, neurology, prove the performance of the health- at raising awareness on key health care HPV Vaccination.