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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah                                    JANUARY 13, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 26

        How to Validate Your Strategical Call in Business?

                                      Follow K E A Rules to TRANSFORM Your BUSINESS

                                                                                                              and  advertising  in  the  best  possible

                                                                                                                          4 Pricing
                                                                                                                  Correct  Pricing  Helps  to  estab-
                                                                                                              lish  the  best  price  for  a  product  or
                                                                                                              service  to  maximize  profits.  It  helps
                                                                                                              to connect Business to Business and
                                                                                                              Business  to  Consumer  easily  which
                                                                                                              leads to spread Consumer to consum-
                                                                                                              er or mouth publicity very fast.
                                                                                                                          5 Mindset
                                                                                                                  Learning  how  to  change  your
                                                                                                              mindset is essential for success. Pos-
                   HIRAV SHAH                                                                                 itive thinking is associated with great-
                                                                                                              er  happiness,  decreased  anxiety  and
              here are only 3 ways to validate   A lot of people dream big but never get started. A massive action with the Astro Strategy helps   improved  physical  health.  -  all  of
              your strategical calls for Busi-                  to execute strategies effectively             which can help you on the journey to
        Tness  ROI,  Profit,  Sales,  Mar-                                                                    achieve your goals.
        keting, Advertising, Branding, Image                                                                           6 Astro Strategy™
        Building, Acquisition, Diversification,   You can become UNSTOPPABLE.”  making  success  in  business  or  proj-
        Exit  Strategy  or  to  collaborate  with   THE  7  PILLARS  TO  HELP   ects.                             Successful people understand
        any BIG BRANDS or to do JV, etc.    YOU CREATE RESULTS IN THE           Below are the 9 important things   the importance of an effective strat-
                  K E A Rules             BUSINESS WORLD                    that help you to make the Structure   egy for Launching, Marketing, Sales,
            1.  K for Knowledge               The Business strategy that gives   and  foundation  of  the  Company  or   Advertising, Diversification, Mergers,
                                                                            Organization  Astrological  correct
            2.  E for Experience          you the right foundation for a success-  and strong to tap the full potential of   Acquisition etc.
            3.  A for Astrology           ful business.                     the company.                          It helps to understand where you
            From above K, E and A ways, As-  Here’s the seven-step strategy   • Company Name,                 are, where you are going, why you are
        trology is the only TOOL where you   to create results in business.   • Brand Name,                   doing,  how  you  are  doing  and  what
        can  get  CLARITY  on  what  are  the   1. Project / Business Analysis  • Combination of Partners, Percent-  are the chances of achieving your goal
        CHANCES  of  REACHING  Your       2. Foundation and Structure of the   age of Shares                  for a particular strategy.
        GOAL, What Capabilities you need    Company or Organization         • Correct registered and administra-  It also helps to evaluate and
        to  improve,  etc  in  advance  before   3. Sales Timeline & Estimated Income  tive address,          re-evaluate  strategies  to  ensure  you
        making any strategies or taking any   4. Pricing                    • Logo,                           produce consistent results.
        massive  action.  And  when  you  gain   5. Mindset                 • Web Presence                               7 Execution
        certainty, you can execute with more   6. Astro Strategy™           • Print Presence                      A  lot  of  people  dream  big  but
        potential!                        7. Execution                      • Digital  Presence  (Email,  Power-  never  get  started.  A  massive  action
        • Utilising  only  Expert  Knowledge   You can do above 7 points anal-  Point  Presentation,  Brand  Story,   with the Astro Strategy helps to exe-
          in Business gives 20% more pro-  ysis  and  strategies  using  any  expert   Any digital Communication mate-
          ductivity.                      Knowledge or any Expert Experience   rial etc)                      cute strategies effectively. Meaning of
        • Utilising  only  Expert  Experience   or utilizing Business Astrology or with   • Right Roles to Key People at Right   Life doesn’t come from what you get;
          in Business gives 30% more pro-  combining any 2 or all 3 to maximize   Time                        it comes from what you give.
          ductivity.                      full potential of business and to pro-  So, the point is if the structure
        • Combining  Expert  Knowledge    duce best results.                and  foundation  of  the  organization   This is the beginning of your
          with Expert Experience can bring    Let’s  understand  all  seven  im-  is Astrological correct, whatever you   new life, more success, more
          42% more productivity.          portant steps one by one.         plan  and  execute  strategy  for  that
            Combining  BUSINESS  AS-           1 Project / Business Analysis  particular company, it helps to go   impact, more purpose, more
        TROLOGY with Experts KNOWL-                                         through easily.                      freedom... But only if you
        EDGE of Business and EXPERI-          A  complete  GAP  (The  differ-  3 Sales Timeline and Estimated Income
        ENCE  of  expert  in  respective  field   ence  between  your  actual  potential                        choose to take action!! Yes,
        of Business can bring 96% more pro-  and  actual  achievement)  &  SWOT   Having the guidelines of estimat-  Massive Action!!!
        ductivity  and  STRATEGIC  SOLU-  (Strength,  Weakness,  Opportunities,   ed annual or half-yearly income in ad-
        TIONS  to  the  table  to  reduce  the   Threat) analysis of your business for   vance for your service or inventory of   Why earn less, when you have the
        GAP between where you are and in   better understanding on how to take   product, paves the way for a confident   potential to earn more?
        your journey of where you want to go.   the best steps forward.     approach towards strategizing.
            “In life, when you have CLAR-  2 Foundation and Structure of the Com-  It helps to utilize the full poten-
        ITY on where you want to go and           pany or Organization      tial of resources, gauge the obstacles,   The writer is a well-known Astro
        GUIDELINES  on  what  are  the                                      find  solutions,  seek  counsel,  budget   Strategist and Business Astrologer
        CHANCES  of  REACHING  there,         Luck plays key ingredients for   well,  divide  resources  for  marketing   Email: [email protected]

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