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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              JANUARY 13, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 20

           International Indian Icon (3iii) holds

                         grand finale of 2022 season

        OUR BUREAU
        Chicago, IL
           nternational  Indian  Icon  (3iii)
           (Three Eye) by Gee Vision Inc.
        I(Gee),  Chicago  USA  is  taking
        over the world as a global talent plat-
        form  by  giving  young  children  and
        adults  the  opportunity  to  showcase
        their talent without any restrictions of
        location, culture, color, gender or age
        at a national and international level.
        Since its inception in 2017, Dec 30th
        2022 Gee Vision Inc. completed 3iii
        2022 Season-6 with the huge success
        3iii S-6-episode production (Semi-fi-
        nals,  Finale  and  Grand  finale)  in  n
        Plainfield,  IL  Suburb  of  Chicago)
        from Dec 29th to Dec 30th 2022.
        3iii has reached a platform of 25,562
        participants and a world-wide talent
        from the U.S., Canada, Europe, the
        Caribbean, Australia, New Zealand,                                                                    Season-5  and  6  episodes  on  some
        South Africa, the Middle East, Asia                                                                   global TV channels/OTT platform is
        and India with registrations from 46                                                                  in progress, soon TV channel / OTT
        countries of 7 continents. 1st 3iii S-6                                                               platform  will  be  announced.  Talent
        Semi-final i.e., 3iii India 2022 with 102                                                             is  recognized  in  all  talent  catego-
        on-site  semi-finalists  and  18  on-line                                                             ries across all 3 age groups as State
        semi-finalists (joined through Zoom)                                                                  Indian Icon at state level across the
        from all over Asia was shot in Delhi,                                                                 country, who are invited to compete
        India on Dec 26th & 27th 2022.                                                                    at country level to be recognized as
            2nd 3iii S-6 semi-final and fina-
        le  with  82  on-site  semi-finalists;  23                                                            Indian Country Icon at country level
                                                                                                              across  the  globe  and  winners  of  all
        on-line  semifinalists  from  all  over                                                               countries of all categories across all
        the world and 12 finalists i.e., 3iii In-                                                             3 age groups are invited to Chicago,
        dia 2022 winners from India (joined   son-6 was successfully concluded as   • Nihal Banda (Junior)    USA to join 3iii Episode Production
        through  Zoom)  was  shot  in  Com-  per plan by declaring following Win-  3iii previous 5 seasons have been   (Semi-final, Finale & Grand-fi-
        munity Event Center, 24035 W. Riv-  ners of International Indian Icon   judged by numerous            nale)  on-line  or  onsite  during  last
        erwalk Ct., Plainfield, IL 60544 with   (3iii  –  2022),  Season-6  of  different   • Bollywood legendary music directors,   week of December.
        multiple cameras and beautiful stage   categories and age group.      singers and choreographers like leg-  3iii (Three Eye) founded by Mr
        and 3iii Band by Suneer Mehmood   SINGING:                            endary music director Jatin Pandit;   Sharan Walia, the vision behind the
        on Dec 29th 2022.                                                   • Bollywood  composer,  lyricist  and   platform  for  both  on-line  and  on-
            3iii S-6 was judged by Bollywood   • Payal Roy Gaguli (Senior)    singer Arko Mukherjee,
        Music  composer,  lyricist  and  singer   • Tulip Ghosh (Junior)    • Bollywood  Slumdog  millionaires   site  competition  to  not  only  show
                                                                                                              the beauty of Indian culture through
        ARKO, Hollywood actor and music   • * On-line through Zoom            choreographer Longinus Fernandez;   song,  dance,  fashion  and  talent  but
        manager BOBBY LEIGH, Ms India     • Sanika Pandey (Junior)          • Bollywood actress Meenakshi Ses-  also  allow  nonnatives  to  show  their
        2013 and International celebrity an-  DANCE:                          hadri;                          love for Indian culture by performing
        chor  SIMRAN  AHUJA  which  was                                     • Ms India 2013 Simian Ahuja      to Indian songs and dance.
        supported by 3iii International Jury   • Gazal Sethi (Senior)           Show  their  talent  in  numerous   Gee is on the move to create
        consisting  of  Bollywood  playback   • Nayan Nampally (Junior)     categories such as Singing, Dancing,   an International on-line and on-site
        singer  POONAL  BHATIA,  Bolly-   FASHION:                          Instruments,  acting,  Fashion,  Com-  platform  3iii  for  anyone  who  likes
        wood  entertainer  from  Dubai  AB-                                 edy  and  I  Got  Talent  (Any  Talent)   any type of Indian art and culture,
        BAS ALI MITZA for singing; Gauri   • Nayan Nampally (Junior)        across  all  3  age  groups  Junior  (16   living in any part of the world, with-
        Jog,  Pooja  Joshi,  Bharathi  Devara-  • Riya (Senior)             Yr.),  Senior  (55  Years)  and  Super   out any restrictions  of geographical
        konda  for  Dance;  Juhi  Jigiasi  and   I GOT TALENT:              Senior (More than 55 Years).      boundaries,  culture,  color,  gender
        Pooja Nanjia for Fashion.                                               1st  2  seasons  of  3iii  were  aired   and age to give them opportunity to
            3iii  Anchor/MC  team  included   • Tabla Jugalbandi (Junior):  on Zee TV USA while 3rd and 4th
        Simran  Ahuja,  Ajai  Kumar  and  RJ   • Akshay Talreja Ashwin Nair Viral   seasons  were  televised  by  Sahara   showcase their talent at National and
                                                                                                              International Level.
        Anya Ahuja.                         Patel Tejas Patnaik             One, Samay and Filmy TV channels.
            Grand-finale  of  3iii  2022  Sea-  • Surjeet Singh (Senior)    Discussion  about  airing  /  streaming   --Asian Media USA

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