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North The Indian Eye
16 JANUARY 13, 2023
Millions Attend Pramukh Swami
Maharaj Centennial Celebrations
Pramukh Swami Maharaj conferred the honor of ‘Sanatan Dharma Jyoti’
Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
he month-long grand cele-
bration for Pramukh Swami
TMaharaj’s Centenary is under-
way in Ahmedabad. Over 2 million
visitors have visited the colossal Pra-
mukh Swami Nagar in the first two
The last week of December
2022 at Pramukh Swami Nagar fea-
tured the following themes: “Fam-
ily-unity Day: Celebrating Family
Values,” “Education Day: Celebrat-
ing values-based education,” “Dar-
shan-Shastra Day: Celebrating Time-
less Wisdom.”
On December 31, Pramukh Swa-
mi Maharaj was conferred the hon-
or of ‘Sanatan Dharma Jyoti’ for his
countless contributions to protect,
foster and nourish the timeless wis-
dom of Hinduism and his continu-
ous encouragement to preserve and
promote the Vedic scriptural tradi-
tion. The award was presented to His Pramukh Swami Maharaj was conferred the honor of ‘Sanatan Dharma Jyoti’ for his countless contributions to protect, foster and nourish the
Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj by timeless wisdom of Hinduism and his continuous encouragement to preserve and promote the Vedic scriptural tradition by more than 30 emi-
more than 30 eminent scholars who nent scholars from all over India.
had gathered from all over India to
pay tribute to Pramukh Swami Ma-
haraj’s unprecedented services to ties gathered to discuss how we could ered to commemorate ‘Family Uni- meal together daily, over 1 million
Indian philosophy. The ceremony honor such a magnanimous personal- ty Day: Celebrating Family Values’ families decided to perform daily
occurred in the presence of tens of ity like Pramukh Swami Maharaj on at Pramukh Swami Maharaj Nagar. prayers together, and over 400,000
thousands who had gathered to com- his centennial birth celebrations. We To pay tribute to the unique gift of families were inspired to conduct a
memorate ‘Darshan-Shastra Day: unanimously decided to confer upon ghar sabha given by Pramukh Swami regular family home assembly (ghar
Celebrating Timeless Wisdom’. Pramukh Swami Maharaj the title Maharaj on the occasion of his cen- sabha).
When announcing the award, ‘Sanatan Dharma Jyoti’ along with a tenary celebrations, Mahant Swami On December 30, His Holiness
Professor Vijaykumar CG, proclamation of honor on a copper Maharaj inspired a large-scale Fam- Mahant Swami Maharaj and digni-
Vice-Chancellor of Maharshi Pani- plate signed by all the vice-chancel- ily Unity Campaign between January taries paid homage to Pramukh Swa-
ni Sanskrit and Vedic University, lors of all the Sanskrit universities of 31 to April 15, 2022, to transmit the mi Maharaj’s visionary leadership
Ujjain, explained, “Pramukh Swa- India. We feel blessed by being able message of family harmony through- and tireless efforts in establishing
mi Maharaj’s life was dedicated to to offer our respects at the holy feet out society. Over 72,000 male and educational institutions and student
the moral and spiritual uplift of so- of Pramukh Swami Maharaj.” female volunteers spent 7.2 million hostels to foster value-based educa-
ciety. He inspired Mahamahopad- Earlier in the week, on Decem- hours personally visiting 2.4 million tion before the tens of thousands who
hyay Bhadreshdas Swami to create ber 29, 2022, His Holiness Mahant homes and inspiring family harmony had gathered to commemorate ‘Edu-
a historic set of commentaries on Swami Maharaj and several dignitar- among 6 million individuals in over cation Day: Celebrating Value-based
the Prasthanatrayi to explain Ak- ies paid homage to Pramukh Swami 10,000 villages and cities across 17 Education .’Aware of the importance
shar-Purushottam Darshan. Earlier Maharaj’s efforts to strengthen fam- states of India. As a result of this un- of education for the individual and
this month, all the vice-chancellors ily unity in millions of homes around precedented campaign, 1.9 million the nation, and inspired by Bhagwan
of India’s various Sanskrit universi- the world as tens of thousands gath- families pledged to have at least one Continued at next page... >>