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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             JANUARY 12, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 21

            AAPI’s Summit Concludes with Call to Bridge

                       the Digital Gap in Healthcare Delivery

                                                                                                              turba Medical College in Manipal,
        OUR BUREAU
                                                                                                              the Indian Medical Association, and
        New Delhi                                                                                             the Government of the State of Kar-
              he 17th annual Global Health-                                                                   nataka and the Global Association of
              care Summit by the Ameri-                                                                       Indian Medical Students (GAIMS),
        Tcan Association of Physicians                                                                            Dr.  Sampat  Shivangi,  Chair  of
        of Indian Origin (AAPI) came to a                                                                     GHS  2024  said,  “With  the  rapid-
        close with a call and commitment                                                                      ly changing healthcare landscape,
        to help bridge the Digital Gap in                                                                     AAPI has rightly chosen to focus on
        Healthcare delivery system in India                                                                   the future of Healthcare and Arti-
        with the effective utilization of mod-                                                                ficial  Intelligence  during  the  GHS
        ern technology.                                                                                       2024, and is being organized in col-
            The flagship conference with the                                                                  laboration with AIIMs, and Uni-
        theme, “Cutting Edge in Healthcare                                                                    versity of Manipal, which are in the
        and  Artificial  Intelligence”  held  at                                                              league of the best academic centers.
        the pioneering All India Medical In-                                                                  With the invention of Artificial Intel-
        stitute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)                                                                   ligence, we want to explore its impact
        and Le Meriden Hotel was attended   each and every one of you attending   to advancing global health. I want to   on Medicine and Healthcare in the
        by over a hundred delegates from   this prestigious  17th annual Global   thank was speakers and sponsors for   21st century.
        around the world and over 250 physi-  Healthcare Summit in New Delhi   their contributions.”              The annual event of AAPI,
        cians and medical students from sev-  and Manipal. For the first time it is   AAPI’s 17th annual Global   GHS has contributed to ushering in
        eral Medical Schools and Hospitals   being held in two cities, in collabo-  Healthcare Summit (GHS) 2024 was   new ways of providing healthcare
        from across India was held in New   ration with prestigious institutions,   held at the at the Le Meridien Hotel   to  India’s  1.4  billion  people,  who
        Delhi from January 1st to 3rd, 2024.  such as AIIMS, New Delhi and   from January 1-3rd and will be held   live in the congested urban centers
            In her welcome address, Dr.   MAHE in Manipal. As the president   at the Kasturba Medical College,   and in the rural/remote regions of
        Anjana Samadder, President of  the   of AAPI, I’m honored to welcome   Manipal, MAHE in Karnataka from   the country. The 17th annual GHS
        American Association of Physi-    a diverse gathering of experts, poli-  January 4th to 6th, 2023.    will build on past initiatives and
        cians of Indian Origin (AAPI) said,   cymakers,  healthcare  professionals,   GHS is being organized by AAPI   add several new programs, Dr. Sa-
        “I  extend  my  warmest  greetings  to   and advocates dedicate dedicated   in collaboration with AAIMS, Kas-  madder added.

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