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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             JANUARY 12, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 18

                      AAPI Signs MoU with AIIMS for

                                      Medical Collaboration

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi
              he American Association of
              Physicians of Indian Origin
        T(AAPI) signed a Memoran-
        dum of Understanding with the
        All-India Institute of Medical Sci-
        ences (AIIMS), New Delhi, for col-
        laboration in the areas of Research,
        Education and Student Exchange for
        a period of five years during the on-
        going 17th edition of AAPI’s Annual
        Global Healthcare Summit in New
        Delhi and Manipal Karnataka.
            The collaboration between the
        AIIMS and AAPI signed at AIIMS in
        the presence of representatives from
        AAPI and AIIMS on January 3rd,
        2024 marks a significant initiative to  beginning to facilitate collaborative  to AIIMS by cooperation between   gram, Doctoral level students from
        advance research, academia, and the  efforts between India and the Unit-  AAPI and AIIMS and aims at re-  either side can be co supervised by
        exchange of knowledge, ultimately  ed States,” said Dr. Samadder. “The  amping or initiating new fellowship   faculty members from both the or-
        aiming to enhance patient care in  MoU between AAPI and AIIMS,  programs at AIMS.                     ganizations.  AAPI members may
        India and has been hailed as a major  India’s most premier Medical Educa-  Under the Internship programs   permit its members to visit AIIMS
        step forward.                     tion Institute has been signed for the  at AAPI, undergraduate and post   for short durations, ranging from one
            On behalf of AAPI, Dr. Anjana  purpose of furthering cooperation in  graduate and PhD level students   week to one year to teach at AIIMS.
        Samadder, President of AAPI signed  education, student exchange, and re-  from AIIMS may visit universities/  AAPI may invite faculty members
        the MoU, while Dr, M. Srinivasan,  search activities, affirming our intent  hospitals where AAPI members hold   from AIIMS to visit AAPI as visiting
        Director of AIIMS signed the MoU  to promote such academic collabora-  key positions for a period of two to   faculty members as per their desig-
        on behalf of AIIMS marking a new  tions and participate in various aca-  eight weeks to attend Observership   nations  for  research  and  academic
        beginning in global collaboration in  demic endeavors.”             programs,  specifically  designed  and   activities at institutions or hospitals
        exchange of knowledge and medical     The MOU envisages fulfilling of  offered or as a part of ongoing re-  where members hold key positions,
        students.                         the objectives including that AAPI  search at AAPI.                 for limited durations, on mutually
            “The meeting today is a great  will offer administrative support    Under the Joint Supervision Pro-  agreeable terms.

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