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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             JANUARY 12, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 20

          Dr Manjeet Kaur & H S Panesar institute award

                    in memory of Professor Harkishan Singh

                        Dr Manjeet Kaur presenting the award certificate       Dr Manjeet Kaur and Mr. Panaser with the M Pharma Awardee and her two supervisors

        OUR BUREAU                        Harkishan Singh was  a PhD from       Prof. Singh played  a dominant    Dr. Manjeet Kaur also launched
                                          Banaras Hindu University, India, and  role in establishing and structuring   along with her husband, H S Panas-
        Chandigarh/New York, NY
                                          DSc from the University of Sciences,  NIPER (National Institute of Phar-  er, and daughters, Ajooni, and Alicia
               n the 95th birthday of her late  Pennsylvania, USA and Punjab Uni-  maceutical Education and Research)   Kaur “Professor Harkishan Singh
               father, November 25th, 2023,  versity,  Chandigarh,  India.   He was  at  SAS  Nagar, Punjab,  India  under   Foundation Corporation” from USA,
        ODr.  Manjeet  Kaur  initiated  Padma  Shri,  Emeritus,  Educator,  Government of India (MOCF). Prof.   to  provide Scholarships/Awards  to
        along with her husband, H S Panas-  Author, Historian,  Researcher and  Harkishan Singh Archival Collection   students in need, honoring a pioneer
        er, and daughters, Ajooni, and Alicia  Humanitarian.                is located at NIPER.  Here you can   in Pharmaceutical Education. Man-
        Kaur, the “Professor Harkishan Singh   Professor Singh published 125  find the history of 1713 Volumes on   jeet has declared two lifetime scholar-
        High Impact Research Publication  original  scientific  research  papers,  Pharmaceutical developments in In-  ships/ Awards at Punjab University for
        Award” for an M. Pharm student, at  with 14 patents. He was successful in  dia from the last couple of centuries.   B.Phrama and M.Pharma respectively.
        the University Institute of Pharma-  designing the drug Candocuronium  All Pharmacy history is available here   The event was held at the Gold-
        ceutical Sciences (UIPS), Panjab Uni-  Iodide (INN) (Chandonium Iodide,  under one roof.              en Jubilee Hall at Punjab University
        versity, Chandigarh, India.       HS-310), a synthetic azasteroid. It is   A  nonagenarian,  Professor  which was attended by 125 plus at-
            Panjab University is the very insti-  rare that a new drug gets discovered   Singh’s contribution in chronicling   tendees from different parts of India
        tute where Professor Harkishan Singh  in the precincts of a university.  He  the  History  of  Pharmacy  in  India,  is   and abroad. Many attendees also
        was affiliated from the date he joined  had over 350 publications including  unparalleled. Today his legacy lives on   visited NIPER to view Prof. Harkis-
        it in 1964 till the last week of his life, in  19 books to his credit. He was rec-  in our hearts as a benevolent mentor.     han Singh Archival Collections. The
        March 2020.                       ognized through his election to the  He will always be nostalgically remem-  family thanks UIPS faculty members
            The Doyen of Pharmaceutical  Academie Internationale d’ Histoire  bered as a very respected figure who   for helping us launch the two-lifetime
        Education and Research, Professor  de la Pharmacie.                 reaped posterity for eons to come.  scholarship/awards in his name.

                          Dr Jagat Motwani, breathes his last, at 97

             ounding  member  of  GOPIO,  Dr  Motwani                                              this end, he was a Founding Member of the Global
             stood out for his deep dedication to the In-                                          Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO)
        Fdian Diaspora community for 4 long decades.                                               and served as its Secretary General from 1996 to
            Dr Jagat Motwani, lived a long and fulfilling                                          2004. He was a Co-Convener of the First Global
        life and breathed his last on December 27 at the                                           Convention of People of Indian Origin held in 1989
        age of 97 in Long Island, New York.  A Fulbright                                           in New York City where GOPIO was formed. He
        scholar, professor and social worker, he worked for                                        served as official of several community organizations
        the City of New York Health Services prior to his                                          including Heart and Hand for the Handicapped,
        retirement. Other than his professional contribu-                                          Federation of Indian Associations (FIA), Nation-
        tions, he stood out for his deep dedication to the                                         al Federation of Indian-American Associations
        Indian Diaspora community for 4 long decades.                                              (NFIA). Dr. Motwani was one of the initiators of
            Dr. Motwani was  born  in 1926 in  Mehar, a                                            the First India Day Parade in New York City in 1981.
        town in the outskirts of Karachi, Sindh prior to   He  arrived  in  US in  1970  with  an American   He wrote several books on the Indian Diaspora.
        the partition of India. He subsequently moved to  Dream. He attained his PhD from Fordham Uni-  A globetrotter, he traveled to several coun-
        Gujarat, India where he studied and taught at the  versity in 1986. He was devoted to keeping his Indi-  tries, to interact with people of Indian origin. Dr.
        University of Baroda and also completed his Mas-  an heritage alive in the US. Dr. Motwani worked to   Motwani lived a full life and believed in making the
        ters in Economics and Social Work.           unite people of Indian origin around the world. To   most of every moment.

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