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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JANUARY 08, 2021 | The Indian Eye 22
amid china’s fury, tibetan diaspora
votes for political head
First election after Tibetan Policy and Support Act 2020 passed in the US Congress
s GOpal puri Lama’s representative to North to Dharamshala, India at the candidates who are among the
America, was on third with 9,576 headquarters of the election front runners.
Dharamshala, HP votes. commission. Lobsang Sangay, a Har-
ollowing sharp reactions Elections are being conduct- Tibetan Election Commis- vard-trained scholar of law, has
from China, Tibetans ed by Tibetan election com- sion will finally nominate two now served two consecutive
Fliving in exile across the mission in various countries of main candidates in the first five-year terms as Sikyong of the
globe have voted on January 3 the world where Tibetan com- round of elections (January 3, Central Tibetan Administration
to elect their new political rep- munities are there. Local elec- 2021) who shall contest for the (CTA) since 2011 and will leave
resentative who will head Cen- tion commissioners have been post of Sikyong (the political that post when his present term
tral Tibetan Administration appointed to conduct the bal- head) in the second round to ends in May 2021.
(the global headquarters of Ti- lot voting and send the details be conducted on April 13, eight The Jan. 3 vote for Sikyong
betans situated in India). and for members of the 17th Ti-
Counting of the votes is un- betan parliament in exile will be
derway as votes have been cast- followed by a second, and final,
ed in different parts of the world. round of voting on April 11, the
Well-placed sources told The CTA’s Chief Election Commis-
Indian EYE that till Wednesday sion says.
Penpa Tsering was leading with The candidates in fray are:
15,138 votes. Tsering had served Dongchung Ngodup, the Dalai
two terms as Speaker for the Ti- Lama’s representative in New
betan parliament in exile. Delhi; Penpa Tsering, former
There are total eight candi- Speaker of TPiE and former
dates in these elections to elect envoy in Washington D.C who
new political head for the Ti- contested in 2016 too; Kelsang
betans. Dolma Gyari was on Dorjee Aukatsang (Kaydor)
the second number after Tser- who has been special advisor to
ing with 9,612 votes. Gyari had Sikyong Lobsang Sangay and
served Tibetan cabinet as home the Dalai Lama’s representa-
minister. Kelsang Dorjee Au- tive to North America; Dolma
katsang (Kaydor), who has Gyari, former deputy speaker;
been special advisor to Sikyong Acharya Yeshi, incumbent Dep-
Lobsang Sangay and the Dalai Continued on next page... >>
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