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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                 JANUARY 08, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          18

                           iit alumni council confers life

         Fellowships to 4 eminent alumni for their

          work in the area of operations Research,

           Quantitative analysis and Data analytics

        Our Bureau                                                                                                    over the next thirty years, he
        New Delhi                            this is the second domain for selection of                               went on to design, build, oper-
                                                                                                                      ate and optimize some of the
               he IIT Alumni Council  life Fellows after martech. whilst the Distin-                                  largest grassroot petroleum
               has announced institu-                                                                                 refineries in the world. “As en-
        Ttional strengthening of             guished Fellow program seeks to identify fu-                             gineers,  we  sometimes forget
        PanIIT Institute, an indepen-        ture nobel prize winners and researchers, the                            that tuning a refinery is about
        dent  and  autonomous  partner                                                                                maximizing  profit,  not  just
        alumni organization engaged          life Fellow program aspires to identify future                           maximizing output” he added.
        in the development of an end-                                                                                     Satish Mehta started off as
        to-end deeptech Research Eco-        industry leaders in identified focus areas for                           a passionate amateur photog-
        system in India – through the        the Research india initiative under the india                            rapher and cinematographer –
        appointment of Life Fellows in                                                                                to finally evolve into a leading
        the area of operations research,     innovation network.                                                      photogrammetry expert.
        quantitative analysis and data                                                                                    Over  the  last  thirty-five
        analytics.  This domain comple-                                                                               years – starting off with In-
        ments emerging core areas like  Ravi Sharma, President and               gorithm for pool testing. Based  dia’s first winning entry at the
        big  data,  artificial  intelligence  Chief  Volunteer of the IIT        on his algorithm, it became  Cannes Film Festival, he has
        and data analytics.                  Alumni Council.                     possible  to  test  3  to  4X  the  gravitated to developing some
            “Competence, long term              Sanjay Nagi has been select-     number of people in molecular  of the most complex imaging
        commitment, sharp domain  ed by the jury for his profes-                 diagnostic testing systems such  solutions – both equipment as
        focus and a leading position  sional excellence in the subject           as RTPCR which have histori- well as processing software/ al-
        among IIT alumni is the hall- of Decision Support Research               cally used one sample per test.  gorithms - in areas ranging from
        mark of a Life Fellow.  Unlike  that is emerging as an im-               “As an IT Services profession- satellite imaging to bio energy
        other similar awards, the jury  portant competency in an age             al for over thirty years – I have  field  scanning  to  microscopic
        here seeks to identify winners  where data is the new oil.               learnt the value of first princi- recognition.  “Inspite of all the
        based on their future poten-            “One of my contributions         ples-based analysis – and pre- advances in optics and elec-
        tial rather than on the basis  that I am proud of is a unique            fer to start from scratch rather  tronics, we don’t as yet have an
        of their past laurels. The Life  model for inter relationship of         than  be  influenced  by  a  sup- imaging system that can beat a
        Fellow program of the PanIIT  R&D and Innovation which is                posed solution which may not  pin hole camera or the human
        Institute  identifies,  evaluates  being used by the GOI for pol-        be what it seems to be” he add- eye. However, computer vision
        and awards the most distin- icy inputs on impacting higher               ed.                                  can now do things including
        guished alumnus in each in- innovation  through  R&D”  he                    Srinivas  Rachakonda has  multispectral scanning which is
        dustry  for  a  given  umbrella  added.                                  been a thought leader in the  beyond the range of the human
        competence area such as Mar-            Parag Shah is the winner         area of petroleum refinery op- eye opening a whole new world
        tech, QuantTech, AI, Heath- of  the  FundaMan  Challenge                 timization. Starting off as a  of things that we could never
        Tech etc based on their future  Competition that was held to             hands-on shift engineer in the  see” he added
        potential and relevance.” said  determine the most suitable al-          Bharat  Petroleum  refinery  –

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