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OPINION JANUARY 08, 2021 | The Indian Eye 14
cOvid-19 and the perils
of vaccine nationalism
raJeesh kumar a confirmed 4.1 billion doses,
upper-middle-income coun-
accine hoarding is likely tries have 1.1 billion doses, and
to prolong the COVID-19 lower-middle-income countries
Vpandemic, and result in hold billion doses. This suggests
greater economic and social that wealthy countries will seek
damage. Instead, a multilateral to vaccinate their entire popula-
cooperative effort to vaccinate tions, even low-risk individuals.
vulnerable people globally on a If this situation prevails, low-re-
priority basis, is in every nations’ source countries could be waiting
self-interest. India could play a until 2024 for COVID-19 vac-
vital role in ensuring multilateral cines. According to a Northeast-
cooperation for equitable distri- ern University report, such a sce-
bution of vaccines nario could cause twice as many
With the announcement of deaths as against distributing
multiple COVID-19 vaccines them globally, on a priority basis.
by various developers, there is Studies also show that vac-
increasing optimism about con- US President Joe Biden receives his first dose of COVID19 vaccine public- cine hoarding is likely to pro-
trolling the coronavirus pan- ly, in washington on monday. (aNi) long the COVID-19 pandemic,
demic that has killed more than resulting in more economic and
1.8 million people worldwide social damage. For instance, a
over the past year. Many nations, recent RAND study shows that
including the US, Canada, UK, the cost to the global economy if
China, Israel and Russia, have middle and lower-income coun-
already approved vaccines and tries do not have access to vac-
started vaccination drives. In- cines is approximately $288 bil-
dia has also initiated its vaccine lion per year.
dry-runs and is likely to begin Some argue that vaccine
the vaccination campaign in nationalism is an exaggerated
2021. While the world is final- threat, predicated on an ideal-
ly seeing the light at the end of ized view of the world. They ar-
the COVID-19 tunnel, vaccine gue that the advance purchase
nationalism relating to the distri- contracts are results of the ex-
bution of COVID-19 vaccines is treme pressure that the govern-
emerging as a major worry. ments are facing on multiple
Vaccine nationalism is the fronts to quickly find a vaccine.
‘my nation first’ approach in se- the poor countries will need billions of doses to vaccinate their population Moreover, vaccine nationalism
curing and stockpiling vaccines can also emerge from genuine
before they are made available come countries, representing with a population of 38 million, moral reasons, relating to nation
in other countries. This is done just 14 per cent of the world’s has pre-purchased nearly 300 states prioritizing the health of
through pre-purchase contracts population. million potential doses. Ac- their citizens.
between governments and phar- Many of these countries are cording to reports, most of the However, current trends as
maceutical companies. Wealthy stockpiling vaccines that are dis- COVID-19 vaccines requires a well as past history indicates that
nations such as the US, UK, proportionate with their corona- maximum of two courses to be vaccine nationalism is an unsa-
Japan, and the EU have spent virus caseloads and populations. effective. However, in Canada’s vory fact. Monopolizing of H1N1
billions of dollars on deals with For instance, Australia, Canada, case, it has reserved enough dos- vaccines by high-income coun-
vaccine developers such as Pfiz- and Japan have less than one per es to vaccinate its population tries is a case in point. In 2009,
er Inc, Johnson & Johnson and cent of the world’s coronavirus more than four times over. when the H1N1 virus killed as
AstraZeneca, even before their cases. Still, they have pre-or- Vaccine nationalism or mo- many as 284,000 people world-
efficacy was proven. A recent dered more doses of vaccines nopolization of vaccines by wide, high-income countries,
study shows that as of November than all of Latin America and wealthy nations will be disas- including the US and the EU
2020, more than half of pre-mar- the Caribbean — a region with trous for global public health. nations secured large advance
ket purchase commitments of more than 17 per cent of glob- According to reports, high-in- orders for vaccines, crowding out
Covid-19 vaccines is by high-in- al coronavirus cases.2 Canada, come countries currently hold Continued on next page... >>
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