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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JANUARY 08, 2021 | The Indian Eye 26
inteRview oF the week
sOwmya teJha, advisOry BOard memBer,
association for cyber and data Governance
he Association for Cyber
and Data Governance making, Data Governance has
T(ADCG), a US-based emerged into a core business
professional association special- Simply stated, data gover-
izing in data governance, data nance is a collection of process-
privacy, data protection (and) es, roles, policies, standards, and
cyber compliance information
appointed Sowmya Tejha Kan- metrics that ensure the effective
dregula as an Advisory Board and efficient use of information
Member on June 19, 2020. In- in enabling an organization to
achieve its goals.
cidentally, Sowmya Tejha is the According to IBM’s esti-
youngest and also the only In- mate, the US lost $ 3.1 trillion
dian on the board led by Carlos yearly due to bad data. This
Salori, ex Chief Information
Officer for the White House baffling factor is why data qual-
during President George W ity improvement should be ev-
ery business’s primary concern.
Bush’s administration. Sowmya When you have accurate data,
Tejha is also the recipient of the you will be able to make proper
prestigious Globee Award as and confident decisions in align-
Information Technology Pro-
fessional of the year 2020 (Gold ment with the overall strategic
Winner). vision.
The landscape of data priva-
in an interview with cy is changing rapidly…
the indian eye, sowmya tejha The California Consumer
spoke about his new role with Privacy Act (CCPA) was imple-
aDcG. excerpts: mented in January 2020. It was
How would you describe your established to protect customer
background? data and give control to a cus-
I was born and raised in tomer on how his/her data is be-
Vishakhapatnam. I completed “aDcG will play a crucial role in ing used. Going forward, we will
my Engineering majoring in guiding organizations towards data see many other states follow suit.
Electronics and Telecommuni- Your future endeavors as
cations from Jawaharlal Nehru governance, privacy and security” an advisory board member at
Technological University be- ADCG?
fore moving to the US in 2013. data privacy. I have extensively terested in building and main- ADCG will be playing a cru-
I have over 14 years of expe- published articles/journals on taining their knowledge of data cial role in guiding organiza-
rience in Data Governance, various business & technology and cyber governance. ADCG tions towards data governance,
Data Privacy, Data Security, magazines. serves its membership by de- data privacy and cybersecurity
Regulatory Compliance with I have also spoken at various signing effective and efficient in lieu of the changing landscape
work experience serving across technological summits. At one best practices in data privacy, of privacy laws such as Gen-
USA, India, Canada, United such event, I ran into Joy Intri- data protection and cybersecu- eral Data Privacy Regulation
Kingdom, Singapore, Australia ago, the Managing Director of rity. It also serves as a platform (GDPR) and California Con-
and New Zealand. ADCG. She introduced me to for facilitating the sharing of sumer Privacy Act (CCPA), in-
You are an employed profes- Carlos Salori, the Chair of Ad- knowledge for persons and en- creased movement of data onto
sional. How did you end as an visory Board who invited me to tities that are affected in this de- the cloud, and a greater depen-
advisory board member at Asso- join his team. veloping and risk-laden field. dency on quality governed data
ciation of Cyber and Data Gover- What are the chief functions of How has the importance of for machine learning and Arti-
nance (ADCG)? the Association of Cyber and Data data governance changed over the ficial Intelligence (AI) solutions.
Over the years, I have men- Governance (ADCG)? years? In the Summer of 2021, we
tored over 2,000 folks (gradu- The Association for Data and The power of data in driving are planning a webinar that will
ating students, IT employees Cyber Governance (ADCG) businesses today is well recog- serve as a guidance for enter-
who are intent to make a career is a membership organization nized. And with enterprises all prises to align their data gov-
change, Non-IT folks) in the of individuals, companies and over the world moving in the di- ernance initiatives using cloud
field of data governance and other organizations that are in- rection of data driven decision platforms/technologies.
www.TheIndianEYE .us