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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JANUARY 05, 2024 | The Indian Eye 18
New York celebrates the Cinematic
Journey of Sikh Heritage and Diversity
Sikh International Film Festival 2023 Captivates New York City Audience
New York, NY
n the bustling heart of the city that
never sleeps, the Sikh Interna-
Itional Film Festival 2023 unfurled
a spellbinding tale of Sikh heritage
and cultural diversity at the presti-
gious Rubin Museum on December
16th. This year’s festival treated the
audience to an enchanting journey
through impactful stories, with stand-
out films as under:
“Baywatana: Without a Country’
directed by high school students from
Boston”, explored the plight of Sikhs L-R Harbaldeep Singh Prof. Sarabjit Singh Dr Avtar Singh, children from the Baywatna Team, Dr Navjot Sobti and guests from the Sikh coalition
and Hindus in Taliban-era Afghani-
stan. Manhattan, as per the release.
“American Sikh” is a true story Teji Bindra emphasized, “Sikh
of Indian American Sikh who was Art and Film Foundation has been
trying to assimilate with the Ameri- at the forefront in bringing better
cans. The Oscar qualified animated awareness of Sikhs through films
short film is a story of American Sikh and arts for the past 17 years. We
Hero Vishvajit Singh and Produced are pleased with the fantastic movies
by Guneet Monga Kapoor - Os- showcased this year.”
car-winning producer (The Elephant Dr. Paul Johar added, “This
Whisperers) and Michelin-starred year’s Sikh International Film Festi-
chef-filmmaker Vikas Khanna. Vikas val showcased a powerful lineup ad-
Khanna remarked, “One of the high- dressing contemporary Sikh Diaspo-
lights of screening ‘American Sikh’ at ra issues, delved into the challenges
Sikh International Film Festival was faced by the community. “Amardeep
engaging the little ones and the youth Singh’s documentary, “Oneness in
who could see themselves reflected Diversity: Elixir of Guru Nanak and
in our film. Their dreams and hopes (Left to Right): Hansdip Bindra, Paul Johar Teji Bindra Vishavjit Singh Ryan Westra, Vikas the Indic Saints,” intertwined mem-
keep me inspired.” The short film is Khanna and Mandeep Singh ories of Saints and Sufi mystics, em-
Directed and illustrated by American phasizing the essential theme of one-
Sikh Hero Vishavjit Singh and Ryan ness and diversity.
Westra. The festival, with its captivating
“Colonel Kalsi: Beyond the Call” stories and impactful quotes from
is another true story of a Sikh young filmmakers, not only celebrated Sikh
Kamal Kalsi who fought to serve in culture but also provided a dynamic
the US Army with his turban and platform for filmmakers to showcase
beard. The film explores themes of their artistry.”
diversity, sacrifice, faith, identity and The Sikh International Film Fes-
resilience. Colonel Kalsi expressed, tival, originating in 2004, has been a
“Serving in the Army with my unique cultural beacon, fostering awareness
camo turban and beard was a pro- of Sikh culture through films and
found experience of celebrating my arts, as per the release. As this year’s
Sikh identity while embodying the festival came to a close, the organiz-
spirit of American patriotism...” ers expressed gratitude to viewers for
As the curtains closed on these their unwavering support, marking
impactful narratives, the festival fea- Kamaljeet Kalsi speaking at the festival a significant chapter in the festival’s
tured over 10 films, covering a diverse journey. The success of SIFF 2023
range of topics from current affairs Sobti (Senior VP and Chair of Fi- dip Bindra (Head of PR and Market- promises an even brighter future,
to historical perspectives. Teji Bin- nance), Dr Paul Johar (Chair SAFF ing), expressed their satisfaction with continuing to celebrate Sikh heritage
dra (Founder and President of Sikh - Film Festival), Harmeet Bharara the films that captivated a packed and diversity through the captivating
Art and Film Foundation), Mandeep (Former Chair FF and Gala), Hans- auditorium at the Rubin Museum in lens of cinema.