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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             JANUARY 05, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 17

               Mayor Adams Launches Effort to Enhance

                      Nightlife Safety and Strengthen Small

          Businesses, Phasing Out ‘March’ Enforcement

            CURE Builds on Adams Administration’s Small Business Forward Initiative, Strengthens Trust
                             Between Local Businesses, Law Enforcement, and Local Communities

        OUR BUREAU                        tive,   engagement-first   approach   “Mayor Adams made it clear on   nighttime, multi-agency inspections
                                          aligns with core pillars of Mayor Ad-  day one: small businesses will drive   led by the NYPD, and supported by
        NEW YORK, NY
                                          ams’ “Rebuild, Renew, Reinvent: A   our city’s economic recovery,” said   a broad array of inspectors from the
               ew York City Mayor Eric Ad-  Blueprint for New York City’s Eco-  SBS  Commissioner  Kevin  D.  Kim.   Fire Department of the City of New
               ams, New York City Police   nomic Recovery,” augmenting the   “I’m thrilled to see ONL’s years   York,  the  New  York  City  Depart-
        NDepartment  (NYPD)  Com-         impact of other successful initiatives,   of hard work culminate in this an-  ments of Buildings (DOB), the New
        missioner Edward A. Caban, New    such  as  “Small  Business  Forward,”   nouncement.  This  engagement-first   York City Department of Environ-
        York City Department of Small Busi-  that save small businesses time and   approach in solving issues between   mental Protection (DEP), the New
        ness  Services  (SBS)  Commissioner   money while upholding public safety   nightlife establishments and the com-  York  City  Department  of  Health
        Kevin  D.  Kim,  and  New  York  City   and health standards.       munity will help more bars, restau-  and  Mental  Hygiene  (DOHMH),
        Office of Nightlife (ONL) Executive   “As mayor of the city that never   rants, and nightclubs thrive while   and the New York State Liquor Au-
        Director  Jeffrey  Garcia  today  an-  sleeps, I know that this is a 24-hour   maintaining public safety. CURE is   thority (SLA).
        nounced the launch of “Coordinating   city, and we need to support the   another promise fulfilled on the road   Since 2020, 44 MARCH oper-
        a United Resolution with Establish-  nightlife businesses that keep this   to making New York City ‘City of   ations have included an average of
        ments” (CURE) — a new process for   city  vibrant.  But  noise,  trash,  and   Yes’ for all small businesses.”  17 inspectors, resulting in major dis-
        NYPD,  SBS,  and  ONL  to  improve   crime can disrupt local residents,   “CURE is clear — it is a trans-  ruptions for local businesses and pa-
        public safety responses to nightlife es-  and complaints can lead to unan-  formative moment for the nightlife   trons. Just two MARCH inspections
        tablishments and more equitably en-  nounced inspections that shutter   community, and I am proud that   have  been  conducted  since  July  1,
        gage with nightlife business owners.  businesses — for a night, a week, or   the Office of Nightlife will be able   2022.
            The  new  CURE  process  re-  permanently. We must protect pub-  to help even more with this new      CURE ensures that the only
        places  the  NYPD’s  “Multi-Agency   lic safety, while ensuring businesses   engagement-first  approach.  Public   venues subject to significant enforce-
        Response  to  Community  Hotspots”   can remain open and New Yorkers   safety extends beyond law enforce-  ment action are those which have
        (MARCH) — an initiative created   can still dance in the dark, and that’s   ment,”  said  ONL  Executive  Direc-  demonstrated a clear and intentional
        by the Giuliani administration that   why we’re launching CURE: Coor-  tor Jeffrey Garcia. “A thriving night-  disregard for community concerns by
        conducted unannounced inspections   dinating a United Resolution with   life industry keeps the lights on,   failing to heed multiple opportunities
        of nightlife establishments in re-  Establishments,” said Mayor Adams.   with more eyes on the street. Most   for cooperation with the NYPD and
        sponse to neighborhood complaints.   “Today, we are changing the way we   importantly, without worrying about   non-enforcement personnel at ONL.
        The  new  CURE  process  requires   engage with nightlife establishments   unannounced multi-agency enforce-  The  new  initiative  requires  a  series
        precincts  to  establish  direct,  in-per-  by opening direct lines of commu-  ment, nightlife venues will be set up   of steps to be taken at the precinct
        son  communication  with  business   nication with local businesses and   to succeed and able to focus on what   level in coordination with ONL, be-
        owners and managers in conjunction   giving them a chance to correct is-  they  do best: run their businesses   fore inspections can be approved by
        with ONL, making them aware of    sues before enforcement takes place.   and create more jobs.”       the NYPD’s Patrol Services Bureau,
        potential violations and conditions of   New York City is the nightlife capital   Under the former MARCH   including in-person daytime visits,
        concern, and providing multiple op-  of the world, and this new initiative   program, nightlife establishments   written documentation of incidents
        portunities for local business owners   will help us protect public safety, en-  — which include bars, restaurants,   of concern, and in-person meetings
        to correct issues before enforcement   sure better quality of life, and keep   music venues, and dance clubs —   between business owners and local
        actions are taken. The transforma-  business doors open for all to enjoy.”  could  have  faced unannounced,   precinct officials.

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