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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JANUARY 05, 2024 | The Indian Eye 16
Senior Friendship Group Chicago’s Festive Extravaganza Unveiled
in a Symphony of Joy and Unity for Christmas celebration
OUR BUREAU presentation and generously gifting wa-
ter bottles and other items to all mem-
Chicago, IL
bers and guests. His announcement
he Senior Friendship Group added an extra layer of joy to the event.
Chicago, a close-knit communi- In a delightful celebration of
Tty of seniors, recently organized December birthdays, Dineshbhai
a joyous Christmas Party on Decem- Thakkar orchestrated a joyous event.
ber 17, 2023, from 9:30 AM to 3 PM. Sunilbhai Shah and Pinkiben Thak-
The event was filled with heartwarm- kar, with their melodious voices, ini-
ing moments, delicious treats, and a tiated birthday songs, creating a lively
variety of performances. atmosphere. Harshadbhai Parekh,
The festivities kicked off with a the President, added a special touch
delightful breakfast featuring hot tea, by starting the DJ, unleashing a burst
coffee, and cookies, fostering a warm of dance and happiness among mem-
and communal atmosphere. President bers and guests. This innovative and
Harshadbhai Patel extended heartfelt The Senior Friendship Group Chicago Team, Pinkiben & Dineshbhai Thakkar, Harshadbhai memorable event marked a unique
wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Patel and Sunil Shah [FIA Founder President and Chairman] moment in the senior group’s history,
Happy New Year to all attendees, and Harshadbhai expressed gratitude
including special guest Jayeshbhai musical touch with a Christmas song, laughter, creating cherished memo- to Sunilbhai Shah and Pinkiben for
Parekh. An overview of the day’s pro- and Kiritbhai Thakkar and Pinki- ries for everyone. their exceptional contributions. Ku-
gram was also presented. ben showcased Srinathji’s Bhagan. Asian Media USA played a cru- dos to their dynamic leadership!
Notable highlights of the event Jayashreeben Pandya presented Shiv cial role in capturing the day’s high- The grand finale of the event fea-
included the honoring of Jayeshbhai Stuti, adding a spiritual dimension to lights through pictures and videos. tured a delicious Punjabi feast, bring-
Parekh by Harshadbhai Patel, Smita the celebration. Harshadbhai Parekh expressed grati- ing the day to a close on a satisfying
Parekh, Pinkiben, and Dineshbhai The birthdays of members born tude for his efforts, ensuring that the note. The Senior Friendship Group
Thakker. Pinkiben shared festive in December were joyously celebrat- memories would be cherished for Chicago’s Christmas Party was a re-
greetings, sang Ganapati Aarti, while ed, with Dineshbhai Thakkar, Meen- years to come. sounding success, weaving together
Smita Parekh mesmerized the au- aben Patel, and others cutting a cake Jigar Kiritbhai Shah took the op- joy, camaraderie, and the spirit of the
dience with Pratharna and Madhu- and dancing to the birthday song. The portunity to advertise Sahara Home festive season.
rashtakam. Kantibhai Patel added a atmosphere was lively and filled with Care, sharing information about his --Asian Media USA