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North                      The Indian Eye


         18                                                                                                                         JANUARY 01, 2021

        glOBal indians of 2020

            Kamala Devi Harris              neera tanden                   Rishi Sunak                  Raja Chari                 Tanay Manjrekar

        Priyanca Radhakrishna       Dr. Ankit Bharat           priti patel            sundar pichai            Gitanjali Rao           sonia syngal

        neeraJ dhar                          Maya and me the importance of  she was raised by a single moth-          fuses to budge till he gets his way.

        San Francisco                        hard work and to believe in our  er who was on welfare for over          He has been praised for his work
                                             power to right what is wrong.” In  two years thereafter. Tanden has      as the Chancellor even during the
               rom the US to New Zea- her winning speech, she vowed:  previously said she is a living ex-             tough times during the Covid1-9
               land,  people  of  Indian  “While I may be the first woman  ample of someone who has been              pandemic.
        Forigin  made  name  for  in this office, I will not be the last,  helped by government schemes.                        raJa CharI
        their  achievements  in  politics,  because every little girl watching
        business,  science,  tech  and  cul- tonight sees that this is a country           rIshI sunak                    Indian-American  US  Air
        ture. We look at some top names  of possibilities”.                          For  the  first  time  in  British   Force colonel Raja Chari is one
                                                                                                                      of the astronauts selected to form
        which made headlines across the                                          politics, the year saw an Indian or-  NASA’s  Artemis  Team  for  the
        world in the year 2020                       neera tanden                igin appointed to the top cabinet    ambitious manned mission to the
                                                The  Indian-American  has  position. Rishi Sunak was named
            kamaLa devI harrIs               been  nominated  as  Director  in  as  the  Chancellor  after  Prime     moon and beyond. Raja was se-
            Kamala Harris has made his- the White House responsible for  Minister  Boris  Johnson  formed             lected by NASA to join the 2017
        tory as the first woman, the first  managing  Joe  Biden’s  admin- his government after a resound-            Astronaut  Candidate  Class.  He
                                                                                                                      reported for duty in August and
        Indian  American  and  the  first  istration’s  budget.  Tanden  has  ing victory in the December 2019        having completed the initial as-
        Black  woman  to  become  Vice  been is Hillary Clinton’s former  elections.  Sunak’s  wife  Akshata          tronaut candidate training is now
        President  of  the  United  States.  aide and worked with her during  Murthy is the daughter of Infosys       eligible for a mission assignment.
        After the victory of Biden-Har- Clinton’s  first  presidential  cam- co-founder NR Narayan Murthy.
        ris ticket in the American pres- paign  in  2008.  If  approved  by  Sunak mostly shuns the limelight             The  Iowa  native  graduated
        idential  election  on  November  the  Senate,  she  will  be  respon- and prefers to let his work do the     from  the  U.S.  Air  Force  Acad-
        3,  2020,  Harris  remembered  sible  for  managing  the  Biden  talking. Sunak has had a meteor-             emy in 1999 with bachelor’s de-
                                                                                                                      grees in Astronautical Engineer-
        her  mother  Shyamala  Gopalan  administration’s  budget.  On  ic rise in Britain’s political circles         ing  and  Engineering  Science.
        Harris, who came to the US at  her  Twitter  profile,  Tanden  de- under Boris Johnson. In fact, he           Chari served as the commander
        the age of 19 to pursue higher  scribes  herself  as,  “President  of  has  emerged  as  strong  number       of the 461st Flight Test Squadron
        medical  studies.  “My  mother,  @amprog-Center for American  2 in Britain after Prime Minister
        Shyamala  Gopalan  Harris,  was  Progress,  liberal,  Indian  Amer- Johnson.  The  only  time  Sunak          and the director of the F-35 Inte-
        a force of nature and the great- ican,  feminist,  mom,  wife.  Not  has been in the news is when he          grated Test Force at Edwards Air
        est inspiration on my life,” Har- in that order.” Tanden’s parents  takes a strong stance on certain          Force Base (AFB) in California.
        ris  said.  “She  taught  my  sister  divorced when she was five and  aspects of the policy and he re-              Continued on next page... >>

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