Page 16 - The Indian EYE 010121
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OPINION JANUARY 01, 2021 | The Indian Eye 16
From s-400 to Kashmir,
erdogan’s foreign policy faces a test
The Turkish strongman has made major foreign policy changes following Joe Biden’s win in the
US elections. This will have implications for India, too
adil rasheed radical ways imminently. Erdo-
gan stands precariously atop the
f politics is the art of the two proverbial stools and some
possible, then Recep Tayyeb experts have even started count-
IErdogan is one of its most ing down his days in politics.
outstanding exponents. In Sep- When Saudi Arabia had
tember this year, the Turkish poured cold water on Imran
president was outraged by the Khan’s plans to hold a spe-
decision of the UAE and Bah- cial session of the OIC on the
rain to normalise relations with non-issue of Kashmir, the Paki-
Israel. By early December, how- stan premier had found support
ever, the so-called neo-Ottoman from Erdogan and Malaysia’s
himself sent a Hebrew-speaking Mahathir Mohammed in raking
ambassador to Israel to break a up the matter on the interna-
two-year diplomatic freeze. tional stage.
Turkish military interven- With Erdogan now normalis-
tions in Syria and Iraq, its sup- ing ties with Israel and respond-
port for the Muslim Brother- ing to the Saudi King’s outreach,
hood and the Khashoggi killing, the chances of him supporting
had cast a long shadow on Sau- so-called Islamist issues like
di-Turkey ties. However, King Kashmir with erstwhile gump-
Salman’s telephone call with Er- tion, giving it greater promi-
dogan on November 20, ahead nence than the Palestinian cause
of the G 20 Summit hosted by in the Muslim world, appears
Riyadh, led to speculation about The Turkish approach on Kashmir issue will impact India-Turkey relations less likely. Perhaps, Erdogan’s
a thaw in the ties between the policy stance on Kashmir may
two countries. Curiously, Erdo- West — whom he and his sup- ing a wily, yet capable leader go the Malaysian way, which
gan’s recitation of a politically porters have been vilifying for who could keep his country un- effortlessly changed tack once
contentious Azeri poem in Baku, years — in order to salvage a der an iron grip, while keeping Mahathir left the political scene.
led to a bitter spat with Iran. tanking economy and a highly the semblance of a democratic Erdogan’s recent foreign
The imposition of the $500 restive, unemployed youth. In head of state. In the post-Sadd- policy moves suggest that the
million defence sanctions by fact, the ruling AKP has been am era, the Turkish leader had world might be a different place
the ‘friendly’ outgoing Donald facing a large number of defec- even emerged as a strongman once Biden comes to power.
Trump administration over Tur- tions, and the party lost two of for the Sunni world — partic-
key’s purchase of the Russian its largest cities in local elections ularly for votaries of Muslim Dr. Adil Rasheed is Research
S-400 missile defence system, last year, in Istanbul and Ankara. Brotherhood — one who spoke Fellow at the Manohar Parrikar
meanwhile, has been a major Recent opinion polls show that about Islamist issues like Pales- Institute for Defence Studies and
setback. Reports have even support for the AKP has fallen tine and Kashmir unequivocally Analyses, New Delhi
speculated about the possibility below 30 percent for the first on the global stage.
of the step leading to the coun- time since its formation in 2001. However, the new image of Views expressed are of the author
try’s expulsion from NATO. The Turkish leader’s volte an Erdogan fawning for sup- and do not necessarily reflect the
Most observers believe that face is so stark, it even risks un- port of the West would come views of the Manohar Parrikar
IDSA or of the Govt. of India.
Erdogan’s sudden and multiple dermining relations with its new as a major let-down even for
foreign policy back flips over ally — Russia. Ankara, for in- his most ardent supporters in This is the abridged version of
the last month or so can be at- stance, supports Kyiv over the the wider Muslim world. The the article which appeared first
tributed to the victory of Joseph issue of Crimea and has main- charm offensive by a leader in the Comment section of the
Biden in the recent US presi- tained that Russia should return who changed Hagia Sophia website ( of Mano-
dential elections. the peninsula to Ukraine. into a mosque this year may not har Parrikar Institute for Defense
The Turkish president is, For many years, Erdogan convince many Western leaders Studies and Analyses, New Delhi
therefore, re-engaging with the had projected an image of be- against the Turkish president’s on December 31, 2020
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