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OPINION JANUARY 01, 2021 | The Indian Eye 17
new year and new visions to
Build Back Better
Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media
ven the sunniest opti- because they objected to his
mists are realizing that threats to attack Iran and mis-
Ewe are in the middle of use the military at home, and
a once-in-a-century crisis that appointed Trump loyalists. It
marks a fundamental break in is now reported that Trump
human history. Underestimat- is heading back to the White
ing the pandemic and denying House from Florida, missing
its seriousness was a fatal error his New Year’s party. Missouri
many individuals, governments Republican Senator Josh Haw-
and corporations committed ley has stated he will object to
in 2020 and ended up paying a the Electoral College vote on
heavy price. January 6 and demand a con-
In the New Year, the pri- gressional enquiry into the No-
mary requirement for survival vember elections. Hawley is
is an attitudinal shift. We must positioning himself for a pres-
put our heads down with hu- idential run in 2024 by siding
mility and accept that we have president-elect Joe biden goes to the white house on January 20 with Trump and his loyal voter
brought upon ourselves a ca- base; other senators may fol-
lamity like no other in modern As the political theorist, Eric helped make this happen and low his example. It is clear that
times. Through acts of hubris, Voegelin, once wrote in a total- could well speed the end of the Trump will be in Washington,
callousness, negligence and ly different context, “precisely pandemic. And more vaccines DC, overseeing, orchestrating
selfishness, we dug ourselves when its dubiousness as a prag- are on the way. Unfortunate- and coordinating a concerted
deep into a hole. Even as the matic record is recognized, the ly, there is a risk that this early attack on US democratic forms
vaccines for Covid-19 gradually narrative reveals its function success leads to complacency. by exploring every means at his
bring relief, there is little room in creating a people in politics, The virus responsible for disposal of clinging to office.
for complacency and repetition and history.” It is not the prac- Covid-19 disease – SARS- This ‘crisis politics’ is on full
of mistakes that accumulated tical record; it is the ability to CoV-2 — is mutating, as virus- display in the Georgia run-off
over time and erupted in the occupy the space of prophetic es do all the time. This hap- elections scheduled for January
form of the mass killing virus.” deliverance in the face of fail- pens randomly. Sometimes 5: there have been death threats
sreeram sundar Chaulia, ure that is the attraction. This the changes give one variant a against the GOP governor, a
The Times of India is linked to a second theme: slight advantage over its peers, Trump loyalist who refused to
That of sacrifice — the people but often they make no differ- challenge the election result
“At one level, Prime Min- not just as objects to be served, ence from an immunological in his state, and against other
ister Narendra Modi exults in but to be elevated by enlisting standpoint. Over time, though, elected representatives. Trump
popular acclamation. The lan-
guage of electoral legitimation, them in a higher cause…” it is likely that mutations may has called on Governor Kemp
the claim that the people stand Pratap bhanu mehta, develop that are less sensitive to resign. In the meantime,
to the protection provided by Georgia’s GOP is still engaging
The Indian Express
behind him is important to his vaccines. It is for this reason in large-scale voter suppression
power and self-image; so im- “Count 2020 as a lucky year. that a global, coordinated sur- tactics – some of which have
portant that he will go to any This may sound odd given that veillance effort is required to been overturned in the courts.
lengths to secure it. The rhetor- the world grappled with a pan-
ical invocation of the power of demic that has killed close to make sure that we are on top The more extreme Trump sup-
ordinary people is ubiquitous. 1.8 million people and crippled of the way the virus is changing. porters are demanding Repub-
It is often not noticed enough, many countries’ economies. Sadly, this does not seem to be licans boycott the elections due
to election-rigging claims.”
but his invocation of the people The “luck” relates to the more
(the power of one hundred and than 90% efficacy of the two sam fazeli, Inderjeet Parmar,
The Print
The Wire
twenty-five crore), and its elec- vaccines – Pfizer Inc.-BioNTech
toral potency, is often in almost SE’s shot and Moderna Inc.’s “Trump has only added fuel Every week, we look at what
a prophetic mode... candidate – that gained emer- to the fire since his decisive the top commentators in the
He exemplifies the core gency approval after thorough defeat in November 2020. He Indian media are talking about
of the prophetic mode, which clinical analysis. Enormous removed the existing civilian and bring to you a slice of their
is the disguising of a failure. leaps in science and technology leadership at the Pentagon opinions and comments
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