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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline DECEMBER 31, 2021 | The Indian Eye 36
Aryaman Goenka creates Learn Catalyst
to make tutoring easy and engaging
OUR BUREAU facing with the transition to online depth notes, and practice questions
learning and saw the need for a in a variety of subjects.
New York, NY
learning platform. Even with the new As schools transitioned back to
s Aryaman was filling up gas norms of social distancing he knew in-person learning, many continued
for his mother at their local there was a way to help and give back to face budget cuts for extracurric-
Agas station, the attendant to his community. Determined to ular activities. In response, Learn
asked him, “Do you know anyone help, he decided to co-found Learn Catalyst shifted to providing students
who can tutor my kids in Algebra?” Catalyst. with extracurricular activities includ-
Aryaman was quick to recommend Learn Catalyst is an online plat- ing public speaking, music, and com-
his learning platform, Learn Catalyst. form that offers FREE, live, person- puter science. Since its inception,
Aryaman Goenka, a current se- alized tutoring to students specifical- Learn Catalyst has been able to help
nior at Stuyvesant High School in ly catered towards their individual over 80 students around the city, and
NYC, co- founded Learn Catalyst needs. In addition to providing thirty Aryaman’s vision is to continue help-
during his sophomore year. He saw minutes long tutoring sessions, the ing as many students as possible to
the struggles that many kids were platform also offers study guides, in- do their best in school.
State department names uzra Zeya has been
appointed as uS Special coordinator for tibet
OUR BUREAU betan cultural, religious, and political
leaders, the US Congress, interna-
Washington, DC
tional allies and partners, and civil
ndian American diplomat Uzra society representatives on these mat-
Zeya has been appointed as US ters,” he said.
ISpecial Coordinator for Tibet- “This designation demonstrates
an Issues specifically charged with the Administration’s commitment
promoting a dialogue between Bei- to advance the human rights of Ti-
jing and the Dalai Lama and elect- betans, help preserve their distinct
ed Tibetan leaders for a negotiated heritage, address their humanitarian
agreement on Tibet. Currently Un- needs, and meet environmental and
der Secretary for Civilian Security, water resource challenges of the Ti-
Democracy, and Human Rights, betan plateau,” Blinken added.
Zeya will concurrently take on the Sworn into her current position
new “important role effective imme- by Blinken on July 14, 2021, Zeya
diately,” Secretary of State Antony served as president and CEO of the
Blinken announced Monday. Alliance for Peacebuilding, a non-par-
Born in the US to parents who tisan global network of more than
immigrated from Bihar, Zeya is a 130 organizations working in more
veteran US diplomat who has served than 180 countries to end conflict by
as political minister-counselor in peaceful means, from 2019 to 2021.
New Delhi during her distinguished ly elected Tibetan leaders in support in the United States who have faced She has also served as deputy ex-
27-year foreign service career. “Zeya of a negotiated agreement on Tibet,” threats and intimidation instigated ecutive secretary to then Secretaries
will coordinate US government poli- he said. by the PRC,” Blinken said. of State Condoleezza Rice and Hil-
cies, programs, and projects concern- “She will promote respect for “She also will promote activities lary Clinton.
ing Tibetan issues, consistent with the human rights and fundamental to protect the environment and sus- During her 27-year Foreign Ser-
the Tibetan Policy Act of 2002, as freedoms of Tibetans, including their tainably manage the water and other vice career, Zeya served as deputy
amended by the Tibetan Policy and freedom of religion or belief, and natural resources of the Tibetan pla- chief of mission and charge d’affaires
Support Act of 2020,” Blinken said. will support efforts to preserve their teau.” in Paris; principal deputy assistant
“Specifically, she will promote distinct historical, linguistic, cultural, “Consistent with the Reciprocal secretary and acting assistant sec-
substantive dialogue, without pre- and religious heritage.” Access to Tibet Act of 2018, she also retary in the Bureau of Democracy,
conditions, between the Govern- “Zeya will further support US will seek to increase access to Tibet Human Rights, and Labor; chief of
ment of the People’s Republic of efforts to address the humanitarian for US officials, journalists, and oth- staff to the Deputy Secretary of State
China (PRC) and the Dalai Lama, needs of Tibetan refugees and dias- er citizens,” Blinken said. and political minister-counselor in
his representatives, or democratical- pora communities, including those “Zeya will work closely with Ti- New Delhi.