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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline DECEMBER 31, 2021 | The Indian Eye 32
annual gala
mySangi hosts holiday dinner and dance –
“red and BlacK Party”
OUR BUREAU port system.
Throughout the evening, while
Fords, NJ
enjoying the good food along with
ySangi, held its annual gala live music provided by Vidya and
Dinner and dance – “Red Shailesh Dave of Bombay Melo-
Mand Black Party” on Sun- dies, the crowd was energized danc-
day, 12th of December at the Royal ing to popular favorite Bollywood
Albert’s Palace, Fords, New Jersey. tunes and bringing the spirit of to-
The annual gala dinner dance was at- getherness. Jayu Parikh, Program
tended by donors, sponsors, support- Coordinator interjected an all-time
ers, well-wishers, and members of favorite fun filled raffle-drawings
MySangi, including Mr. Jaipat Jain, periodically. All the attendees thor-
a member of Board of Advisors of oughly enjoyed the entertainment,
MySangi. The other board members music, dinner-dance, intermingling
- Padma Shree Dr. Sudhir Parikh and & socializing and getting set into
Mr. Dipak Shah, Chairman of FIS- festive holiday spirit to welcome the
ANA (Federation of Indo-American New Year that is around the corner.
Seniors association of North Amer- Pravin Khatiwala. She remembered discussions and a virtual musical Ila Shah, Secretary MySangi
ica) were unable to attend the func- her discussion with Ramanbhai, who extravaganza gala. During the pan- concluded by thanking the attend-
tion and sent their best wishes to all. was instrumental in planting the seed demic lockdown, the organization ees, sponsors, supporters, Bombay
Rajul Shah, President and for developing a social platform like kept members connected virtually. Melodies artists, Royal Albert Pal-
Founder of MySangi kicked off the MySangi back in 2016-17 for the sin- A couple of members came for- ace staff and management, TV me-
annual gala by welcoming all and gles of South Asian descent. ward and while reflecting on MySan- dia including TV Asia, ITV Gold,
thanking the members, sponsors, and Welcoming everyone, Dr. Kanan gi’s objectives and mission of ‘Let Parikh Worldwide Media, and print
supporters for attending the annual Patrawalla briefed on MySangi’s us walk together’, shared their own media partners in helping spread the
gala. She recognized and thanked journey since inception in 2017, inspiring and motivating experienc- awareness of MySangi platform to
the Bhatt Foundation, who provid- noting the importance of spreading es on how they got connected, once the community in Tri-state area.
ed a goodie bag for every attendee, awareness of the pioneer support again after losing their soulmate, MySangi was established in 2016
each including a box of 50 Medical system platform created by MySangi which has helped them getting rid as a nonprofit volunteer-based or-
grade masks and a bottle of sanitiz- of meeting and supporting each oth- of the loneliness-curse and are living ganization aimed at enhancing so-
er, reminding all to be safe during er, networking, joining in workshops the life, once again, to its best sup- cialization and creating a support
the continuing Covid environment. and participating other activities con- porting each other. system for over 50-year age singles
Before asking Dr. Kanan Patrawal- ducted by the organization. She men- Reena Shah from MySangi from Asian Indian community to find
la, Vice President to lead the annual tioned about the zoom meetings held Team informed the attendees about new friends, who may be facing sim-
function program, she requested the during the Covid pandemic lockdown MySangi’s online Meet-up group ilar situation. It was not established
attendees to observe a moment of that included members’ interactions platform, enrollment process and as a match making organization, but
silence honoring and remembering face to face, educational workshops its activities - ranging from hiking, to provide support system for the
recent loss of MySangi supporters in- by guest speakers on topics of inter- picnics, get togethers, domestic and singles. A team of about dozen like-
cluding Mr. Ramanhbai Shah, Pres- est for members, members’ round- international travelling and various minded volunteers are actively sup-
ident, IASONJ (Indo0-American table discussion on challenges they other activities - all focused to devel- porting and coordinating the activi-
Senior’s Organization of N.J.) and face and finding solutions from group op new contacts and a mutual sup- ties to advance the cause of MySangi.