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IMMIGRATION                                                        DECEMBER 30, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 38

                                      United States v. Hansen:

               Supreme Court Once Again Agrees to Hear

           Constitutionality of a Smuggling Statute That

                      Could Impact Immigration Lawyers

               n December 9, 2022,  many undocumented immi-    tional as applied to him, but   practitioner who operated  unprotected free speech. The
               the Supreme Court  grants had successfully be-  the district court denied his   an immigration consulting  court provided several exam-
        Ogranted certiorari in  come U.S. citizens through  motion.                       firm in San Jose, California.  ples of seemingly innocuous
        United States v. Helaman  his program. In reality, it is   Hansen then appealed   Sineneng-Smith represented  conduct that could consti-
        Hansen, a case that poses the  not possible to obtain U.S.  to the Ninth Circuit, ar-  mostly natives of the Philip-  tute a criminal violation of
        question whether the feder-  citizenship through adult  guing in relevant part that   pines who were unlawfully  the provision, including one
        al criminal prohibition on  adoption. Hansen was con-  INA §274(a)(1)(A)(iv) is   employed in the home health  that is especially troubling
        encouraging or inducing un-  victed of several counts of  facially overbroad under the   care industry and who sought  for immigration lawyers –
        lawful immigration for  com-  fraud  in  California,  and  was  First Amendment. The gov-  to adjust their status to per-  an attorney telling her client
        mercial advantage or private  found to have violated INA  ernment argued that  that   manent residence through  that she should remain in the

        financial gain in violation of  §274(a)(1)(A)(iv)  because  subsection (iv) was limited   the filing of a labor certifica-  country while contesting re-
        INA §274(a)(1)(A)(iv) is un-  he encouraged or induced  to speech integral to crim-  tion by an employer.  These  moval, because, for example,
        constitutionally  overbroad.  individuals who participated  inal  conduct,  specifically   clients were not eligible to  non-citizens within the Unit-
        Helaman Hansen ran an or-  in his program to overstay  solicitation and aiding and   apply for adjustment of sta-  ed States have greater due
        ganization called Americans  their visas on two occasions.  abetting. The Ninth Circuit   tus in the United States un-  process rights than those
        Helping America Chamber  He first moved to dismiss the  disagreed, holding that the   der INA § 245(i) which ex-  outside the United States,
        of Commerce (“AHA”) that  two fraud counts that were  provision prohibits a broad   pired on April 30, 2001 and  and because as a practical
        purported to  help undocu-  based on a violation of INA  range of protected speech.   they also did not appear to  matter, the government may
        mented immigrants become  INA §274(a)(1)(A)(iv) on  One could violate 8 U.S.C.    be grandfathered under this  not physically remove her
        U.S. citizens through adult  the ground that this provision  § 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv) mere-  provision. Although Sine-  until removal proceedings
        adoption. Hansen falsely ad-  is facially overbroad, void for  ly by “knowingly telling an   neng-Smith knew that her  have been completed. The
        vised these individuals that  vagueness, and unconstitu-  undocumented immigrant ‘I   clients were not eligible un-  Supreme  Court  ultimately
                                                                 encourage you to reside   der  245(i),  she  continued  dismissed the case on oth-
                                                                  in  the United States’”,   to sign retainer agreements  er grounds, particularly for
                                                                  the court reasoned. The   with them and tell them that  having departed from the
                                                                  court held INA §274(a)  they could apply for green  party presentation principle.
                                                                  (1)(A)(iv) is unconstitu-  cards in the United States.   It remains to be seen
                                                                  tionally overbroad, and   At least two of the clients  how the Supreme Court
                                                                  reversed Hansen’s con-  testified that they would have  rules in Hansen, but its de-
                                                                  victions under this pro-  left the country if they were  cision could carry important
                                                                  vision.  The government   advised that they were not el-  implications for immigration
                                                                  is seeking review of the   igible to apply for permanent  lawyers. Given the striking
                                                                  Ninth Circuit’s decision   residence.              breadth of INA §274(a)(1)
                                                                  at the Supreme Court,      Sineneng-Smith    was   (A)(iv),  a  lawyer telling  an
                                                                  arguing in part that it   convicted by a jury on two  undocumented client sim-
                                                                  has historically con-   counts of  encouraging  and  ply “I encourage you to re-
                                                                  strued the “encourage”   inducing an alien to remain  main in the United States”
                                                                  or “induce” language of   in the United States for the  – perhaps because the client
                                                                  INA §274(a)(1)(A)(iv)   purposes of financial gain, in  would later become eligible
                                                                  very narrowly to prose-  violation of INA §274(a)(1)  to seek adjustment of status –
                                                                  cute those who engaged   (A)(iv) and INA §274(a)(1)  could render her vulnerable
                                                                  in serious criminal con-  (B)(i). She was also convicted  to prosecution. The Ninth
                                                                  duct.                   on two counts of mail fraud  Circuit in Hansen provided
                                                                      The   same   First  in violation of 18 U.S.C.  numerous other examples of
                      m of                                        Amendment        over-  §1341. The Ninth Circuit re-  protected speech that could
           CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                         breadth argument at     versed her convictions under  potentially be prosecutable
                                                                  issue in Hansen was ad-
                                                                                          INA §274(a)(1)(A)(iv) and  according to the plain text
                                                                                              dressed two years ago   INA §274(a)(1)(B)(i) on the  of the statute, including en-
             in  United  States  v.  Ev-  ground that “encourage” and  couraging an undocumented
                                                                  elyn   Sineneng-Smith.  “induce” under their plain  immigrant to take shelter
                                                    
             ­       We discussed this case   meaning restrict vast swaths  during a natural disaster,
                                                                  at length in a previous   of protected expression in  advising an undocumented
              ‚                                              
                                                                  blog, excerpts of which   violation of the First Amend-  immigrant about available
                                                                  are reproduced here.    ment despite the government  social services, telling a tour-
                                                                  United States v. Eve-   countering that the statute  ist that she is unlikely to face
          2              6th Floor                                lyn Sineneng-Smith in-  only prohibits criminal con-  serious consequences if she
                                                                  volved an unauthorized   duct and a narrow band of  overstays her tourist visa, or
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