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BUSINESS EYE                                                       DECEMBER 30, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 36

                                                              TECH T@LK

                      Apple finally brings                                            Samsung pulls plug on

           DaVinci Resolve for iPad to its                                       its Galaxy A7x series line-up

                               App Store                                                        smartphones

              pple’s  App  Store  has  finally   adapted to fit the touch interface of   outh Korean tech giant Sam-  sound odd to many, it was something
              brought DaVinci Resolve for   the iPad though users can still hook   sung has decided to pull the   that could be seen coming because
        AiPad and the video editing       up an external keyboard and mouse  Splug on the top dog of its A    the Galaxy A73 was already mar-
        and colour correction software is just   to have a more familiar experience,   series smartphone line-up, the A7x.   ginalized in Samsung’s portfolio. It
        as capable as its desktop counterpart   reported GSM Arena.         According to GSM Arena, a tech    was released in a smaller number of
        for M1 or M2 iPad Pro users.          Users  will  find  all  the  features   news-related website, a new rumour   countries than the A72 before it.
            According to GSM Arena, a tech   from the desktop app including   suggests that from next year onwards
        news-related website, DaVinci Re-  colour correction, editing, cloud   there will no more be an A7x device.   As per GSM Arena, there’s also
        solve for iPad comes in at 2GB and   collaboration and AI-based magic   Apparently, the A73 was the last A7x   no word about a Galaxy S22 FE
        is compatible with iPadOS 16 and up   masks and voice isolation. As per   model ever made because there will   or S23 FE, which leaves a weird
        devices with the A12 Bionic chipset   GSM Arena, users can also import   not be an A74 released by Samsung
        or newer. However, for older iPad   existing DaVinci Resolve 18 projects   in 2023, thus leaving the Galaxy A54   (and pretty huge) price gap be-
        users, not all features of Resolve will   on the iPad app.          to be the headliner of the A series in  tween the A54 and the S23.
        be available and some models may                                    both sales appeal but also sheer specs.
        be restricted to HD projects.     DaVinci Resolve Studio which          While other upcoming Ax4          Meanwhile, Samsung has  been
            For the best experience, its                                    line-up handsets have had leaks,   rolling out their Android 13-based
        current developer Blackmagic rec-  brings several premium fea-      no such thing happened to the     One UI 5 update for their smart-
        ommends using an iPad Pro M1 or   tures over the standard app       A74, and that’s allegedly due to   phones. The company also assured
        M2 model. Hooking up an external   is available as a one-time USD   the simple fact that there is no   users that they are aiming to bring
        display or editing ProRes footage is                                A74 in development, nor will there   future One UI versions even fast-
        limited to the M1 and M2 iPads.   94.99 in-app purchase.            ever be,  reported GSM  Arena.    er  and  to  more  devices  simulta-
            The Resolve app has been                                            Though this cancellation might   neously, reported GSM Arena.

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