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IMMIGRATIOn                                                           DECEMBER 25, 2020  |        The Indian Eye                          42

                                     Innova solutions v. Baran:

           COmPuter PrOgrammer Is a sPeCIaLtY

                     OCCuPatION uNDer tHe H-1B vIsa

        CYrus D. meHta &             puter programmers have a  ate’s degree”. Innova Sols.,  degree and that a bachelor’s  gree.” Id. at 13. While it ac-

        KaItLYN BOx*                 bachelor’s degree”, thereby  Inc. v. Baran, 2019 U.S.  degree  is  typically needed,  knowledged that “a factual
                                     implying that some individ- Dist.  LEXIS  134790,  *17. and USCIS’s decision that a  error is not necessarily fatal
                 n  December  16,  uals employed as computer          The Ninth Circuit re-     bachelor’s degree is not nor- to an agency decision”, the
                 2020, the Ninth  programmers do not have  versed  the  District  Court’s  mally  required”.  Id.  at  *9. court found USCIS’s mis-
        OCircuit issued its  bachelor’s degrees. Id.               grant of summary judgment        The court was similarly  construction of the OOH
        opinion  in  Innova  Solu-       In a prior blog, we have  to USCIS, and remanded  unpersuaded by USCIS’s  language to be arbitrary
        tions, Inc. v. Baran,  which  discussed the outcome of  the case, holding the US- argument that OOH lan-             and capricious in this in-
        involved a technology com-   the Innova Solutions, Inc.  CIS’ denial of the visa was  guage  stating  that  “some  stance  because  whether  or
        pany, Innova, that wanted  v. Baran case at the District  arbitrary and capricious.  employers hire workers  not computer programmers
        to hire an Indian employee  Court level. The U.S. Dis- The  court  first  examined  with an associate’s degree”  normally possess a bache-
        in  the  specialty  occupation  trict Court for the North-  the OOH language, holding  indicates that a bachelor’s  lor’s degree was central to
        of Computer Programmer,  ern District of California  that USCIS’s denial of the  degree is not normally re- USCIS’s decision. Id.
        and  filed  an  H-1B  peti-  heard the case in 2018, and  petition on this basis was  quired for the position.           Finally, the court found
        tion on his behalf. Innova  held that the position of  arbitrary and capricious.  Id. at 10. In fact, the court  USCIS’s decision arbitrary
        Solutions, Inc. v. Baran,  Programming Analyst, cat- Innova Solutions, Inc. v.  reasoned, this language is  and capricious because it
        No.  19-16849,  *4.    USCIS  egorized under the OOH’s  Baran,  No.  19-16849,  *8.  entirely consistent with the  failed to consider key evi-
        denied the petition stating  Computer       Programmer The  court  compared  the  regulatory criteria, which  dence. Id. at *14. The court
        that Innova  failed  to show   classification, did not quali- OOH statements that “[m]  requires only that a bach- reasoned that OOH lan-
        that the position of Com-    fy as a specialty occupation  ost computer programmers  elor’s degree “normally”,  guage stating that a bache-
        puter Programmer is a  because the OOH’s de-               have a bachelor’s degree in  and not “always”, be re-     lor’s degree is the “[t]ypical
        specialty occupation. Id. at  scription for Computer Pro- computer science or a re- quired for entry into an  level of education that most
        5-6.  USCIS  relied  heavily  grammer stated only that  lated subject” and a bache-     occupation. Id. The court  workers need” to become a
        on  the  Department  of  La-  “most” Computer Program- lor’s degree is the “[t]ypical  stated that “[w]hile agencies  computer programmer was
        bor’s Occupational Outlook  mers have a bachelor’s de-     level of education that most  are entitled to deference in  prominently featured on
        Handbook (OOH), which  gree  but  “some  employers  workers need to enter” with  interpreting their own am-          the OOH landing page and
        states that “[m]ost com-     hire workers with an associ- the computer programmer  biguous regulations, this  of central importance to the
                                                                   occupation to the regula- regulation is not ambiguous  USCIS’s determination, but
                                                                   tory  language  at  8  C.F.R.  and deference to such an  the USCIS failed event to
                                                                   214.2(h)(4)(iii)(A), which  implausible interpretation  mention this language in its
                                                                   requires that a bachelor’s  is unwarranted, relying on  decision. Id.
                                                                   degree “normally” the min- Kisor v. Wilkie, 139 S. Ct.        While the Ninth Cir-
                                                                   imum education required  2400, 2414 (2019), which  cuit’s decision in Innova
                                                                   for the occupation. Id. The  limited  Auer deference to  Solutions is doubtless a
                                                                   court found there to be no  “genuinely ambiguous” reg- victory for U.S. technology
                                                                   appreciable difference be-   ulations. Id. at 10-11.      companies who employ for-
                                                                   tween  these  two  descrip-      The court also held  eign  workers  as  computer
                                                                   tions, stating that: “[t]here  that USCIS’s denial was  programmers, the decision
                                                                   is no daylight between typi- arbitrary and capricious be- has broader implications, as
                                                                   cally needed, per the OOH,  cause it mischaracterized  well. For one, the decision
                                                                   and normally required, per  the language in the OOH.  is a refreshing rebuttal to
                                                                   the regulatory criteria”.  Id.  at  *12-13.  The  USCIS  USCIS’s longstanding prac-
                                                                   Id. Given the agreement  decision claimed that the  tice of challenging comput-
                                                                   between the two require-     OOH stated that “the [com- er programming on special-
                                                                   ments, the court found that  puter programmer] occupa- ty occupation grounds. On

                      m of                                         USCIS’s denial of the visa  tion allows for a wide range  March 31, 2017, the USCIS
                                                                                                of educational credentials,  issued  a  policy  memoran-
                                                                   based on the OOH crite-
                                                                   ria was arbitrary and capri-  including an associate’s  dum that rescinded earli-
                                                                                              cious, lambasting USCIS’s  degree to qualify”, when  er 2000 guidance that ac-

                                                                   reasoning  as  “beyond  sav- in fact it states merely that  knowledged the position of
                                                    
             ­       ing” and stating that “there  “[m]ost computer program- computer programmer as a
                                                                   is no “rational connection”  mers have a bachelor’s de-   specialty occupation. The
              ‚                                              
                                                                   between the only source  gree in computer science or  2017 policy memorandum
                                                                   USCIS cited, which indi- a related subject; however,  relied on the current lan-
                                                                   cated most computer pro- some employers hire work- guage in the OOH as basis
          2              6th Floor
                 grammers have a bachelor’s  ers with an associate’s de- for rescission of the earli-

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