Page 34 - The Indian EYE 122024
P. 34

BUSINESS EYE                                                      DECEMBER 20, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 34

          Inflation remains the biggest challenge for

           Reserve Bank as new Governor takes over

         Outgoing chief Shaktikanta Das highlights the rapidly changing global geopolitical

                and economic landscape, urging the RBI to remain vigilant and adaptable

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi

             anjay Malhotra, currently serving as the reve-
             nue secretary at the Ministry of Finance, has
        Sbeen appointed as the new Governor of Re-
        serve Bank of India. This appointment is effective
        December  11,  2024,  and  will  continue  for  three
        years, as per an official notification from the De-
        partment of Personnel and Training on Monday.
            Sanjay Malhotra is an Indian Administrative
        Service Officer of the 1990 Batch Rajasthan Cad-
        re. He is an Engineering Graduate in Computer
        Science from the Indian Institute of Technology,
        Kanpur and has a Master’s in Public Policy from
        Princeton University, USA.
            With demonstrated leadership and excellence
        in his career of over 33 years, Sanjay Malhotra
        has worked in multifarious sectors including pow-
        er, finance and taxation, information technology,
        mines etc. Presently he is Secretary (Revenue) in
        the Ministry of Finance.
            In his previous assignment, he held the post of
        Secretary in the Department of Financial Services
        under the Ministry of Finance.
            He  has  extensive  experience  in  finance  and
        taxation at the State as well as the Central Govern-
        ment. As a part of his present assignment, he plays
        an instrumental role in tax policy formulation in   Outgoing RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das leaves from the RBI building after receiving a warm farewell by RBI staff
        respect of direct and indirect taxes.                           on the end of his tenure, in Mumbai on Tuesday (ANI Photo/Ranjeet Singh)
            Incumbent RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das
        has served as the head of the central bank for six
        years and his term is ending on December 10. He   the critical challenges ahead for the central bank while   tion  targeting  and  the  need  to  balance  inflation
        steered his central banking roles quite smoothly,  expressing confidence in his successor’s leadership.  control  with  economic  growth.  “It  has  been  my
        particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic years.  He said, “First, so far as the Reserve Bank is   endeavor to adhere to these principles during my
            Shaktikanta Das, a seasoned bureaucrat, pre-  concerned,  I  think  restoring  the  inflation-gross   tenure,” he said.
        viously served as the Secretary of the Department   balance is the most important task ahead of the   Das further highlighted the rapidly changing
        of Revenue and the Department of Economic Af-  Reserve Bank, and I am sure the Team RBI, un-  global geopolitical and economic landscape, urg-
        fairs under the Ministry of Finance. He assumed   der the leadership of the new Governor, will take   ing the RBI to remain vigilant and adaptable.
        office as the 25th Governor of the RBI on Decem-  it forward”.                                “The global geopolitical and geo-economics
        ber 12, 2018, with his term extended in 2021.    Das also highlighted the strong and collabora-  dynamics are undergoing fast changes. In this sit-
            Before his role as RBI Governor, Das  was   tive relationship between the RBI and the Minis-  uation, it is always necessary to remain alert and
        a member of the 15th Finance Commission and   try of Finance during his tenure. He acknowledged   agile, and I am sure the RBI will certainly be at
        served as India’s G20 Sherpa. He has over four de-  that while differences of opinion between the two   its best.” he noted, expressing confidence that the
        cades of experience in governance, holding key po-  entities are natural, they were able to resolve all   central bank would continue to excel in addressing
        sitions in both the central and state governments   issues amicably through internal discussions.  such challenges,” he added.
        across areas such as finance, taxation, industries,   He added, “Perspectives of Finance Ministry   Under Das’s leadership, the RBI also made
        and infrastructure.                           and RBI can differ at times, it happens world over,  significant  strides  in  embracing  technological
            Restoring inflation under the RBI target is the   but in my tenure, we have been able to resolve all   advancements. He cited the establishment of
        most important task ahead of the new RBI gov-  such issues through internal discussion”.   the RBI Innovation Hub in Bengaluru as a key
        ernor stated Shaktikanta Das, the outgoing Gov-  Reflecting on the challenges he faced when he   achievement aimed at fostering innovation in the
        ernor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), during   assumed  office  in  2018,  Das  recalled  addressing   financial sector.
        his final address on Tuesday before stepping down   issues related to the banking sector and liquidity   He added, “Our focus in the last six years has
        from office.                                  management.                                  been to capitalize as much as possible on harness-
            Reflecting on his six-year tenure, Das outlined   He  stressed  the  importance  of  flexible  infla-  ing the benefits of new technology”.

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