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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           DECEMBER 20, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 32

        360 Degree Business Audit: A Must for every Businessmen

                                                                                                              • Analyze HR Metrics: Review turn-
                                                                                                                over rates, training effectiveness,
                                                                                                                and employee satisfaction surveys.
                                                                                                              • Conduct   Employee    Surveys:
                                                                                                                Gather feedback on engagement
                                                                                                                and satisfaction.
                                                                                                              • Review HR Policies: Ensure HR
                                                                                                                policies align with business goals
                                                                                                                and industry best practices.
                                                                                                              360 Degree Business Audit
                                                                                                              for Marketing and Sales
                                                                                                              • Assessing the effectiveness of mar-
                    Hirav Shah                                                                                  keting and sales strategies in driv-
                                                                                                                ing growth.
              onducting a 360-degree busi-                                                                    Key Areas:
                                                                                                              • Market Research: Evaluate mar-
              ness audit involves examining   By conducting thorough assessments across all aspects of the business, you can identify
                                                                                                                ket analysis and customer insights.
        Cevery aspect of your business,    areas for improvement, leverage opportunities, and mitigate risks (File/Representative photo)   • Branding and Positioning: Assess
        not just the financials
                                                                                                                brand strength and market posi-
        Q: What is a 360-degree business   ing, and customer satisfaction.    and effectiveness.                tioning.
        audit?                                Conducting a 360-degree busi-  Key Areas:                       • Marketing Campaigns: Review the
            A: A 360-degree business audit                                                                      effectiveness of marketing cam-
        is  a  comprehensive  assessment  of   ness audit involves examining every   • Production Processes: Assess the   paigns.
                                                                              efficiency of production and oper-
                                          aspect of your business, not just the
        a company’s operations, strategies,   financials.  This  comprehensive  ap-  ations.                  • Sales Processes: Analyze sales
        and overall performance, going be-  proach helps identify strengths, weak-  • Supply Chain Management: Eval-  strategies and performance.
        yond just financial analysis to include   nesses, opportunities, and threats   uate the supply chain for bottle-  • Customer Relationship Manage-
        all aspects of the business.                                                                            ment (CRM): Evaluate CRM sys-
                                          (SWOT) as well as gaps in perfor-   necks and inefficiencies.
                                                                                                                tems and practices.
        Q: Why is a 360-degree audit import-  mance, strategy, and operations.  • Inventory Control: Analyze inven-  Steps:
        ant?                                  So, let’s understand one by one  tory management practices.     • Review Marketing Data: Analyze
            A: It provides a holistic view of   360 Degree Business Audit   • Quality Assurance: Review quality
        the business, identifying strengths,                                  control measures.                 campaign performance, market
                                                                                                                share, and customer acquisition
        weaknesses,  opportunities,  and for Financial Health               Steps:                              costs.
        threats, and uncovering gaps in per-  Definition:                   • Map Processes: Document key     • Conduct SWOT Analysis: Identify
        formance, strategy, and operations.   • Analyzing the company’s financial   business processes and workflows.  strengths, weaknesses, opportuni-
        This helps in making informed deci-  statements to assess economic sta-  • Identify Bottlenecks: Look for in-  ties, and threats in marketing and
        sions for improvement and growth.   bility and performance.           efficiencies and areas of waste.  sales.
                                          Key Areas:                        • Benchmark Performance:  Com-
        Q: How often should I conduct a   • Income Statements: Assess reve-   pare operational performance    • Evaluate  CRM  Systems:  Assess
        360-degree business audit?          nue, expenses, and profitability.  with industry standards.         the effectiveness of CRM tools in
            A: Ideally, a 360-degree audit                                                                      managing customer relationships.
        should be conducted annually to en-  • Balance Sheets: Evaluate assets,   360 Degree Business Audit   Conclusion
                                            liabilities, and equity.
        sure ongoing improvements and to   • Cash Flow Statements: Examine  for  Human Resources  and             A 360-degree business audit
        adapt to any changes in the business   cash inflows and outflows.                                     provides a holistic view of your com-
        environment.                                                        Talent Management
                                          • Financial Ratios: Analyze liquidi-                                pany’s health, beyond just financials.
        Q: What areas are covered in a      ty, profitability, and solvency ratios.  Definition:              By conducting thorough assessments
                                                                            • Reviewing the company’s work-
        360-degree business audit?        Steps:                              force, including recruitment, reten-  across all aspects of the business, in-
            A:  Key  areas  include  financial   • Collect Financial Data: Gather in-                         cluding financial health, operational
                                                                              tion, and development practices.
        health,  operational  efficiency,  hu-  come statements, balance sheets,   Key Areas:                 efficiency, human resources, market-
        man resources, marketing and sales,   and cash flow statements.     • Recruitment and Onboarding:     ing and sales, and customer experi-
        and customer experience and satis-  • Conduct Ratio Analysis: Calculate   Evaluate hiring processes and on-  ence, you can identify areas for im-
        faction.                            key  financial  ratios  and  compare   boarding practices.        provement, leverage opportunities,
                                            with industry benchmarks.                                         and mitigate risks. This comprehen-
        Q: What is the difference between   • Review  Trends:  Analyze  financial   • Training and Development: Assess   sive approach ensures that your busi-
        a traditional financial audit and a   trends over the past few years.  training programs and career de-  ness is well-positioned for sustain-
        360-degree business audit?                                            velopment opportunities.        able growth and long-term success.
            A:  A  traditional  financial  audit   360 Degree Business Audit   • Performance Management: Re-
        focuses solely on the financial state-                                view performance appraisal sys-
        ments  and economic stability of a  for Operational Efficiency        tems.                             The writer is a well known Business
        company, while a 360-degree audit   Definition:                     • Employee  Engagement:  Measure   Turnaround Specialist, Astro Strategist,
        evaluates all aspects of the business,   • Evaluating business processes and   employee satisfaction and engage-  and BestSelling Author.
        including operations, HR, market-   workflows to determine efficiency   ment levels.                       [email protected]

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