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BUSINESS EYE                                                       DECEMBER 17, 2021  |      The Indian Eye 42

              rbi plays wait and watch amid concerns

         about omicron and signs of boost in growth

         The economic growth is projected to remain strong in 2022-23. The real GDP growth is projected at

                             17.2% in the first quarter of the financial year beginning April 2022

        OuR BuREAu
        New Delhi

              mid growing concern about
              the impact of the new strain
        aof Coronavirus on the econo-
        my the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
        on Wednesday stuck to its “wait and
        watch” policy keeping the key lending
        rates unchanged for the ninth consec-
        utive time.
            In its bi-monthly policy review,
        the central bank decided to keep the
        repo rate unchanged at 4 per cent.
        The repo rate is the interest rate at
        which the RBI lends short-term funds
        to banks. According to RBI Gov-
        ernor  Shaktikanta  Das,  the  central
        bank’s  Monetary  Policy  Committee
        has unanimously decided to maintain
        the status quo on policy repo rate by
        a majority of 5 to 1 to retain the “ac-
        commodative policy stance”.
            The RBI has maintained a status
        quo on these key policy rates for the
        past one-and-a-half year. The last time
        the RBI changed the policy rate was
        in May 2020. The central bank had
        slashed the key policy rates in May 2020
        to historic lows to support the econo-  Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Shaktikanta Das speaks at the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) meeting, in Mumbai on Wednesday (ANI)
        my hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.
            Elaborating on the rationale for
        maintaining status quo on the policy   cost-push build-up.          nancial year beginning April 2022 and   cent, and printing in at around 10.5
        rate and the ‘accommodative stance’,   The bank also said on Wednesday   7.8 per cent in the July-September   per cent.
        Das said: “economic activity is broad-  that India’s Gross Domestic Product   quarter of 2022-23.         As a policy, Credit Suisse does
        ly evolving in line with its assessment   (GDP) is expected to grow by 9.5 per   “The recovery that had been in-  not provide absolute growth numbers
        in October, the MPC was of the view   cent and consumer price inflation is   terrupted by the second wave of the   in its forecast. However, an extrapola-
        that the sharp and sustained reduc-  projected to remain at 5.3 per cent in   pandemic is regaining traction, but it   tion of data available and projections
        tion in new COVID-19 infections and   the current financial year.   is not yet strong enough to be self-sus-  indicate that economic growth could
        the rise in vaccination coverage are   The economy is projected to ex-  taining and durable. This underscores   clip 9 per cent in 2022-23 period,
        contributing to consumer confidence   pand by 6.6 per cent in the third quar-  the vital importance of continued pol-  which according to the brokerage is
        and business optimism. The prospects   ter and by 6 per cent in the fourth   icy support,” said Das.  up to 400 basis points (bps) over the
        for economic activity are steadily im-  quarter of 2021-22. So far, the official   Inflation is expected to remain in   consensus numbers.
        proving, including for contact-inten-  figures  for  the  first  two-quarters  of   the RBI’s target range of 4-6 per cent.   On the markets, he said since the
        sive services that were hit hard by the   the current fiscal have been released.  Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation   country’s price-to-earnings premium
        pandemic.”                        The GDP expanded by 20.1 per cent   is projected at 5.3 per cent for the fi-  of 21 per cent over global equities
            On inflation, the MPC noted the   during  the  first  quarter  and  8.4  per   nancial year 2021-22.   and 72 per cent over the emerging
        supply-side measures taken by the   cent in the second quarter of 2021-  Meanwhile, Swiss brokerage   markets  is  already  too high,  further
        government to contain food prices as   22, year-on-year. The positive growth   Credit Suisse expects the economy to   upside in the metric is unlikely.
        also the calibrated reductions in cen-  numbers come after a sharp contrac-  continue to show positive surprises   In the first half of the current fis-
        tral excise duties and state Value Add-  tion recorded in 2020-21.   and record up to 9 per cent growth   cal, revenue receipts were 16 per cent
        ed Taxes (VAT) on petrol and diesel.   The economic growth is project-  in  the  next  fiscal.  For  the  current  fi-  higher than the full year estimates and
        Crude oil prices have also softened   ed to remain strong in 2022-23. The   nancial year too, the brokerage an-  the central government’s cash balanc-
        since end-November. These would   real GDP growth is projected at 17.2   ticipates growth to be higher than   es with the RBI are 1.5-2 per cent high-
        alleviate, to an extent, the domestic   per cent in the first quarter of the fi-  the consensus forecast of 8.4-9.5 per   er than normal as a share of the GDP.

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