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IMMIGRATION                                                        DECEMBER 17, 2021  |      The Indian Eye 40

                 the ineffectiveness of the

              latest omicron travel Ban

                    From the perspective of

                       immigration lawyers

        CYRuS D. MEhTA &           ment to the World Health  Mozambique, Namibia, and     el 4 Travel Health Notice for  demonstrate that they are do-
                                   Organization (WHO) that  Zimbabwe in 14 days preced-   South Africa, indicating: “Do  ing something to prevent the
        KAITLYN BOx*
                                   a new B.1.1.529 (Omicron)  ing their entry from coming   not travel to South Africa due  spread of the new variant even
                                   variant of the virus that caus-  into the United States. The   to COVID-19.”      if it has spread already and its
               n November 26, 2021,   es  COVID-19 was detected  administration has indicated   As we have argued in pri-  effects are largely unknown.
               President Biden is-
        osued a  Presidential      in the country. Reports from  that it could add additional   or blogs,  travel bans are not  The existing set of Presidential
                                   the WHO indicate that cer-
                                                              countries to the list if needed.
                                                                                          an effective means of curbing  Proclamations suspending the
        Proclamation  entitled  “A  tain characteristics of the   Unlike  the   previous  the spread of COVID-19.  entry of nonimmigrants who
        Proclamation on Suspension   Omicron variant, including an   COVID-related travel ban   Like previous iterations of the  had recently been present in
        of Entry as Immigrants and   increased risk of reinfection,  for India that applied only   COVID-related travel bans,  a host of countries impacted
        Nonimmigrants of Certain   make it a particular cause for  to nonimmigrants, this Proc-  this most recent Proclamation  by COVID-19 terminated as
        Additional  Persons  Who   concern. The Proclamation  lamation, like the omnibus   outlines a number of exemp-  recently as November 8, 2021.
        Pose a Risk of Transmitting   bans many travelers who have  Proclamation of January 25,   tions for certain categories of  Like its predecessors, the new
        Coronavirus Disease 2019”   been in South Africa or neigh-  2020, bars nonimmigrants   travelers, all of who are just  Proclamation is likely to do
        in response to a report made   boring countries Botswana,  and immigrants alike from   as likely to carry COVID-19  little to prevent COVID-19
        by the South African govern-
                                   Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi,  entering the United States.   as the immigrants and nonim-  infections in the United
                                                                  The ban appears to apply   migrants who are barred from  States, but is sure to devastate
                                                                  even to individuals who   entering the United States.   families, separate employees
                                                                  are fully vaccinated. Pres-                        from their U.S. employees,
                                                                  ident Biden’s most recent   even a nonvaccinated   and cause untold hardship
                                                                  Proclamation does share                            and confusion for unwary
                                                                  one commonality with its  u.S. citizen who had re-  travelers. Past precedent has
                                                                  predecessors, though – it   cently  been  present  in   also shown that once a ban is
                                                                  exempts numerous cate-                             imposed, it is not likely to get
                                                                  gories of travelers from  South africa could freely  rescinded soon.
                                                                  the restrictions, includ-  enter the  united States   Furthermore, the Proc-
                                                                  ing U.S. citizens, LPRs,                           lamation penalizes South
                                                                  spouses of US citizens  under the proclamation,  Africa for detecting the Omi-
                                                                  or  permanent  residents,   while a fully vaccinated   cron variant and altering the
                                                                  parents of minor US cit-                           WHO to its  dangers. South
                                                                  izens or permanent res-  nonimmigrant could not.  African President Cyril Ra-
                                                                  idents, and noncitizens   of course, all travelers   maphosa has condemned the
                                                                  whose entry would be in                            ban, describing its uselessness
                                                                  the national interest. Sev-  must undertake Covid  in preventing the spread of
                                                                  eral other countries have   tests before entering the   COVID-19 and its potential
                                                                  issued similar restrictions                        for causing serious damage to
                                                                  on travel from South  uS, and noncitizen trav-     the South African economy.
                                                                  Africa and neighboring   elers with very few excep-  Further underscoring the fu-
                     m of                                         countries, including the                           tility of the ban, South Africa

          CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          European Union,  Aus-   tions must be vaccinated.  has higher vaccination rates
                                                                  tralia,  Bahrain,  Brazil,                         and more sophisticated sci-

             Canada, Egypt, Jordan,   Ensuring  that  these  pro-  entific  and  medical  facilities
                                                                  Saudi Arabia, Singapore,   tocols are strictly adhered to,  than most African countries,
                            Thailand, Turkey, and the   including testing after arrival  though it has still faced some
                                                   
              ‚                                                     United Kingdom. Japan   in the US, and even quarantin-  challenges in administering
                                                                  and Israel have sealed   ing as necessary, will be more  vaccines quickly enough. Al-
                                                                  their borders to all for-  effective than a travel ban.  though the Omicron variant
                                                                  eigners.  On November   Travel bans seem to be based  has also been detected in
                                                                  27, 2021, the Department   more on politics rather than  Belgium, Brazil, Hong Kong,
          2              6th Floor
                of State also issued a Lev-  on science so that leaders can  Israel, the United Kingdom,

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