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BUSINESS EYE                                                       DECEMBER 16, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 38

                                                              TECH T@LK

               Google Chrome browser gets                                     Apple expanding security features

            new modes to boost battery life,                                 by adding end-to-end encryption to

                          free up memory                                                       iCloud backups

               oogle has announced two new                                        merican  tech  giant  Apple,  as   Data Protection are iCloud Mail,
               performance modes, Mem-                                            part of a major set of security an-  Contacts, and Calendar due to “the
        Gory Saver and Energy Saver,                                        Anouncements, has announced       need to interoperate with the glob-
        for its Chrome desktop web browser.                                 that it will finally be adding end-to-  al email, contacts, and calendar sys-
        According to The Verge, an Ameri-                                   end encryption to iCloud backups.  tems,” according to its press release.
        can technology news website, Google                                     According to The Verge, an    Apple holds the encryption keys for
        suggests that these new modes will   with animations or videos, reported   American technology news website,   things that aren’t end-to-end en-
        allow users to reduce Chrome’s mem-  The Verge.                     Backups, Notes, and Photos are now   crypted under standard data protec-
        ory usage by up to 30 per cent and    Even while it’s unclear how much   included in Apple’s plan to increase   tion, so the company can assist you
        extend battery life when a device is   longer the battery life might wind up   the number of “data types” shielded by   in recovering that data if necessary.
        running low on power. An improved   lasting, every second counts if you   end-to-end encryption from 14 to 23.   Data that is end-to-end en-
        surfing experience should result from   forget your charger. Both of the new   The outlet has reported that a screen-  crypted  can  only  be  encrypted  on
        the memory-saving mode’s removal   modes, which are being rolled out as   shot from Apple suggests that these   “your trusted devices where you’re
        of inactive tabs. Additionally, users   part of the most recent Chrome desk-  categories are covered when you flip   signed in with your Apple ID,” ac-
        can designate vital websites as mem-  top release (m108) today, will eventu-  on Advanced Data Protection: device   cording to Apple, meaning that the
        ory-saving-exempt to maintain their   ally be accessible worldwide.  backups, messages backups, iCloud   company -- or law enforcement or
        peak performance.                     As per The Verge, when Memory   Drive, Notes, Photos, Reminders, Sa-  hackers  --  cannot  access  your  data
            When a device running Chrome   Saver and Energy Saver arrive on your   fari bookmarks, Siri Shortcuts, Voice   from Apple’s databases, as per The
        is down to 20 per cent power, Ener-  device, you can locate them under the   Memos, and Wallet Passes.  Verge. Apple says users on Apple’s
        gy Saver mode maximizes possible   three-dot  settings  menu  in  Chrome.   According to a press release   beta program in the US will be able
        battery life by reducing background   Both features can be enabled or dis-  from Apple, the only “major” cat-  to enable Advanced Data Protection
        activity and visual effects on webpages   abled independently.      egories excluded from Advanced    beginning Wednesday.

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