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BUSINESS EYE                                                       DECEMBER 16, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 37

              Despite fears of global recession, why

                India Inc is confident of India growth

               During a discussion at CII, Uday Kotak mentions that the interest rate trajectory in India would
                                           depend more on the signals provided by the US Fed

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi/Mumbai
               espite the global recession,
               India is emerging as a beacon
        Dof hope, according to a CXO
        survey by Benori Knowledge, a new-
        age provider of custom research and
        analytics solutions. Indian CXOs are
        overwhelmingly  confident  about  the
        state of the national economy in 2023.
            Industry  leaders  optimistic  of
        growth in 2023 with automotive & in-
        dustrial manufacturing and pharma-
        ceuticals sectors being the most opti-
        mistic 84 per cent of CXOs confirm
        their optimism towards growth with
        leaders from the automotive and in-
        dustrial manufacturing (77 per cent)
        and pharmaceuticals (85 per cent) in-
        dustries being the most hopeful. This
        aligns with the growth the automotive
        and manufacturing industry has ex-
        perienced in 2022, driven by multiple
        factors like increasing FDI inflow (hit   Some business leaders believe that India must move fast to emerge from a factor-driven economy to an innovation-led economy (File photo)
        USD 21.34 billion mark in FY 2022),
        EV growth, lower labor costs and
        improving infrastructure and govern-  comparison, getting better on the two   strong financial sector to support the   from a factor-driven economy to an
        ment initiatives, among others.   profit  and  loss  accounts  namely  cur-  real economy, augmenting education   innovation-led economy. Stressing
            Increasing interest from foreign   rent account and fiscal management.”   and  healthcare  expenditure  to  build   the primacy of innovation in manufac-
        entities  to  outsource  the  production   To develop world-class Indian com-  people capacity, and expanding the   turing, he said that there are pockets
        of medication in India has the phar-  panies, Kotak stressed the need to   share of manufacturing by expanding   of opportunities in select areas such
        ma industry poised to achieve signifi-  build scale in manufacturing based on   the PLI in labor-intensive areas which   as railways which India is leveraging
        cant growth going forward.        cutting-edge product innovation and   would accelerate our journey towards   to move ahead. We should change
            Meanwhile,  highlighting  the  developing IP rights rather than de-  a USD 40 trillion economies. He also   from traditionally being a country of
        country’s  potential  to  further  pending on arbitrage alone to secure   referred to coordination between the   traders to that of manufacturers like
        strengthen its economy, Kotak Ma-  an advantage.                    Centre and States for building a con-  in China for which we require invest-
        hindra Bank MD and CEO Uday           During the discussion, Kotak   sensus on policies.              ment and capital.
        Kotak on Thursday said India’s rise   also mentioned, as an aside, that the   Sanjiv Puri, Vice President, CII   Leaders from India Inc. say that
        would depend on its performance in   interest rate trajectory in India would   and Chairman and MD, ITC Ltd   despite the impending global reces-
        absolute GDP and absolute per capi-  depend more on the signals provided   lauded  the  transformative  policy   sion, they intend to scale their digital
        ta income, current account and fiscal   by the US Fed.              initiatives such as Gentisate and in-  transformation budgets in the upcom-
        management.                           While articulating his views,   frastructure investment to transform   ing year, with 42 per cent of leaders
            Speaking at the Confederation   Sanjiv Bajaj, President, CII said that   the economy. The policy initiatives,  highlighting the integration of emerg-
        of Indian Industry (CII) Global Eco- “Credit needs to be given to the gov-  going forward, should play to India’s   ing technologies as one of the major
        nomic Policy Summit 2022, Kotak   ernment for continuous and consis-  strengths in human resources for   themes for 2023.
        said, “The Indian economy today,  tent investment from their side in   growth to be resilient, sustainable,   Regarding talent management,
        with a size of about USD 3.2 trillion   public infrastructure, which has really   and inclusive. For example, services   finding  the  right  talent  represents
        and the fifth largest in the world, pres-  helped us over the last few years.”  have the potential to lead our devel-  the biggest challenge (62 per cent)
        ents significant potential and opportu-  While the aspect of developing   opment journey. Similarly, raising   and leaders expect skill gaps in the
        nities to move up the ladder to be top   new  manufacturing capacities  holds   agriculture incomes, and adapting   workforce to widen in 2023. Moon-
        among three in the world. Its realiza-  promise, its realization would de-  agriculture value chains to extreme   lighting, which has recently been
        tion would depend essentially on four   pend  on the execution of  policies,   climate conditions needs a priority.  highlighted as a concern for remote
        metrics - our economic performance   stated Bajaj. He further alluded to   Baba Kalyani, Chairman and   and  hybrid  businesses,  was  only
        in terms of absolute GDP, absolute   four broad areas--namely aligning   MD, Bharat Forge Ltd, mentioned   seen as a worrying phenomenon by
        per capita income instead of the PPP   industry and trade policies, building a   that India must move fast to emerge   20 per cent of leaders.

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