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OPINION DECEMBER 13, 2024 | The Indian Eye 11
In all possibilities, Donald Trump will continue the previous policy of the US government on Ti- The Bipartisan US Congressional delegation led by Representative Michael McCaul and former
bet. Though, the intensity may vary. In his second term, Donald Trump will be more aggressive US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi meet Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama at his residence in
towards China (Agency file photo) Mcleodganj, Kangra on 19 June, 2024 (ANI)
na and the Dalai Lama, his repre- to protect and preserve our ancient to select and worship their religious Conclusion
sentatives or democratically elected Buddhist culture-a culture of peace, leaders. The bill further strengthens
leaders of the Tibetan community. non-violence and compassion that the US policy on Tibet and reaffirms here is bipartisan support on
has the potential to benefit humanity US support of the Dalai Lama. With the issue of Tibet in the US.
It also endeavors to collaborate as a whole”. the passing of each act, the US is fa- TThe US policy towards Tibet
The legacy of Joe Biden on Ti- cilitating its unswerving support to has been consistent. In all possibili-
with other nations to achieve a bet will likely be carried further by Tibet. ties, Donald Trump will continue the
In addition to the previous sup-
negotiated settlement concern- Donald Trump. It may be recalled port for Tibet, Donald Trump has previous policy of the US govern-
ment on Tibet. Though, the intensity
that during Donald Trump’s first
ing Tibet. The bill was intro- administration, he signed the Recip- chosen cabinet secretaries and a na- may vary. In his second term, Donald
duced by Senator Oregon Dem- rocal Access to Tibet Act (RATA) tional security adviser who stress the Trump will be more aggressive to-
and the Tibetan Policy Support Act need to confront China across the wards China. The US-China relations
ocrat Jeff Merkley. It further (TPSA). The RATA was passed on entire security and economic spec- are set to become more complicated
aims to allocate funds to count- 19 December 2018. It denies Chinese trum: military posture, trade, tech- with Tibet emerging as a growing
nology, espionage, human rights, and
point of contention.
government officials access to the US
er the “disinformation” com- if they are responsible for creating Taiwan. Donald Trump is considering Dr. Teshu Singh is a Research
ing from China about Tibetan or implementing restrictions on the Marco Rubio for Secretary of State, Fellow at the Indian Council of World
US government officials, journalists, Michael Waltz as National Security
history, people and institutions. independent observers, and tourists Adviser, Pete Hegseth as US Secre- Affairs, New Delhi. Views expressed
are personal
seeking access to Tibet. tary of Defense, and Howard Lut-
On 25 November 2024, the US The TPSA was passed on 28 Jan- nick as Commerce Secretary as his This article first appeared in the View-
government, in partnership with the uary 2020. This bill modifies and re- prospective members of the cabinet. point section of the website (www.icwa.
Tibet Fund and the Central Tibetan authorizes various programmes and It can be inferred that Trump will in) of Indian Council of World Affairs,
Administration (CTA), announced provisions related to Tibet and Chi- carry forward the support for Tibet. New Delhi, on December 5, 2024
a new program to support Tibetan na. According to the bill, the Presi-
communities in India and Nepal. It dent shall provide funds to non-gov-
is led by the US Agency for Interna- ernmental organizations for projects
tional Development (USAID). supporting Tibetan communities in
Donald Trump and Tibet Tibet in areas such as sustainable
economic development, cultural
oon after the US election re- preservation, and education. It also
sults were announced, the Da- states the clause for opening a con-
Slai Lama delivered a congrat- sulate in Tibet and mentions, “The
ulatory message to Donald Trump Department of State may not au-
and stated, “The world places great thorize any new Chinese consulates
hope in the democratic vision and in the United States until a US con-
leadership of the US” and added, sulate has been established in Lhasa,
“The Tibetan people and I have been Tibet”. It also lays the clause for the
honored to have received the support appointment of the next Dalai Lama
of respective US Presidents and the and promotes the human rights of the
American people, in our endeavor Tibetan people, including the right