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OPINION DECEMBER 13, 2024 | The Indian Eye 10
US-China Contestation
and the Issue of Tibet
Tibet is China’s core issue, along with Taiwan, the South China Sea, and the East China Sea.
China is upgrading its infrastructure in Tibet, especially its Aerial radar system,
and expanding its high-altitude capabilities
ith the re-election of Don-
ald Trump, the US-China
Wrelations are set to become
more complicated with Tibet emerg-
ing as a growing point of contention.
The US-China trade rivalry is
at the core of the wider spectrum of
US-China relations. Issues of trade,
semiconductors, the South China
Sea, Taiwan, and Tibet are vital com-
ponents of the contestation. The
US-China contestation started un-
der Donald Trump, and his re-elec-
tion has again highlighted the debate
around the expected sharpening of
the rivalry.
During the 2024 election cam-
paign and speeches, Trump did
not explicitly address the Tibet
issue, but the problem contin-
ues to be of key importance.
The paper aims to assess the
Tibet factor in the growing
US-China contestation and how
it will likely evolve under the Soon after the US election results were announced, the Dalai Lama delivered a congratulatory message to Donald Trump and stated, “The world
places great hope in the democratic vision and leadership of the US” (Agency file photo)
next US administration.
Tibet is China’s core issue, along tion; the previous trips were in 2008 conference on 18 June said, “It’s form, and stop sending the wrong sig-
with Taiwan, the South China Sea, and and 2017. She met the Dalai Lama, known by all that the 14th Dalai nal to the world”.
the East China Sea. China is upgrad- the Tibetan government in exile, and Lama is not a pure religious figure, Further, on 12 July 2024, US
ing its infrastructure in Tibet, espe- addressed the Tibetan community. but a political exile engaged in an- President Joe Biden signed the ‘‘Pro-
cially its Aerial radar system, and ex- In her address, she said that the ti-China separatist activities under moting a Resolution to the Tibet-Chi-
panding its high-altitude capabilities. legacy of the Dalai Lama “will live the cloak of religion. We are gravely na Dispute Act’’ to enhance US sup-
This year, Nancy Pelosi’s visit forever”. She added, “But you, the concerned over the relevant reports port for Tibet. It is also known as the
and the New Bill passed by the US on President of China, you’ll be gone and urge the US side to fully recog- Resolve Tibet Act. The act reinforces
Tibet have further strained US-Chi- and nobody will give you credit for nize the anti-China separatist nature the US Tibet policy and adds to the
na relations. On 19 June 2024, Nancy anything”. of the Dalai group, honor the com- Tibetan Policy Act 2002. It seeks to
Pelosi led a congressional delegation China was very critical of the mitments the US has made to China facilitate substantive dialogue with-
to meet the Dalai Lama in India. It visit. The Chinese Foreign Ministry on issues related to Xizang, have no out any preconditions between Chi-
was her third trip leading the delega- spokesperson, Lin Jian, in his press contact with the Dalai group in any Continued on next page... >>