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Business EYE                                                          DECEMBER 11, 2020  |        The Indian Eye                          28

                                 mukesh ambani bats for

          indian economy’s us$ 5 trillion leap,

                                        pushes for 5g rollout

               RIL chairman says digital technology has evolved into a platform of unlimited

                   enablement and empowerment from being a means of limited engagement

        Our Bureau                                                                                                    gagement and entertainment.

        Mumbai                                                                                                            "Throughout 2020,  India
                                                                                                                      worked online, studied on-
                 eliance Industries Lim-                                                                              line, shopped online, received
                 ited Chairman Mukesh                                                                                 healthcare online, socialized
        RAmbani on Tuesday                                                                                            online, played online... Simply
        said that the Indian economy                                                                                  put, India thrived online. This
        will  not  only  bounce  back  but                                                                            underscores the phenomenal
        will  also  grow with  unprece-                                                                               evolution of Digital Technolo-
        dented acceleration.Speaking                                                                                  gy in India," he said.
        at the Indian Mobile Congress                                                                                     Despite the lockdown, he
        2020, he said that urgent policy                                                                              said that the entire indus-
        steps are needed to bring smart-                                                                              try consisting of thousands
        phones to 300 million phone us-                                                                               of engineers  and  employees
        ers "trapped" in 2G phones and                                                                                worked round the clock to
        accelerate  the early  rollout  of                                                                            provide  critical support  24X7
        5G. Ambani said that India will  omy," he said.                          earned a proud place in the  to all sections of the society
        welcome  the  new  decade  with         "India  is  today  among  the    annual calendar of global con- and business."The government
        supreme  confidence  under  the  best digitally connected na-            versations on digital technolo- supported the industry to go
        leadership  of  Prime  Minister  tions  in  the  world.  In  order       gies. This is because of India's  the  extra  mile in  keeping  the
        Narendra Modi.                       to  maintain  this lead, policy     two unique strengths, which  services going during this pe-
            "The Indian economy will  steps are needed to accelerate             the world has now fully recog- riod. They deserve our appre-
        not only bounce back but will  the early rollout of 5G, and to           nized," Ambani said.                 ciation and gratitude. Hon-
        also grow with unprecedent- make it affordable and avail-                    "One  is  the  confluence  of  orable Prime Minister, With
        ed acceleration. India can --  able everywhere," he added.               three D's -- India's Vibrant  great admiration and enthusi-
        and India will -- prove cynics  Ambani said that Jio will pio-           DEMOCRACY,                 India's asm, the nation has welcomed
        wrong by becoming a $5 tril- neer the 5G revolution in In-               Young DEMOGRAPHY and  your announcement about the
        lion economy. It will be a more  dia in the second half of 2021          India's DIGITAL Transforma- early availability of affordable
        equal India... ... with increased  and it will be powered by the         tion. The other is the vision- COVID vaccine. The pandem-
        incomes, increased employ- indigenous-developed                    net-  ary and dynamic leadership  ic will be surely behind us soon
        ment, and improved quality  work, hardware and technolo-                 of our Prime Minister Naren- in 2021," he said.
        of life for 1 billion Indians at  gy components.                         dra Modi ji. His Digital India           He also expressed grati-
        the middle and bottom of the            "Jio's 5G service will be a      Mission has made our country  tude  to  spiritual  guru  Sri  Sri
        Economic Pyramid. India has  testimony to your inspiring vi-             highly resilient in the face of  Ravi Shankar stating that his
        the historic opportunity to be- sion of Atmanirbhar Bharat. I            the toughest of adversities," he  focused efforts are the reason
        come the world's preeminent  can say with utmost confidence              said.                                why many leading global com-
        digital society with ease of liv- that 5G will enable India to not           "The        outbreak        of panies are coming to India to
        ing for all," he said.               only participate in the Fourth      COVID-19 posed life-threat- set up manufacturing facilities.
            "As many as 300 million  Industrial Revolution but also              ening challenges. But our  India  has developed  world-
        mobile subscribers in India  to lead it," he said.                       high-speed 4G connectivity in- class strengths in chip design.
        are still trapped in the 2G era.        The RIL chairman said that       frastructure has proved to be            "I clearly foresee India be-
        Urgent policy steps are need- the Central government's Dig-              India's digital lifeline," he said. coming a major hub for the
        ed to ensure that these under- ital India Mission has made                   Emphasizing on internet  state-of-the-art semiconduc-
        privileged people have an af- our country highly resilient in            usage  in  2020  further,  the  tor industry. When all the
        fordable smartphone, So that  the face of the toughest of ad-            RIL chairman said that digital  stakeholders work together,
        they too can benefit from Di- versities."In four short years,            technology has evolved into a  we can surely ensure that In-
        rect Benefit Transfer into their  the Indian Mobile Congress             platform of unlimited enable- dia's success in hardware will
        bank accounts, and actively  has grown enormously in pres-               ment and empowerment from  match our success in soft-
        participate in the digital econ- tige and impact. It has already         being a means of limited en- ware," he said.

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