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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                               DECEMBER 11, 2020  |        The Indian Eye                          23

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         gOPiO-CT Organizes experts Panel on 2021 major us Tax reform

            Shiva Bhashyam CFP®,  State Wealth Advisor for 2019  2020. Pointing to the fact that  especially on the FBAR issue in
        AEP®, APMA® emphasized  & 2020.                                          a third of our society is in re- the year 2011.
        the importance of Financial                                              tirement, he said, they can be           GOPIO-CT            President
        Planning in Retirement and           Kim  ramchandani spoke              used to reimburse age related        Ashok Nichani welcomed the
        offered  Market  update  and                                             caps in the tax laws. While ed- panelists and the participants.
        outlook, Retirement planning  about  long-Term Care  ucating the participants on the  In his remarks, he highlighted
        checklist, and Behavioral in-        Planning options, and on            long-term care, he said, Long  the many initiatives, especial-
        vesting – how and why to man-                                            Term Care, he said, it is the op- ly educating Indian Americans
        age  emotions  during  volatile  ways to help you to have  tion to live in the community  on Taxes and Tax Laws in the
        markets.                             a conversation with your            rather than be institutionalized  US. GOPIO-CT Vice president
            Shiva Bhashyam received                                              when one is old or disabled. He  Prasad  Chintalapudi  moderat-
        his undergraduate degree in  loved ones about making  warned that when one is older,  ed the Q/A after each speaker.
        economics from Tufts Univer-         a plan now about your               Medicare and  Medicaid  will             GOPIO-Central Jersey Vie
        sity and a Masters Degree in                                             run their course soon, and one’s  President  Vijay  Garg  served
        Management and Finance from  wishes. “it is important  savings will end and one’s family  hosted the Zoom event for
        the London School of Econom-         because your life and your          will not be there to care for you.  GOPIO-CT. Other GOPIO
        ics and Political Science. Shiva                                         He suggested using Long Term  leaders present at the Webinar
        is a Certified Financial Planner  health don’t just affect  Care Plans as   a way to prepare  included  GOPIO-CT  Secre-
        (CFP®) practitioner, Accred-         you; they affect all the            to cover the cost of treatment  tary  Rajneesh Misra. GOPIO
        ited Estate Planner (AEP®),                                              when you need it the most.           International  officers  including
        and Accredited Portfolio Man- people who love and care                       In his brief introductory re- Vice President Ram Gadhavi,
        ager Advisor (APMA®). Shi-           for you,” she said.                 marks, GOPIO International  Treasurer Kewal Kanda, Asso-
        va has been a financial advisor                                          Chairman  Dr.  Thomas  Abra- ciate Secretary Jaswant Mody
        with an Ameriprise Financial                                             ham reminded participants of  and Media Council Chair Nami
        Private Wealth Advisory Prac-           David Folley, who works  the many efforts by GOPIO,  Kaur, GOPIO-Manhattan Pres-
        tice, Bhashyam Wealth Man- closely with Webster Invest- which has led a delegation to the  ident Shivender Sofat and GO-
        agement Associates. Shiva has  ments, in his presentation spoke  IRS representing Indian Amer- PIO-Central jersey President
        been named a Forbes Best-in- about Tax Incentives to us in  icans and their many concerns,  Kunal Mehta.

        ekal foundation raises $6.5 million at magnificent gala

        Ambassador.  He  emphasized  additional $250,000. This chal- opportunities.                                   Kapil Dev was interviewed live
        that “the donation to Ekal  lenge, in the very next moment,                  Minister Piyush Goyal af- for his unique achievements in
        wasn’t a subsidy for the needy,  was met by Manubhai Shah. firmed his own and his family’s  Cricket. He asserted that, “in
        but a divine investment in In-                                           long association with Ekal. He  life, winning is not everything”.
        dia’s future”.                       When it comes to health-            lauded Hon PM Modi’s August  The most endearing memory to
            He further appealed to the                                           15 speech whereby all villag- him was the fact that he got to
        youths of India to join ‘inquisitive,   care,  it  is  imperative  to    es would be interconnected by  play his game for his beloved
        creative and passionate organi- know that the donation of  digital broadband in next 1,000  country – and not winning the
        zation like Ekal’ to give purpose    $250,000 benefits 7,500             days.  It is likely to promote  ‘World Cup’ or the captainship
        to their life. Global business ty-                                       wide spread digitization of Ed- of the team etc. He was im-
        coon, Ajay Piramal said,” Ekal’s     people in 150 villages.             ucation & Telemedicine. It is  pressed by Ekal’s infusion of
        emphasis on dispensing quality       A new initiative, called            worth noting that Ajay Poddar  fun-sports in education.
        education and primary health-       ‘grAne’ (gramotthan At-              of ‘Artech Int’L and Himans-             Earlier this year in Septem-
        care in rural area is a game                                             hu Shah of ‘Shah Capital’ have  ber, Bajrang Bagra, CEO of
        changer. No one understands  ma-nirbharata for  ekal),  established “Gramotthan Re- ‘Ekal Abhiyan’ (umbrella orga-
        rural-tribal mindset better than     that is going to change              search Ctr” that would soon cir- nization of all ‘Ekal’ satellite-di-
        Ekal with its wide spread pres-                                           cuitously help up to one Million  visions) had proposed to keep
        ence in villages nor anyone has      farmer’s life forever, was in-      people, at each place with the  102,000 school tallies ‘as is’ and
        a committed pool of huge self-       troduced by Vivek sharma.            state-of-the-art information on  embark on a transformative
        less volunteers”. Sajjan Agarw-                                          multiple levels.                     ‘roadmap’ that would revolu-
        al, not only donated $250,000                                                The evening was inter- tionize rural life in all its aspects.
        for ‘Arogya Sevika’ (Healthcare         It is aimed at bringing  spersed with brief video-clips  Among the primary goals pro-
        Assistant) in the villages, but  E-commerce activities to the  of Ekal’s outstanding work, its  posed were to increase parame-
        also, appealed other donors to  villages so as to avail villagers  impact on rural lives and its ini- ters of various special project, in
        match his willingness to donate  with  new  profitable  economic  tiatives to empower rural folks.  next 5 years.

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