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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline DECEMBER 11, 2020 | The Indian Eye 22
ekal foundation raises $6.5 million
at magnificent gala
Kapil dev, Vivek oberoi, Piyush goyal, Ajay Piramal, sanjeevani Bhelande and numerous
entrepreneurs grace the virtual event
PrakasH wagHmare generous philanthropists to
support their favorite projects
New York at Ekal.
kal Vidyalaya Founda-
tion (EVF) hosted a There was overwhelm-
Emagnificent star-studded
Gala, called ‘Future of India’ on ing support for ‘integrat-
Saturday, November 5th, rais- ed Village development’
ing a record-setting $6.5 Million
in pledges & donations for the (iVd), e-shiksha, Tailor-
special projects. The highlight ing Center, Telemedicine,
of this virtual event was not only
the participation of a galaxy of ‘Arogya initiative’, ekal-
outstanding personalities, but on-wheels’, ‘gramotthan
also, the way they expressed
their vote of confidence in ‘Ekal’ Bajarang Bagra, the chairman of ekal abhiyan research Ctr’ (grC), Com-
movement (as “EVF” is popu- puter Center etc. Among
larly known).
The celebrities that lent the high net-worth donors,
their whole hearted support 15 pledged $250,000 or
were iconic cricketer Kapil Dev,
Movie star Vivek Oberoi, Hon. more while Ajay Keshap
Minister Piyush Goyal, lead- confirmed donation of
ing entrepreneur Ajay Piramal,
Bollywood singer Sanjeevani cool $1,000,000.
Bhelande and numerous entre-
preneurs. The Gala was chaired Mohan Wanchu, welcoming
by Mohan Wanchu, Chairman the virtual audience opened up
& CEO of EC Info Systems the evening with an anecdote
who, like all previous Galas, had about a ‘Rikshaw-puller’ and
ushered the concept in the first how a ‘Lok-kathakars’ (a cadre
place. The main objective of the mohan wanchoo of cultural story-teller) from an
evening was, not only, to raise Ekal village transformed his life
funds, but also, to acknowledge for better. Kamlesh Shah, co-
gratitude to loyal philanthro- chair of Gala started the pledge-
pists who had consistently sup- drive by contributing $580,000
ported ‘Ekal’ through the years. and appealing donors to raise
Earlier in the year, after suc- the bar of Gala-2020 to unprec-
cessfully controlling ‘Covid-19 edented level. Ranjani Saigal,
pandemic in 102,000 rural & Executive Director of “EVF”
tribal villages of India, ‘Ekal’ gave a brief outline of all Ekal
had raised funds through 10 re- special projects, which was fol-
gional mid-year virtual concerts lowed by former ZEE-TV CEO
for its conventional activities & Chairperson of Ekal-Glob-
even in the current covid-19 al, Dr Subhash Chandra giving
pandemic. an overview of what Ekal is all
Despite a snow storm and about. The person that stole the
tornado that created some tech- show was the movie star, philan-
nical problems in transmission, thropist Vivek Oberoi who also
the delayed start for the evening happens to be the Ekal-brand
could not dampen the spirit of sukhwinder and ajay Keshap Kamlesh shah Continued on next page... >>
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