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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                               DECEMBER 11, 2020  |        The Indian Eye                          19

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                                             science-based approach, Dr.             Dr. Murthy’s commitment  22, 2015.
        Kolli, Vice President of AAPI  Vivek Murthy  will  bring  in  to  medicine  and  health  began                    “The oath ceremony, a
        said, “Dr. Murthy was part of  new perspectives to the many  early in life. The son of immi- proud moment for Indian
        Biden’s public health adviso- healthcare issues that require  grants  from  India,  he  discov- Americans, was led by Joseph
        ry committee as the pandemic  immediate attention and con- ered the art of healing watching  Biden, Vice President and cur-
        first  took  hold  in  the  US  and  crete action plan,” said Dr.  his parents - Hallegere and My- rently President-Elect, held in a
        has been serving as a co-chair of  Satheesh Kathula, Treasur- etriae Murthy - treat patients  large hall like a school stadium,
        the President-elect’s Covid-19  er of AAPI.  Offering fullest  like family in his father’s medi- with flags in abundance rigged
        advisory board during the tran- cooperation from the Indian  cal clinic in Miami, Florida.                    in from the ceiling and leaning
        sition. His ethics, quiet leader- American Physician communi-                During his prior nomina- in from the sidewalls,” recalls
        ship style and impeccable cre- ty, he said, “We at AAPI, look  tion, Indian American Doctors  Dr. Suresh Reddy, the imme-
        dentials make him the smart  forward to working closely with  had lobbied earnestly to have  diate past President of AAPI,
        choice for this leadership role.” Dr. Murthy and his team to end  Dr.  Murthy  confirmed  as  the  who was present at the oath
            “Dr. Vivek Murthy rep- this deadly pandemic.”                        US Surgeon General under  ceremony in the nation’s capi-
        resents the next generation of                                           Obama administration.                tal.
        Indian American physicians,”         dr. Murthy 43, has said                 “The feeling of de ja vu was         “I am proud of our commu-
        Dr. Amit Chakrabarty, Secre-                                             pervasive, of a triumph over in- nity of Indian physicians for all
        tary of AAPI said.  “Dr. Mur- Americans need a leader  justice with a hard fought bat- the progress that we have made
        thy was America’s youngest-ev-       who works with the peo-             tle by the Indian community  over the years, and I know that
        er top doctor, and he was also                                           during  his  confirmation,  with  AAPI has been a critical force
        the first surgeon general of In- ple for the progress of the  AAPI playing a major role that  in making this process possi-
        dian-American descent, when          country. As surgeon gen-            secured the prize of the highest  ble. The advice you shared and
        appointed by President Barack                                            position occupied by an Indian  assistance you kindly offered
        Obama in 2014. If confirmed by  eral under obama, Murthy  American, and that too by one  were important pieces of this
        the Senate, Dr. Murthy would         helped lead the national            from our second generation,”  journey,”  Dr.  Vivek  Murthy,
        play a key role in the admin-                                            said Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, who  stated in a letter to Dr. Jayesh
        istration’s response to many  response to the ebola and  had led a delegation of AAPI  B. Shah, a past president of
        daunting healthcare issuers, in-     Zika viruses and the opi-           leaders to be at the historic  AAPI, who along with AAPI’s
        cluding the pandemic that has                                            oath taking ceremony of Dr.  Legislative Affairs Chair, Dr.
        taken the lives of hundreds of  oid crisis, among other  Vivek Murthy as the US Sur- Sampat Shivangi and several
        thousands of Americans.”             health challenges.                  geon General at Fort Myer in  others had led several delega-
            “Having a wide range of                                              Virginia across from Washing- tions to US Senators, lobbying
        experiences and passion for                                              ton DC on Wednesday, April  for his confirmation.

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