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IMMIGRATION                                                        DECEMBER 09, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 36

                   Layoffs Will Hurt Nonimmigrant Workers

                          the Most, Especially Indian Born,

           but the Biden Administration Can Provide Relief

        BY CYRUS D. MEHTA and KAIT-  low nonimmigrant workers who   to find new employment in the   The USCIS also gives of-  aid laid off nonimmigrant work-
        LYN BOX*                   have been laid off to remain in   U.S. The 60-day grace period is   ficers  discretion  to  determine   ers is the expeditious issuance of
                                   the U.S, and even if they are not   a relatively new concept, having   whether nonproductive status   employment authorization doc-
           n recent weeks, news of lay-  terminated,  they should not be   been introduced in a final rule   constitutes a violation of the   uments (EADs) that would al-
           offs at the likes of Twitter,   required to cling on to their job   that went into effect on January   beneficiary’s   nonimmigrant   low nonimmigrants to continue
        IMeta, and Amazon have     at all costs.               17, 2017. Before this rule was   classification.  The  following   working in the United States for
        contributed to broader fears   First, the Biden adminis-  enacted, nonimmigrant workers   extract from the USCIS Policy   a new employer. Under 8 CFR
        that the United States is enter-  tration could extend the 60-day   did not benefit from any grace   Memo is worth noting:  § 204.5(p), an EAD may be is-
        ing a recession. In last week’s   grace period to allow nonimmi-  period, and had to immediately   In assessing whether a ben-  sued to individuals in E-3, H-1B,
        blog, we provided suggestions   grant workers additional time to   leave the U.S. if their employ-  eficiary’s  non-productive  status   H-1B1, O-1 or L-1 nonimmi-
        for how terminated workers can   find alternate employment after   ment was terminated to avoid   constitutes a violation of the   grant status if they can demon-
        maintain  their nonimmigrant   being impacted by a layoff. As   being considered in violation   beneficiary’s  H-1B  nonimmi-  strate compelling circumstances
        status  and potentially even   discussed in prior blogs, 8 CFR   of their nonimmigrant status.   grant  classification,  the  officer   and are the beneficiaries of ap-
        pursue permanent residency.   §  214.1(l)(2)  allows  E-1, E-2,   Because the 60-day grace peri-  must assess the circumstances   proved I-140 petitions, but their
        The layoffs at Twitter have also   E-3, H-1B, H-1B1, L-1, O-1 or   od was itself created by a rule,   and time spent in non-pro-  priority dates are not current.
        shown that it was mainly work-  TN nonimmigrant workers a   the Biden administration could   ductive status. While neither   “Compelling  circumstances”
        ers whose H-1B visas were tied   grace period of 60 days after a   easily promulgate a new rule   statutes nor regulations state   have never been precisely de-
        to Twitter that have stayed on   cessation of their employment.   extending  the  grace period to   the maximum allowable time   fined, but DHS suggested some
        and abided by the unreason-  Workers  who  are  able  to  find   180 days, for example, or even   of non-productive status, the   examples of compelling circum-
        able ultimatums of Elon Musk.   new employment within 60 days   longer. To avoid Administrative   officer may exercise his or her   stances in the preamble to the
        This has given credence to the   will be able to remain in the   Procedure Act (APA) challeng-  discretion to issue a NOID or a   high skilled worker rule, which
        notion that H-1B workers are   U.S. and maintain their nonim-  es, though, the administration   NOIR to give the petitioner an   include serious illness and dis-
        akin to indentured laborers es-  migrant status, but this period   would likely have to follow the   opportunity to respond, if the   abilities, employer dispute or
        pecially those who are caught   may not allow sufficient time for   strictures of the notice and com-  time period of nonproductive   retaliation, other substantial
        in the never ending green card   job hunting, especially if layoffs   ment rulemaking process rather   status is more than that required   harm to the worker, and sig-
        backlogs. We follow up on the   and hiring freezes become more   than bypassing them under the   for a reasonable transition be-  nificant  disruptions  to  the  em-
        previous blog by providing   widespread. By extending the   good cause exception. Notice   tween assignments. As always,   ployer. DHS has suggested loss
        some suggestions that the Biden   60-day grace period, the Biden   and comment rulemaking takes   if the officer encounters a novel   of funding for grants that may
        administration can follow to al-  administration would  allow   time, however, and the relief of   issue, the officer should elevate   invalidate a cap-exempt H-1B
                                   terminated workers more time   an extended grace period might   that issue to local service center   status or a corporate restructure
                                                                  not arrive quickly enough   management or Service Center   that render an L-1 visa status
                                                                  for workers who have al-  Operations, as appropriate.  invalid are examples of scenar-
                                                                  ready lost their jobs or are   One should also note a   ios that might constitute signifi-
                                                                  laid off in the near future.  1999 advisory opinion concern-  cant disruption to the employer.
                                                                      The  next  suggestion   ing reductions in force.  US-  Historically, USCIS has rarely
                                                                  is to make clear when the   CIS indicated that a severance   issued EADs under compelling
                                                                  60 day grace period starts.   package that offered terminat-  circumstances. Given the pre-
                                                                  Many workers are placed   ed H-1B and L-1 employees   carious situation that nonimmi-
                                                                  on severance or garden   their normal compensation and   grant workers who are impacted
                                                                  leave.  The  60  day  grace   benefits for a 60-day period did   by layoffs will find themselves in,
                                                                  period should start at the   not  preserve  the  beneficiaries’   the Biden administration could
                                                                  end of the severance peri-  nonimmigrant  status.  Specifi-  instruct USCIS to employ this
                                                                  od. However, a June 2020   cally, Branch Chief Simmons   authority to generously grant
                                                                  USCIS  Policy  Memo  has   wrote, “An H-1B nonimmigrant   EADs to individuals who have
                                                                  muddied the waters some-  alien is admitted to the United   lost their jobs. Nonimmigrant
                                                                  what. In this memo, the   States for the sole purpose of   workers who are laid off will be
                                                                  USCIS has indicated that   providing services to his or her   forced to uproot their lives on
                                                                  “[t]he failure to work ac-  United States employer. Once   very short notice if they cannot
                                                                  cording to the terms and   H-1B nonimmigrant alien’s ser-  find  new  employment  within
                                                                  conditions of the petition   vices for the petitioning United   60  days.  Many  nonimmigrant
                                                                  approval may support,   States employer are terminated,   workers have lived and been
                                                                  among other enforcement   the alien is no longer in a valid   employed in the United States
                                                                  actions, revocation of the   nonimmigrant status. Howev-  for many years. Some have U.S.
                                                                  petition  approval,  a  find-  er,  an  H-1B worker who  has   citizen children and spouses
                                                                  ing  that  the  beneficiary   not been terminated, but is on   who have also built careers in
                                                                  failed to maintain status,   leave, can distinguish his or her   the United States. Such individ-
                      m of                                        or both.” Based on this   situation from one who has in-  uals will face serious hardship
           CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                         policy, it would seem that   deed been terminated.”  if they are forced to abandon
                                                                  the grace period starts
                                                                                             Instead of all this muddled
                                                                                                                     their lives in the United States
                                                                                              when the H-1B worker is   guidance and mixed messag-  and return to the countries of
             no longer in productive   ing, the USCIS should provide   which they are citizens, a dev-
                                                                  status even though they   straightforward clarification re-  astating situation that should be
                            may be paid their full sal-  garding when H-1B status ends,   interpreted to readily constitute
                                                    
             ­       ary during the severance   and clearly indicate that H-1B   compelling circumstances.
              ‚                                                     or nonproductive period.   workers who are still maintain-  The Biden administration
                                                                  The USCIS should clar-  ing an employer-employee rela-  can also utilize a provision at
                                                                  ify that an H-1B worker   tionship after being given notice   8 CFR § 214.1(c)(4), which
                                                                                          ought to be considered in status
                                                                                                                     affords USCIS the discretion
                                                                  status so long as the em-  until the relationship ends.  to  accept  an  untimely  filing  if
          2              6th Floor                                ployer-employee relation-  Another step that the Biden   “the delay was due to extraor-
                ship has not terminated.  administration can employ to   dinary circumstances beyond
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