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BUSINESS EYE                                                       DECEMBER 09, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 32

            Prannoy and Radhika Roy step down as

               Adani group moves to take over NDTV

                      Adani Group make an open offer to acquire the next 26 per cent state stake in NDTV,
                                         which will take the group’s total stake to 55.18 per cent

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi/Mumbai
              rannoy Roy and his wife
              Radhika Roy, founders and
        Ppromoters of channel New
        Delhi Television (NDTV), resigned
        as directors on the Board of RRPR
        Holding Private Limited, a promoter
        group vehicle of NDTV, the compa-
        ny said in a regulatory filing to the
        stock exchanges on Tuesday.
            RRPR Holding, the promoter
        group vehicle of NDTV, holds 29.18
        per cent stake in NDTV, which is being
        taken over by the Adani group, owned
        by businessman Gautam Adani.
           “NDTV’s  promoter group vehi-
        cle RRPRH has approved Prannoy
        Roy & Radhika Roy’s resignation
        following a meeting held on Novem-
        ber 29, the statement read.
           “RRPRH has approved Sudip-
        ta Bhattacharya, Sanjay Pugalia &
        Senthil Sinniah Chengalvarayan as
        new directors on Board with imme-                             NDTV founder Prannoy Roy (left); and Gautam Adani (File photo)
        diate effect,” the statement added.
            Earlier in August this year,  company of NDTV.                  BSE and NSE, that its indirect sub-  and Exchange Board of India (Sebi).
        Vishvapradhan Commercial Private      Following this, Adani Group   sidiary, Vishvapradhan Commercial   The Group statement indicated
        Limited (VCPL), a wholly owned    decided to make an open offer to   Pvt Limited (VCPL), had made an   that the decision to acquire NDTV
        subsidiary of AMG Media Networks   acquire the next 26 per cent state   open offer to the public sharehold-  was arrived at in furtherance of the
        Limited (AMNL) which is a 100 per   stake in NDTV, which will take the   ers of New Delhi Television Ltd.  Group’s objective to set up a credi-
        cent subsidiary of Adani Enterpris-  group’s total stake to 55.18 per cent,   However, the Roys hold a 32.26   ble next-generation media platform
        es Limited (AEL), exercised the   enough to take the ownership right   per cent stake in NDTV.        with emphasis on digital and broad-
        rights and acquired 99.5 per cent of   of NDTV.                         In October, the manager of the   cast segments and that NDTV is a
        the equity shares of RRPR Holding     Earlier in October, the Adani   open offer, JM Financial Limited,  suitable broadcast and digital plat-
        Private Limited, a promoter group   Group  informed  both  exchanges,   addressed a letter to the Securities   form to deliver on this vision.

            Israel envoy hails Adani group winning tender to privatize Haifa Port

                n Indian company winning   Israel  has  only  two  Mediterranean   SEZ) and Israel’s Gadot Group had   30 per cent. The consortium’s offer
                tender to privatize Haifa   ports and we are in a sense an island.   in July won the tender to privatize the   was equivalent to USD 1.18 billion.
          APort, a strategic asset for Is-  Because our neighborhood is not a   Port of Haifa, the second largest port   With the acquisition of the Port
          rael, is a “wonderful, wonderful sig-  friendly neighborhood, so our exit to   in Israel, amid stiff competition from   of Haifa, Adani Ports & Special
          nal,” Israel’s Ambassador to India   the Mediterranean sea is crucial for   local and global players.  Economic Zone Ltd has expanded
          Naor Gilon has said and noted that   us,” Gilon said in ‘Podcast with Smita   Through the winning bid, the   its footprint into the European port
          the two countries have excellent bi-  Prakash’.                   Adani-Gadot consortium has secured   sector, which includes the Mediter-
          lateral relations.                  “We have two ports, one of them   the rights to buy 100 per cent shares of   ranean region.
              The Adani group and its Israel   is in the hands of Adani. It is a strategic   Haifa Port Company. The concession   The Port of Haifa is located
          partner Gadot won the tender to   asset for Israel. And for the fact that   period of the Port of Haifa remains up   towards the north of Israel. It is
          privatize Israel’s Haifa Port earlier   it is put in India’s hand... it is a won-  to 2054.         close to the city of Haifa, the third
          this year. “...Another element that   derful, wonderful signal,” he added.  The consortium of APSEZ and   largest city in Israel. It is also one
          I’m very proud to mention is the    A consortium of Adani Ports and   Gadot Group was formed with their   of the major industrial areas of the
          fact that Adani won the Haifa Port.   Special Economic Zone Ltd (AP-  respective shares of 70 per cent and   country.

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