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BUSINESS EYE NOVEMBER 25, 2022 | The Indian Eye 38
Google tweaks Android to prompt Nvidia to collaborate with Microsoft
users about app crashes for ‘massive’ AI supercomputer
merican tech giant Google, in “multi-year collaboration” will allow more enterprises to train,
a response to software crash- between Nvidia and Micro- deploy, and scale AI -- including
Aes, has tweaked Android to A soft is underway to create large, state-of-the-art models, re-
provide a new popup that urges us- “one of the most powerful AI super- ported The Verge.
ers to update their apps. computers in the world,” which will Both companies will also collab-
According to The Verge, Esper’s be able to manage the enormous oratively develop Deep Speed, Mi-
senior technical editor Mishaal Rah- processing workloads required to crosoft’s deep learning optimization
man has shared that the prompt says, train and scale AI. software.
“Update the app to fix crashes. The According to The Verge, as part In a statement, Nvidia said the
app stopped working, but the latest of the partnership, Nvidia will make supercomputer could be used to
update for the app may fix the issue. use of Microsoft’s scalable virtual “research and further accelerate ad-
Install the update and then open the Google’s support page states machine instances to accelerate the vances in generative AI,” a relatively
app again.” development of generative AI mod- new class of large language models
The prompt will only be helpful that the new prompt is rolling els like DALL-E. like DALL-E and Stable Diffusion
if an app isn’t already fully updat- out with version 33.2 of the Goo- The AI supercomputer will that use self-learning algorithms to
ed. If a device is already running make use of thousands of Nvidia’s create a diverse range of content,
its latest version and still crashing, gle Play Store app this week. powerful H100 and A100 data cen- such as text, code, digital images,
then it’s likely that a fix isn’t avail- tre GPUs as well as its Quantum-2 video, and audio.
able yet. As per The Verge, it’s one of a InfiniBand networking architecture, As per The Verge, these AI
Still, given the fact that most number of tweaks and fixes coming which is based on Microsoft’s Azure models have seen rapid growth in
of the time crashing issues are re- to Android this month, which also cloud infrastructure. As per Nvid- recent years which has significant-
solved with a simple update, the new includes a new automatic update ia, the combination of Microsoft’s ly raised the demand for powerful
prompt will be more helpful than feature for people with limited mo- Azure cloud platform and Nvidia’s computing infrastructure capable of
not, reported The Verge. bile data and no access to Wi-Fi. GPUs, networking, and full AI suite scaling alongside their development.