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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline NOVEMBER 25, 2022 | The Indian Eye 29
Punjabi Writer and Filmmaker Wins 2022
Guru Nanak Interfaith Prize
Amardeep Singh is the co-managing director and co-founder of Lost Heritage Productions in Singapore
(From left): Honoree Amardeep Singh, NYS Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, Businessman Sardar (From left): NYS Comptroller Thomas DiNapli Honoree, Amardeep Singh, President Hoftra Univ
Tajinder Singh Bindra, Dean Hofstra Daniel Seabold and President Hofstra Univ Dr. Susan Poser Dr Susan Poser and Sr VP Hofstra Univ Alan Kelly
OUR BUREAU from Hofstra University is a humbling
recognition of our belief that the es-
New York, NY
sence of existence is love for together-
n author, researcher and film- ness,” Singh said. “His message of uni-
maker who has focused his ty in diversity was, is and will remain a
Awork on the history and legacy ray of hope for a united world.”
of Sikhism was awarded Hofstra Uni- The Guru Nanak Interfaith Prize
versity’s 2022 Guru Nanak Interfaith was established in 2006 by Sardar Ishar
Prize at a banquet Nov. 14 at the Crest Singh Bindra and family and named
Hollow Country Club. for the founder of the Sikh religion. It
Amardeep Singh, co-managing is meant to encourage understanding
director and co-founder of Lost Heri- of various religions, and foster collab-
tage Productions in Singapore, recent- oration between faith communities.
ly completed a 24-episode documen- Guru Nanak believed that all humans
tary series retracing the 16th century are equal, regardless of color, ethnici-
travels of Guru Nanak, the founder (From left): VP Hofstra Univ Alan Kelly, Raj Bindra, NYS Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, ty, nationality, or gender identity.
of the Sikh religion. The series, “Al- The Bindra family in 2000 endowed
legory: A Tapestry of Guru Nanak’s President Hofstra Univ Dr. Susan Poser, Mrs.Harinder Bindra, Businessman and Philanthropist the Sardarni Kuljit Kaur Bindra Chair
Travels” was filmed at more than 150 Sardar Tejinder Singh Bindra in Sikh Studies to honor its matriarch.
multi-faith sites in nine countries. Speaking on behalf of the Bin-
Singh has written several books, demonstrates a deep commitment to es. “The committee was greatly im- dra family, businessman, philanthro-
including “Lost Heritage: The Sikh the values that Guru Nanak embod- pressed by Amardeep Singh’s exam- pist, and former member of Hofstra’s
Legacy in Pakistan” and “The Quest ied and to the principles of religious ination of Guru Nanak’s interest in Board of Trustees Sardar Tejinder
Continues: Lost Heritage - The Sikh understanding.” seeking universal fellowship among Singh Bindra said: “Guru Nanak
Legacy” and produced two documen- Before the banquet, Singh and people of diverse faiths,” Seabold said. spoke about love for humanity as well
taries based on his experiences travel- his wife, Vininder Kaur, who directed Members “considered several worthy as respect for every religion. With that
ing in Pakistan, “Peering Warrior” and and wrote the Guru Nanak docuse- organizations whose work is larger in in mind, my parents established the
“Peering Soul”. ries, discussed the project at Hofstra scale but decided that an award to Mr. Guru Nanak Interfaith Prize as a way
The $50,000 Guru Nanak Inter- University. “Having the Guru Nanak Singh would be more impactful.” to recognize as well as support the ef-
faith Prize is bestowed every two years prize at Hofstra provides our College His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama forts of individuals/organizations that
to recognize significant work to in- of Liberal Arts & Sciences faculty and of Tibet, Tenzin Gyatso was the first work to advance dialogue between
crease interfaith understanding. students with an extraordinary oppor- winner of the Guru Nanak Prize in religions to help minimize religious
“Hofstra University is pleased to tunity, and one that aligns with our 2008. Since then, eight individuals and conflict, which all the recipients have
present the 2022 Guru Nanak Inter- mission as an educational institution,” organizations have been recognized strived to achieve, from the very first
faith Prize to Amardeep Singh, for President Poser said. with the prize, including 2020 co-hon- recipient, His Holiness the Dalai
his work exploring and preserving A committee of faculty and ad- orees author and scholar Dr. Karen Lama, to the current recipient, Am-
Sikh heritage and culture,” Hofstra ministrators unanimously chose Singh Armstrong and her global Charter for ardeep Singh. We are pleased that the
President Susan Poser said during the from among 18 nominees, said Dan- Compassion movement, and the In- award is being given this year a week
award ceremony. “As an author and iel Seabold, acting dean of Hofstra terfaith Center of New York. after Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s birthday as
independent filmmaker, Mr. Singh College of Liberal Arts and Scienc- “To receive the Guru Nanak Prize honor to his vision and teachings.”