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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline NOVEMBER 25, 2022 | The Indian Eye 26
INANY Partners with Coalition for
Asian American Children and Families
to Address Anti-Asian hate
OUR BUREAU tual incidents. These incidents not
only destroy the lives of the victims
New York, NY
but also traumatize and disrupt their
sians are seen as a model mi- families and relatives. They are creat-
nority because of the commu- ing fear, suspicion and conflict in the
Anity’s perceived higher degree community they belong to. It makes
of socioeconomic success than the you feel out of place in society. Many
other communities. The ironic truth feel marginalized. The right of the
is that this cosmetic stereotype blan- victimized individuals, of their loved
kets the underserved struggling indi- ones and of the people in the com-
viduals and families in the community. munity they belong to boldly, freely
Coalition of Asian American and safely go out is eroding.
Children and Families is a collabora- Since the beginning of immigra-
tive organization that advocates for tion, Asian Americans have been
social equity and justice and equal subject to struggles for equality, so-
rights for educational opportunities cial inclusion, and recognition. Sus-
for families and children. The Indi- picion, fear and loathing of strangers,
an Nurses Association of New York which Asians have been experiencing
(INANY), the voice of Indian nurs- from time to time, have reached a
es in New York state, is partnering peak in recent years, especially with
with this organization to address an- the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic.
ti-Asian hate. It is currently engaged, Discrimination through words, be-
among other goals, in raising aware- havior, and pretending to be invisible
ness in the community and equip offered the first forum for INANY tor of New York City Health and is common, as is physical and psycho-
individuals with skills to prevent vi- to provide the training. Dr. Anna Hospitals Corporation Dr. Solymol logical abuse. Hate killing is on the
olence without compromising their George and Dr. Ani Jacob, a Nurse Kuruvila and Paul D Panakal will be rise in our society.
own safety. Scientist at Northwell Health System speaking on the 19th of November. US Census Bureau and US De-
The strategy, known as Bystand- presented for the first time at the This past April, the New York partment of Labor group Chinese,
er intervention uses 5D methods to ECHO for Help. Times reported that Sikhs were phys- Indians, Filipinos, Pakistan and peo-
develop the awareness, skills and Dr. George expressed her grati- ically assaulted three times on the ple from other South and South East
courage needed to intervene in a sit- tude Sabu Lukos and Raju Abraham same block in a quiet part of Queens, Asian countries, and people from the
uation when another individual is in of ECHO for their unconditional New York. Pacific Islands are counted as a sin-
need of help. INANY intends to use welcome and support for making uni- Thousands of incidents of dis- gle racial group. This demographic
community forums and small groups ty and acceptance a path to compas- crimination on the basis of color, group, known as Asian American
as appropriate platforms and fulfills sion. The next presentation against class, race and heritage have been Pacific Islanders, is led by Chinese
its mission through them. Dr. Anna anti-Asian hatred will be at INANY’s reported. From March 2020 to (5.1 million), Indians (4.5 million)
George, an associate professor at general body meeting on November March 2022, more than 11400 an- and Filipinos (4.1), according to the
Molloy University and president of 19 at Dilbar Restaurant in Floral ti-Asian hate related incidents have last count. In New York state, the
INANY noted that ECHO for Help, Park in Queens, Dr. George indi- been tracked by Coalition for Asian Asian Pacific Islander community of
a prominent volunteer and charity cated. America’s first Indian Acute American Pacific Islanders. There 2.5 million is considered the fastest
organization based in Long Island Care Nurse Practitioner and Direc- is no statistics of the unreported ac- growing community in the state.