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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline NOVEMBER 20, 2020 | The Indian Eye 16
diwali at times square Goes digital in 2020
Our Bureau
New York, NY
ven Covid-19 couldn’t
put a damper on one of
Ethe biggest celebrations
in New York City’s iconic Times
square where on Thursday, No-
vember 12th, Diwali was cele-
brated with pomp and festivity
albeit in a slightly different for-
mat. Diwali at Times Square,
by some accounts the largest
celebration outside of India,
has been increasing its audience
since its inception in 2013. This
New York city Diwali celebra-
tion usually draws a big crowd
and features a
‘Diya (lamp) Lighting’ cer-
emony accompanied by a New
Year’s Eve style countdown
featured on the tallest Times
Square digital screens, followed
by a host of rousing concerts.
This year, though we could
not gather in person, Diwali was
still celebrated with as much gus-
to in spirit with the Digital Diya
Lighting with Countdown, a live
feed for global viewers and Vir-
tual Online Colors of India and
Light Up Times Square concert
on Diwali at Times Square So-
cial Media platforms featuring and are celebrating Diwali with greetings from the Consulate of Square’ concert with renowned
some renowned musicians from viewers from not only the USA India, NY, Air India, Eye Foun- Indian performers who have
the USA and India. but around the world!”. dation of America, Celebrities won millions of hearts with
The wholesome spirit of Di- This year as well, this auspi- and various other community their magical voices and melo-
wali prevailed even more this cious event was attended in-per- organizations were proudly dis- dies. Padma Shri Usha Uthup,
year than in years past with the son by several dignitaries in New played on the tallest tower of Hamsika Iyer, Merlin D’Souza,
community battling the evil pan- York including the inauguration Times Square, the tower where Pritha Majumder, Jankee and
demic. As Neeta Bhasin, Presi- by Mr. Randhir Jaiswal, Consul the December 31st New Year’s Sunita Bhuyan put together a
dent of the event management General of India, New York. ball drop ceremony takes place. special show to entertain us in
company, EventGuru Inc. and Other dignitaries who joined the This Diwali celebration this difficult time. We salute
the mastermind behind Diwali event were Mr. Kamal Raul, Re- did not stop there; the festival them for uplifting our spirit
At Times Square Festival, said gional Manager, Air India, Mr. continued on Diwali at Times when we needed it the most.
in her opening remarks before V. Senthur Kumaran, Assistant Square Social Media platforms Now it is our turn! Diwali
commencing the event this year Director, India Tourism, com- till November 14th, the day at Times Square is contribut-
on the eve of Nov. 12th, “You munity supporters and the me- of Diwali, including a beauti- ing 10% of the proceeds of the
have witnessed a whole new ver- dia. Diwali Greetings and Mes- ful, virtual, musical concert on ‘Diya Lighting’ sponsorship to
sion of Diwali at Times Square sage from Indian Prime Minister, November 13th titled ‘Color- the musicians of India who are
this year. The ongoing Pandem- Mr. Narinder Modi were also sof India’ - a coming together going through a difficult time
ic has made us all realize that shared to the world straight of Indian talent representing due to the pandemic. It is our
certain things can be felt and en- from the center of the universe, American Indians living in var- hope that with our contribution
joyed even while being at home. Times Square, NY. Congrat- ious parts of the USA. we can help them keep the lights
With your support, we still man- ulatory and Diwali wishes to Finally, on November 14th, on in their homes and hearts
aged to light up a Diya on the Vice-President Elect, Kamala the celebration culminated just as they helped us light up
tallest screen in Times Square Harris were followed by Diwali with a virtual ‘Light-Up Times ours this Diwali.
www.TheIndianEYE .us