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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline NOVEMBER 20, 2020 | The Indian Eye 15
to individuals and families in need. With erous donations this year. Our community
schools closed due to the pandemic, we has shown unwavering commitment to our
made sure our students received the nutri- children, mission, and organization. This
tion they need by starting the distribution year, we hosted 7 virtual galas, heard from
of the “Happiness Kits” to provide 30-day 20 incredible speakers, reached over 22,000
worth of food and essentials for the chil- people, and collected over $9 million in do-
dren we normally serve through our mid- nations so far in 2020. This would not have
day meal program. The kit contains food, been possible without our shared dedica-
hygiene kit, and educational supplies for tion to Akshaya Patra’s beneficiaries and
the mid-day meal beneficiaries. their families.
Akshaya Patra Foundation USA (AP To show our thanks, our final event of the
USA) was formed as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit year Gratitude Gala on Saturday, Novem-
organization and supports the Akshaya Pa- ber 21st, 6:45 PM EST. We have an incredi-
tra mission by raising funds and awareness ble line-up of speakers featuring actress and
in the United States. We have a strong net- politician Hema Malini, poet Javed Akhtar,
work of volunteers, chapters and youth am- Consul General of India Randhir Jaiswal,
bassadors across the country that support and Akshaya Patra board member and MD
our necessary and worthwhile cause. Physician Dr. Rachana Kulkarni. We will
What are the major milestones achieved also have an exclusive concert by world-re-
so far? nowned singer and composer Shankar Ma-
• Served the 3 billionth meal since incep- hadevan!
tion in February, 2020. The event was in- How can the NRIs help Akshay Patra?
augurated by the Indian Prime Minister The NRIs can help us by spreading the
Narendra Modi word about Akshaya Patra’s mission, join-
• Won the BBC Food chain global champi- ing our upcoming events and be a part of
on award in 2019. our efforts to alleviate childhood hunger
• Included as Vanguard Members of the and ensure that no child is deprived of edu-
Million Lives Club cation due to hunger. We would like NRIs
• Served 100 Million meals and counting to share the stories of our beneficiaries who
in response to the hunger exacerbated by rely on these daily lunches and grow up to
Coronavirus pandemic pursue their dreams and ambitions. Aksha-
• 17 of our kitchens are ISO standard ya Patra USA also has chapters across the
• Proud employer of 7,300 men and women. country and we encourage NRI to join their
Nearly 30% of our workforce is women local chapters to raise funds and awareness
• Only NGO to be in the ICAI (Institute for for the critical work we do in India.
Chartered Accountants Institute) Hall of We also invite motivated and socially
Fame amount, approximately 11 cents are subsi- conscious young people to make this world
• Received 7 gold shield award for Excel- dized by the government and the remaining a better place by joining our Youth Ambas-
lence in Financial Reporting is raised by Akshaya Patra through a broad sador programs which is open to 8 –21-year
What is the reason for the grand success of base of individual and institutional donors old students living anywhere in the United
Akshaya Patra? located in India, U.K., and the U.S. We also States.
The hallmark of Akshaya Patra's inno- attribute our success to our single and ded- What is the vision for next five years?
vation is our centralized kitchen facilities. icated focus on food provision. This focus In the next five years, we want to grow
Designed and engineered to optimize qual- has allowed us to reach more children and our reach in India by adding more kitchens,
ity and minimize cost, and time, our mech- provide high quality food. and providing meals to more children. By
anized kitchens cook nutritious meals at What is "Unlimited Gratitude"? What are 2025, we want to serve 5 million children
volume and at a low-cost. It costs Akshaya the main elements of the mega event on 21st every day. At Akshaya Patra USA, we want
Patra US $20 to feed a child for an entire November, 2020? to continue to grow our community of do-
school year. Per meal, our school feeding At Akshaya Patra, we feel unlimited nors and supporters and add more local
program costs approximately $0.20. Of this gratitude for the endless support and gen- chapters in the U.S.
www.TheIndianEYE .us