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NATION                                                             NOVEMBER 10, 2023  |      The Indian Eye                     6

                           Toxic City: India’s capital

            struggles with dirty air and smog

                           with serious health crisis

          A study on the relationship between rising pollution and emergency cases coming to hospitals shows

                    that deteriorating air quality has a severe impact on human lungs and overall health

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            plement all directions and guidelines
                                                                                                              related to the abatement of air pollu-
        New Delhi
                                                                                                              tion, particularly under the schedule
           t is that time of the year again                                                                   of the GRAP and the citizens to fol-
           when  Delhi  finds  it  hard  to                                                                   low the Citizen Charter in our joint
        Ibreathe.                                                                                             pursuit for better air quality.
            With the arrival of winter,  the                                                                      Meanwhile, a study conducted
        national capital is once again wit-                                                                   by the top four hospitals on the rela-
        nessing a deteriorating quality of air.                                                               tionship between rising pollution and
        On Thursday, the city’s Air Quality                                                                   emergency cases coming to hospitals
        Index (AQI) was at 343, which falls                                                                   showed that deteriorating air quality
        in  ‘very  poor’  quality  for  the  fifth                                                            has a severe impact on human lungs
        consecutive day, triggering the risk of                                                               and overall health. The study that
        health emergency. Since then, the air                                                                 was conducted between 2017 and
        quality has continued to go to rack                                                                   2019 included the All India Institute
        and ruin in Delhi.                                                                                    of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi;
                                                                                                              Kalavati Saran Children’s Hospital;
        The AQI was recorded at 322                                                                           Vallabhbhai Chest Institute; and the
                                                                                                              National Institute of TB and Respi-
        on Monday and 327 on Tues-                                                                            ratory Diseases Hospital.
                                                                                                                  To carry out this study, the hos-
        day against 336 on Wednes-                                                                            pitals daily monitored the health of
        day, as per the data provided      An Anti-smog machine sprays water droplets on the road to reduce the rising air pollution in   the patients coming to the emergen-

        by the System of Air Quality                          the national capital on Thursday (ANI)          cy wards. Also, data on outstation
                                                                                                              patients were collected, including
        and Weather Forecasting and                                                                           those living in Delhi for three to four
        Research (SAFAR)-India.           are finding it difficult to breathe. We   by the levels of rainfall/ precipitation   weeks.
                                          are facing irritation in the eyes too.   and wind speed which are prime fa-  According to Dr SK Kabra, who
                                          People  are  flocking  to  doctors  with   cilitators for dispersal of the pollut-  is the HOD of the Paediatric Depart-
            Amid  the  rising  pollution  and
        deteriorating air quality, the next   respiratory problems or eye issues   ants/emissions. Effective dispersal   ment of AIIMS Hospital, the num-
                                                                            is a must for good air quality, even
                                                                                                              ber  of emergency  patients  in  these
                                          including many others. The Delhi
        15 days are going to be crucial said   government should extend its effort   if there is a control/reduction in the   hospitals records a spike when the
        Delhi Environment Minister Gopal   to curb the pollution”, said Sanjay   quantum of emissions from all the   pollution in the city increases. Dr.
        Rai  on  Thursday.  Rai  said,  “When   Verma, a commuter, while speaking   primary sources in the region, added   Kabra, citing the same study, said
        compared to the earlier times, the   to ANI.                        the statement.                    that the rising pollution in the city
        situation  has  definitely  gone  better.   Visuals from Anand Vihar Ter-  In the wake of highly unfa-  causes adverse effects on the health
        However, according to the experts,   minal showed the place covered in a   vourable meteorological and cli-  of children and adults, sometimes
        the next 15 days will be crucial. The   thick layer of smog. Earlier on Tues-  matic conditions prevailing around   even leading them to admission to
        government is working on how to cut   day, the environment ministry said   this point of time, measures under   the hospital.
        the sources that cause pollution”.  in a statement that the daily average   GRAP Stage-II were invoked proac-  “The need to go to the emergen-
            Rai also called for cooperation
        between the Central government and   air quality in Delhi, for the 10-month   tively on 21.10.2023 so as to intensi-  cy room arises when the condition of
                                          period between January - October
                                                                                                              a patient is very serious,” said Kabra.
                                                                            fy the preventive measures towards
        the  state  government.  “We  need  to   2023, has registered its best index as   endeavouring delayed invoking of   During this study invited by
        work unitedly in order to curb the sit-  compared to the corresponding  pe-  Stage-III of the GRAP as much as   ICMR, it was also observed that the
        uation. Everyone needs to be aware   riod during the last 6 years (barring   possible. GRAP Stage-III in previous   patients who came to emergency hos-
        of it”, he said.                  the COVID affected 2020), thus es-  years was invoked in the last week of   pitals with problems caused by pollu-
            Meanwhile, the commuters are
        facing health issues while  there is   tablishing a continual trend of rela-  October which has not been the case   tion did not include those who were
                                                                                                              already suffering from any serious dis-
                                                                            during 2023, said the statement.
                                          tive improvement in the air quality of
        no sign of amelioration. “There is   Delhi-NCR.                         The Commission once again urg-  ease; rather, they included those not
        so much pollution here in Delhi. We
                                              AQI levels are greatly impacted   es the stakeholders to effectively im-  suffering from any serious diseases.
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