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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline NOVEMBER 08, 2024 | The Indian Eye 22
New Jersey Launches Campaign
Empowering Residents to Pursue Affordable,
Accessible Degrees in the State
o encourage more residents to make use of
the higher education opportunities available
Tin New Jersey, the Office of the Secretary
of Higher Education (OSHE) and the Higher Ed-
ucation Student Assistance Authority (HESAA)
has announced the launch of a year-long, targeted
statewide campaign to raise awareness about the
affordability, accessibility, and value of earning a
college degree in the Garden State.
A postsecondary education offers significant
benefits to graduates, such as 53% higher median
wages for New Jerseyans with bachelor’s degrees.
The purpose of this campaign is to advise residents
of the financial aid and State supports for college
students, made possible by the Murphy Administra-
tion’s unprecedented investments in higher educa-
tion over the past several years. The campaign call
to action is for prospective students that are aid-el-
igible, including adults considering a postsecondary
career for the first time or returning to complete the
degree they started earlier in life, to submit a finan-
cial aid application, explore their options, and learn
about the State resources available to support their
academic journey.
“I firmly believe a college degree is a worth- and, for eligible students, to earn their degree tu- sights from prospective and current students for this
while pursuit that can help individuals achieve their ition-free. Yet many residents who considered or marketing campaign, we are working to ensure that
career goals and broaden their horizons,” said Gov- even briefly attended college a decade or more ago New Jerseyans of all ages are aware of the resources
ernor Phil Murphy. “That is why I made it a top may not realize just how much more aid they can and supports that can help them earn their degree
priority to put a higher education within reach for receive today. Making more residents aware of this here in New Jersey – and move them to take action
more students across New Jersey. With enhanced significant support is crucial to ensuring eligible and complete their academic journey.”
financial aid and additional supports, students con- New Jerseyans do not miss out on the incredible On the website, visitors can find statistics about
sidering a college education have more options than postsecondary opportunities available to them in the earning potential of New Jersey college grad-
ever before.” our state.” uates; a map and searchable list of aid-eligible
“A college degree remains one of the most pow- The campaign uses strategic messaging in both colleges and universities throughout the state; an
erful tools for achieving upward social mobility, par- English and Spanish and is digital-first, featuring extensive directory of two- and four-year degree
ticularly for those historically left on the margins,” real New Jersey students in video commercials, dis- programs offered in New Jersey; information about
said New Jersey Secretary of Higher Education Bri- play ads, social media, digital billboards, and more, State aid and how to access it; an array of FAQs and
an K. Bridges. “Under the Murphy Administration, with some resources also available for translation downloadable resources detailing the college pro-
we have partnered with New Jersey’s diverse insti- into additional languages. Its goal is to reach res- cess; and messages from students just like them.
tutions to break down barriers, ensuring that every idents where they are and encourage them to ex- Since Governor Murphy took office, the State’s
student—regardless of background—can access plore pursuing a degree in our state by visiting Col- ongoing efforts to make college more affordable
affordable, high-quality postsecondary education. legeForYou.NJ.Gov. This new website serves as a and accessible include: The creation of the New
Whether that has been through expanded financial central hub of information to help New Jerseyans Jersey College Promise to offer a significantly re-
aid or more holistic student success supports, such understand their higher education options and em- duced or tuition-free pathway to a college degree
as the Educational Opportunity Fund, our work on power them to start or resume their college journey for eligible residents via the Community College
mental health and New Jersey’s Some College, No in the state. Residents can also sign up to receive Opportunity Grant and Garden State Guarantee;
Degree initiative. This campaign shines a light on emails and/or texts with timely reminders and re- The expansion of State aid eligibility to encompass
the transformative value of a New Jersey degree sources around specific dates and deadlines. more students who were previously ineligible due
and shows prospective students and families that “Thanks to Governor Murphy’s leadership, to their immigration status or family income; In-
the opportunity to succeed and thrive is within their life-changing higher education is more accessible creased investment in the Educational Opportunity
reach, thanks to the State’s unwavering support.” and affordable than ever before,” said Chief Inno- Fund to provide more students from educationally
“New Jersey offers some of the most generous vation Officer Dave Cole. “The Office of Innova- and economically disadvantaged backgrounds with
financial aid in the nation,” said HESAA Executive tion has been pleased to work with Secretary Brian financial, academic, and social supports; and proac-
Director Margo Chaly, Esq. “Thanks to Governor K. Bridges, Executive Director Margo Chaly, and tive outreach and grants to help institutions of high-
Murphy’s leadership, financial aid eligibility was their respective teams to bring this campaign to life. er education re-enroll residents with some college
expanded to help more residents afford college By leveraging proven marketing practices and in- but no degree.