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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           NOVEMBER 08, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 20

                                 NYC Mayor Adams announces

         Citywide Day of Action to Educate New Yorkers

                   on Historic Affordable Housing Proposal

          Over 100 Senior Administration Officials and Government Staffers Visit All Five Boroughs

                              to Educate New Yorkers on City of Yes for Housing Opportunity

         New York City Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) Commissioner Adolfo Carrion Jr.   City volunteers, including Deputy Mayor for Operations Meera Joshi, canvassing for City of Yes
            talking to everyday New Yorkers about City of Yes at Grand Concourse in the Bronx       at the Staten Island Ferry.

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            are holding back housing growth. I am
                                                                                                              excited to support this initiative that
        NEW YORK, NY
                                                                                                              brings together city agencies to inform
              ew York City Mayor Eric Ad-                                                                     New Yorkers of our plans to tackle the
              ams has announced a citywide                                                                    housing crisis and build a New York
        Nday of action to educate every-                                                                      where everyone can thrive.”
        day New Yorkers on the “City of Yes                                                                       The Adams administration has
        for Housing Opportunity,” a historic                                                                  prioritized educating New Yorkers
        zoning proposal  to enable  the cre-                                                                  and answering questions on City of
        ation of a “little more housing in ev-                                                                Yes for Housing Opportunity during
        ery  neighborhood.”  Over  100  senior                                                                every step of the approval process.
        administration  officials  and  staffers                                                              Last month, the CPC approved the
        across city government distributed ed-                                                                proposal following an extensive pub-
        ucational  materials,  answered  ques-                                                                lic review process, including over 175
        tions, and informed New Yorkers on                                                                    Community Board meetings, 10 pub-
        the City of Yes for Opportunity pro-                                                                  lic information sessions, a CPC hear-
        posal across all five boroughs. As New   Dy. Mayor of Strategic Initiatives Ana Almanzar handing out literature in Downtown Brooklyn  ing  in which a majority of speakers
        York City faces a generational hous-                                                                  testified in favor of the proposal, and
        ing crisis with just a 1.4 percent rental   play a crucial role in making a differ-  in the ‘Yes to Housing’ coalition, the   more. The proposal also received fa-
        vacancy rate, the proposal would al-  ence. Together, we can build our way   AARP, more than 20 LGBTQ+ orga-  vorable recommendations from Bronx
        low for the creation of up to 108,850   out of the housing crisis — and that   nizations, 18 Community Boards, and   Borough President Vanessa Gibson,
        new homes over the next 15 years.  starts with saying ‘yes’ to City of Yes.”  72  percent  of  New  York  voters  who   Brooklyn Borough President Antonio
            “All  throughout  the  five  bor-  “Our dedicated civil servants   approve of City of Yes.”       Reynoso, Manhattan Borough Presi-
        oughs, New Yorkers are experiencing   have fanned out citywide during this   “Inclusive engagement means en-  dent Mark Levine, and Queens Bor-
        firsthand the impact of a generational   day of action to educate New Yorkers   suring that New Yorkers are equipped   ough President Donovan Richards.
        housing crisis. However, there is relief   about City of Yes and the vital role it   with the information they need to   Since the start of his administra-
        in sight, thanks to our ‘City of Yes for   will play in creating affordability city-  understand the policy changes that   tion, Mayor Adams has made record
        Housing Opportunity’ proposal,” said   wide,” said First Deputy Mayor Ma-  affect them, especially on the pressing   investments towards creating and pre-
        Mayor Adams. “To spread the word   ria Torres-Springer. “We believe that   challenges of housing,” said Acting   serving  affordable  housing. In  July,
        and help educate New Yorkers, our   through this effort, even more New   New York City Chief Engagement   Mayor Adams announced back-to-
        dedicated public servants are hitting   Yorkers will join the four borough   Officer Crystal Price. “‘City of Yes for   back record breaking years in both
        the streets to explain how a little more   presidents,  the  City  Planning  Com-  Housing Opportunity’ is a collabora-  creating and connecting New Yorkers
        housing in every neighborhood can   mission,  nearly  150  advocacy  groups   tive effort to remove the barriers that   to affordable housing.

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