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OPINION NOVEMBER 08, 2024 | The Indian Eye 14
Insuring “deterrence by deni-
al,” especially when potential adver-
saries could rapidly seize territories,
the strategy follows an asymmetric
approach, including investment in
high-value assets, such as hypersonic
weapons, modernized new long- and
short-range ICBMs and autonomous
surveillance and information-gather-
ing systems.
The ability to “deter by resil-
ience” during multi-domain attacks
by adversaries on critical infrastruc-
ture, both at the homeland and
against allies and partners. Assisting
allies and partners in building cyber
resilience and fighting information
warfare is the cornerstone of deter-
rence by resilience strategy.
Integrated deterrence involves
a “direct and collective cost impo- The increasing multipolarity and the resurgence of great power competition have compelled the US to adopt a more integrative approach to its
sition strategy” against adversari-
al attacks or misadventures, which deterrence posture (Agency file photo)
includes conventional and nuclear
modernization plans and integrating ness of an integrated approach to- flux, creating significant mistrust be- partners. The foundation of the US
them with offensive cyber and irreg- ward deterring multiple adversaries tween both countries. Meanwhile, approach to integrated deterrence is
ular warfare strategies of allies and at multiple fronts, the US has inten- China remains outside the primary based upon two pillars: maintaining
partners. The main idea behind col- sified its diplomatic and military co- negotiations regarding bilateral stra- the high standards and sustainabili-
lective cost imposition is to achieve operation in the Indo-Pacific region tegic arms reduction measures with ty of existing deterrence capabilities,
a unified response through military and Europe. the US, and there are transparen- both conventional and nuclear, and
and strategic collaboration to pre- In response to the shifting US cy issues regarding China’s nuclear bolstering regional deterrence capa-
vent it from escalating into an ex- deterrence posture, from traditional programme and posture that further bilities of allies and partners through
tra-regional conflict. strategic deterrence to the integrated complicating the fragile existing nu- diplomatic engagements and military
Strengthening deterrence while approach, the US is facing backlash clear landscape. cooperation. The ultimate goal of an
managing escalation risk necessitates from both Russia and China. Presi- Conclusion integrated deterrence strategy is to
robust information platforms based dent Putin of Russia has announced prevent conflict with nuclear adver-
on artificial intelligence and secured significant changes to Russia’s nu- he increasing multipolarity and saries and ensure that the US deter-
means of satellite communications clear doctrine strategy. This revised the resurgence of great power rence architecture remains intact and
to counter disinformation and cyber strategy includes nuclear retaliation Tcompetition have compelled strong against Russia and China, the
warfare tactics, along with the ability against nuclear and non-nuclear ad- the US to adopt a more integrative ap- other two nuclear superpowers vying
to collaborate effectively with allies versaries in an attack on Russia by proach to its deterrence posture. The for regional and global dominance.
and partners in the Indo-Pacific, the various means and non-necessarily emergence of new warfare domains Mrityunjay Goswami is
Middle East and Europe. nuclear ones. such as cyber, space, information and a Research Associate at the Indian
To effectively integrate all means Western scholars argue that out- psychological operations has laid the
of national power across domains, lined changes in the existing 2020 groundwork for a new deterrence Council of World Affairs, New Delhi.
Views expressed are personal
geography and the spectrum of con- Russian nuclear doctrine indicate strategy. Additionally, advancements
flict, there is a need for robust mech- Russia is increasing its reliance on in new technologies such as robotics, This article first appeared
anisms based upon diplomatic and nuclear weapons to deter Western artificial intelligence, quantum com- in the Viewpoint section of the website
military cooperation with allies and assistance to Ukraine. While the puting and drone warfare pose signif- ( of Indian Council
partners, so the “combat credibili- Chinese foreign ministry criticized icant risks of weaponization of these of World Affairs, New Delhi,
ty” or the ability of the “US military the US move, labelling it as a “pri- technologies against US allies and on October 25, 2024
to fight and win” must be ensured. mary source of nuclear threats and
However, American scholars and strategic risk in the world, shirking its
strategists expressed concerns about obligation of nuclear disarmament
the US approach to integrated deter- and seeking absolute strategic pre-
rence, questioning its effectiveness of dominance”.
integrated deterrence against Russia, Sustaining the core principle
China, North Korea and Iran in the of “integrated deterrence”, which
event of coordinated conflict against involves the integration of various
the US and its partners. Richard means of power to deter multiple
Fontaine, a former Senate Foreign adversaries, requires high-stakes
Relations Committee member, ar- political communication among all
gues that “the key to the success of stakeholders.
this strategy hinges not only on col- However, this is increasingly
laboration with existing allies and challenging in the existing nuclear
partners but also acquiring new ones order. For instance, the strategic
and making the ties among them communication channels between
stronger.” To enhance the effective- Russia and the US are in a state of