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OPINION                                                           NOVEMBER 08, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 12

          Two Fronts, One Strategy: The US

         Approach of Integrated Deterrence

         In response to the emerging security environment, integrated deterrence talks about integrating all instruments
            of power, including strategic deterrence, under a coordinated military modernization plan at strategic and

              conventional levels to deter the potential adversaries during a limited and non-nuclear strategic attack


               eterrence, as a security appa-
               ratus, is fundamental to the
        DAmerican foreign policy and
        security framework. It aims to main-
        tain strategic stability against the US
        adversaries. The rise of a multipolar
        world order in a “new era” is marked
        by increased competition among ma-
        jor powers, driven by China’s eco-
        nomic and military rise and the resur-
        gence of conflict in Europe. That has
        imposed strategic constraints on the
        existing US deterrence framework.
            The US policymakers and of-
        ficials  acknowledged  that  the  US  is
        facing two near-peer rivals. With en-
        hanced strategic and non-strategic
        conventional warfare capabilities, the
        US has been prompted to explore a
        new deterrence strategy. Lieutenant
        General Richard M Clark, former     In response to the shifting US deterrence posture, from traditional strategic deterrence to the integrated approach, the US is facing backlash
        Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategic                                 from both Russia and China (Agency file photo)
        Deterrence and Nuclear Integration,
        a position in the United States Air   new  deterrence  strategy  was  subse-  rence strategy, distinguishing be-  clear attacks but also assuring allies
        Force tasked with guidance, advoca-  quently incorporated into the 2022   tween conventional and strategic or   and partners about the resilience and
        cy and integration of the nuclear de-  National Defense Strategy (NDS)   nuclear deterrence.          effectiveness  of  deterrence  capabili-
        terrence mission of the US Air Force   released by the Biden Administra-  In response to the emerging   ties of the US forces across different
        stated, “The lines are more blurred   tion. During the official approval of   security environment, integrated   spectrums  and domains of warfare.
        between conventional and nuclear   the 2022 National Defense Strategy   deterrence talks about integrating   To integrate all means of power un-
        warfare strategies, and the US needs   report, President Biden stated that   all instruments of power, including   der a common framework strategy,
        to start thinking in a way that may   we are living in a “decisive decade”   strategic deterrence, under a coordi-  the concept of Conventional-Nuclear
        be different from what the US has   marked by rapid changes in geopol-  nated military modernization plan at   Integration, or CNI, was highlighted
        thought about in the last 20 years.”  itics, technology and  the economic   strategic and conventional levels to   as a leading priority in the 2018 Nu-
            To maintain the effectiveness of   front. The NDS 2022 identified Chi-  deter the potential adversaries during   clear Posture Review. The CNI works
        deterrence posture against key nu-  na as the primary geostrategic threat   a limited and non-nuclear strategic   to build and integrate alliances and
        clear adversaries and deter any ad-  to the US in the coming decades.   attack which includes non-nuclear   partnerships in three significant areas
        versarial  action  during  “grey  zone”   Russia was characterized as an “acute   strategic  weapons  like  conventional   of confrontation with peer nuclear
        conflicts, the White House has come   threat” with restricted strategic capa-  precision strike capabilities ( cruise   adversaries: the Indo-Pacific, Europe
        up with a refined version of the de-  bilities to project power beyond its   missiles, ballistic missiles, hyperson-  and West Asia.
        terrence strategy called “integrated   immediate borders.           ic glide vehicles, Unmanned Aerial    Assured   sustainability  and
        deterrence.”                          The core principle of the US   Vehicles).  It  also addresses  cyber   strengthening of integrated deter-
            This paper will analyze the US   integrated deterrence strategy is   threats and potential harm to critical   rence posture talks about interoper-
        understanding  of  integrated  deter-  to “deter a conventional war with   infrastructure affecting US allies and   ability of military and naval assets of
        rence and how the US is working to   nuclear adversaries by integrating   partners.                   US forces that enables and enhances
        operationalize this strategy.     all domains of conventional, nucle-  The Objectives of Integrated   coalition with allies and partners un-
        What is Integrated Deterrence?    ar, cyber, space and informational          Deterrence              der sustained capabilities, combined
                                          across the theatre of competition                                   and collaborative force planning, de-
           ntegrated deterrence, as a strate-  and potential conflicts ranging from   he objectives of integrated de-  rived from four parameters for inte-
           gy, was first outlined in the 2018   high-intensity warfare to grey zone.”   terrence are not just limited to   grated deterrence as outlined in the
        IUS Nuclear Posture Review        Integrated deterrence represents a  Tdeterring a nuclear adversary   NPR 2018:
        (NPR) under President Trump. The   shift from the traditional US deter-  from launching nuclear and non-nu-  Continued on next page... >>

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