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BUSINESS EYE                                                         OCTOBER 28, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 35

                                                              TECH T@LK

                     Apple confirms USB-C                                           Check out the new features

                       is coming to iPhone                                              introduced by YouTube

              merican tech giant Apple has                                        ouTube  has got  a makeover.
              directly confirmed that the iP-                                     As per TechCrunch, YouTube
        Ahone will finally be switching                                     Yhas come up with new updates
        over to a USB-C port. According to                                  including a new look, a pinch-to-
        GSM Arena, Apple marketing lead                                     zoom feature, precise seeking, new
        Greg Joswiak said, in an interview                                  buttons, ambient mode and a dark
        with The Wall Street  Journal, the                                  mode that’s “even darker.” The new
        company will replace the Lighting                                   pinch-to-zoom feature lets users on
        port  even if  his team  is  not  happy   The executives also talked about   iOS and Android devices zoom in on   a user watches, Nate Koechley, UX
        with the change. Along with Joswiak,   Apple’s dedication of going its own   videos so they can see more details.   Director, YouTube, wrote in the offi-
        software VP Craig Federighi was also   way and trusting its engineers rath-  This feature was available as a test to   cial blog post.
        involved in the interview but none of   er than complying with standards by   Premium subscribers in August.  Ambient mode will be available
        them revealed when exactly the move   lawmakers and adopting third-party   Precise seeking will allow users   on  desktop  and mobile with You-
        would happen.                     hardware.                         to easily find an exact part in a video.   Tube’s dark theme. It’ll also be avail-
            The Apple executives said “the    He even brought up micro-USB   Available on desktop and mobile, us-  able on video playlists.
        Europeans  are  the  ones  dictating   and how Apple has been pushed to   ers can drag the cursor or swipe up on   Another visual change  will  be
        timing for European customers”    meet ill-considered requirements.  the video to see a row of thumbnails.   new buttons under videos. YouTube
        which is a sophisticated way of saying   As per GSM Arena, the market-  This helps users find the exact spot in   links in video descriptions are now
        nothing about the timeline for the   ing lead added that charging bricks   the video they want to rewatch.  buttons in order to “minimize dis-
        switch, reported GSM Arena.       with detachable cables solved the is-  YouTube’s update also includes   tractions,” the company explained.
            As per the outlet, Joswiak re-  sue of standardization, claiming the   a new color effect called “ambient   To make the page even “easier on the
        fused to answer whether Apple will   switch to USB-C would create a lot of   mode” that uses “dynamic color sam-  eyes,” the like, share and download
        ship a connector sold outside the   e-waste as people are pushed to buy   pling” to match the app’s background   buttons will also get makeovers and
        EU, but that seems very unlikely.  new cables and discard the old ones.   color to the colors in the video that   be smaller in size.

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